Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 34

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Rae-à cents a lneln onie PaPW. 26 seOtal'ne 15lnDany two ae DOLLAR. Averae of lBye words ethe Une. 1No black fae typeue. 16% ds<unt on U al aeh with orier s4v*fUseohte whezbrught t.o o MSes as DU <Cntral, Ave.,WI1iette or 641 meola Aven, WImà.t1km. Déolin fo Inertons c1asasI"d advertbsements wulI b. s- DeadsneforInsrtins-epted up to Tuesday 9 P. IL for, WL..MTT IWM or ail thrée Pipera. Wedneuday* 9 P. J& for WINNIETKA TALK and Thuradar à P. M. for GLENCOE NEIWS. Telephones: Wllmette 4300, Wippetka'2006, Green leaf 4300 or Sheidrake 6NUL 3 LoiT.&' FOUNc ýLOST-AIREDALE DOC., BLACK~ AND tan, answers to 'Crr' $25 reward. Jamies Sin-ipzon, Ph. tGlýëece180. 2L35-ltp POUND - TUES. 'MNORN. IN WIL- mette, black Scotty Terrier. For'in- formation cali Highland Park 913. 2LTN35-ltC BROKEN Î-AND WORN ARTICLES tha1wlfi d themnselves to expert and conqcientious treatme.nt can'be. rade useful aga lu. A small charge of 50 cents an hour pluis cost of materil. <Cash only.) .Following ls a lUat of a *few Items: Furnlture, Picture frarne.s, books rebound, toys, bicycles, 'dolls, doli elothes and tools. S. O. S. Win- unetka 3296. 9LTN35-tfp AIl Kinds of Carpenter Work Done JOHN BOESCH * Ph. Willmette 2165ý le INSTRUCTION MUSICAL KINDERGARTEN At 'Methodist Church, Wllmette. For childrren fromi 2 to 5. Hours-9 :00 to 11;30. Transportation provided if de- ýsired. Cal) Wlmette 2348. 15LT35-2te a. pKTS FOR SALE WiIRE FOX TERRIER puppies by. imported wlnner. Beauti- fui pedigreed, ca't be beat. R. Smio- 11k, 439 South. Humiphrey, Oak Park, II.26LTN3à-ltpý 30 REARN RFIIHN YOUR FURNITURE.ý REWEBBINOG dav, $6 up, chair $3.50 up. Reco-.ering cheap. .6 dîners wth covers $8.00. Silpcoveres to order. Write A-83e Box- 40 .Wlmette, Illinois. 30LTN35-2tp 33 WEARING PAE PFR SALE, - MAN'S BLUE OVER- 41, SoiTuATION wTD.-FIEMALE CALL PAULINE'S 'WINNETKA 2662 We place. only experienced doniestie. hielp. References .inve.s6tigated. Over five thousand No. Shpre honmes se- eured help frorn Pauline's. Elip. Agencies 748 EIni St. Winnetka 4 Xo. Shore offices. 43LT4N35-tfcý HIGH- SCHOOL- GIRL WISHES TO he4p wlth housework and ear4 of children for a good home and small wages, Phone Wlnnetka 2428. . EXPERIENCED WHITE WO-MAN wants laundry or clea.nlng by the day. References. Cal) Wilmette 4288 after 5 :30. 4ILTN35-Ineý EXPERIENCEL) WOM.NAN WISHES washing, ironing and cleanlng. Good references. Ph. Wlmette 480. 41LTN35.-1 nc EXPERIENCED COLORED 'MAID wants general houseivork or cooking. Ras Wllnette reference. Ph. Uni- versity 2495. 41LTN35-Il)p XP. WH!ITE W O.- 1AN-' WA NTS washlng' Ironing or cleaning on. TueS. and Thurs. Good Ref. Ph. Wllmette 3220.. 41LTN35-lnc TRAINED NURSE WILL CARE FOR chlld or lnvalid or elderly people in lier own home. Ph. Wilmnette 5099. 4lLTN5-tr, CA&PA1BLE WOMAN WANTS COOK-- ing or general houaework. Go home nights. N. S. reference. Last place 7 yrs. Ph. University 6666. 41L1'N35-ltp WANNTED WASHING, IRONING AND. cleaninig by the day, by Noregtan woman. Ph. Wllmeth 481. 41LTN..5-Ine EXET NDGIRL ~ ~C" (~P.WILL D fO ai DoufelVaKni5, wax~Jing loi.3L, slmoünizlng cars or, other odd jobs. Wilmette Refs.. Ph., Wilmette 4929. 4TN35-n YOU-NG SWEDISH MAX &,,ç WANTS housewo!rk, window washlng, also si- monize cars. A&Il around handy man. Ph. Wllmette 3166. 42LTN35-lne EXPERIENCED COLORZD CHAUF- fieur and houseman, w'lll do any work. Best of ref. Phone Englewood 2650. 42LTNX3-ltp 4a Sir. wTDo.-MALEB FiEniLEt EXPER. COLORED, COUPLE. H-US- band chauffeur and houqeman; .Wlfe general housework, excellent cook. (Good N. S. ref. Phone Wlnnetka* 14. 43LT.\75-Itp 20 POSITIONS OPEN for, experienced white domestic help, must have working refs. and be under 35 yrs. of âge. .Apply ln person only PAUJJNEtS AGENCIES 74S Elni Winnetka 44LTN35-ltc WHITE GIRL . VANTED AS MOTH- er's helper, 2 in family. Salary $6, go hoine nights. Ph. Willrette 2200. 44LTN35-Itc WOMA'N FOR 3 -MORNINOS FER week, laundry and cleaning, $4. 471 Hawthorne lane, WlnnetIk. 3213, 44LTN35-ltc WOMAN LIVING ALONE WANTS inlddle aged woma.n to help with lousework. No laundry. Write A-82 Box 40 Willrn«te. 44LTN35-Ite pies wit rî enes PAULINE,'S AGENCIS' MS8 Elrn St. Winnetka 2662 4V tNr 1 t 48 .,FOR SALE-AUTOS THtIS Wi store. Ou mushlt hn USED 'CAF r3ý5 used carim ain store. Wt- your or r eall and money ai 1146. i 1 CI i yt ran el r. Km~ FOR RE NT-RooNSg PLEASANT -FURNISHIED ROOM, lý215 blocks from C. & N. W. ýstation. Rea- s9onable. Garage optional. Phone Wil- mette 4855. 51L35-ltp LARGE, NICELY FURN. RXM. ITH sun pai-lor and private bath, for 1 or 2. Nr. .trans.Wn.210 51LTN34-tfc LARGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROOM, TWVIN beds tvlth glttlng room included; aiso 1 single room. Very reasonable. Phi. Wllmette 1633.. 51LT35-1te W.ARM PLEÂASANT ROOMl IN PRir- vate residence convenient to transpor- tation. Phone Wtnnetka 416. 51LTN35-Itc VERY COMFORTABLE ROO'M WIT}I private famlly, 1 bleck to transe(irta- tion. Ph. Olencoe 1612i S1LTN35-Ite FOR RENT-ROOM WITH LAVATORY, at bgD Elm St. Pl. W1pnetka 110. - 51LTN35-ltc ROOM NPAR TRANSPORTATION. Tel. Wlnnetka 3238. 51LTN35-Itp s5-A Po* RENTr-LTr. i.iCPr. RueS. FOR RENTr-TO ADULTS ONLTY. FUR- nished or unfurnished extra pood 2 roorn kitchenette apt. Exclu.sive front entrance, $40 with heat. 1008 *Oah-- ivood. Ave., Wilmette.. 55A-LTN31-tfe 2 FNJRN. IZOOMS WI'TH KITC-1EN, also garage. P'rivate, reasonable. Nr. transp. Ph. Willnette 252. 55A-LTN.35-Ito s FOR flENT-APARTMKNTS FOR RENT-HUBBARD WOODS, $45 and $50. 2, three roont apartments, tile bath. Frank A. Reid, agent, 954 Lin- den- Ave., Wlnnetka 1300. 56LTN35-lte FOR, RENT TWO: ROOM KITCHEN- ette apartmenpt neae transporta tion, steam hea.t, electrical refrigeration. Cal) Wilmette 1800. 56LTN31-tfc OX N E3-RM. KITCHENETTE A PT. Humphrey Building. Wlnnetka 98 or 3328. S6LTN2O-tfc 57 FOR RIENT-FURNUSNHED APTS. SM~ALL FURNISHED OR UNY'FUR- nished apartment, apply ron 1 , Franklin bldg,,_526 Cexter St., Win- [ANSON MOT OR CO. Dodge and Plymouth dealers Wlnnetka, 111. 4SLTN3$mite j' i ored. AT 480 ce 597. L35-1tp A e

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