Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 33

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-to Start the Year W'ilmette theater is starting the year right with an: expert selection of plays that %vill provide stimiulating and sat- isiying entertainment. The Four .arx Brothers-Chico., Beppo, Harpo and. the garrulousý Groucho-appeéar ini "Moinkyey Business." an avalanche ot -Il 1s til se. on Frida%' and Sat- tîrdav. Januar% Beloved Bache- Lukas. DorothV . Jordai: and Vi'- .ennle Oshorne.- and -Riders utdi - t he P u rie Sage, .'starring 4 Georgî' O'B*rien. iueLgte a r e; scheduled WineLhtr for the double feature program on Sun- day and Monday, january 3 and 4; Tai- luilh Bankhead will bc. seen iin the draina, "My S."o:n Tuesday. January 5,- Winniiie Li1ghtner îS teamed with Charles Butter-woi¶h to cause a laugh iot iii "Side Show" on W\edntesda\y and Thurday~january 6 and 7. There w~iII be special mratiniees at thie Wi1înette. theater on 'New. Year's day, .Friday. -Janiuary i1. On Thursday of this week. thc Vl muette w.ill present the l)rilliatlt star, Elissa Landi, in "Wicked." M*Nonkeé%. Business" is a dizzv and up- roanionsly enjoyable succession of quips and pranks by the Four Marx Brothers. 'lhle boys sing. îplay,. dance, f rolic and fighit until the opportunity, for h.eroismn presents itself to inspire a whirlwind, climax and elevate the quartet to the status of hav-tossing stable heroes. Luka& Has Firit Titi. Roe Paul Lukas plays bis first titie role iii the highly successful filmn, "The Be- lu'.ed Bachelor." Charlie Ruggles pro- .-Ide,, the bulk of the comedy. He up- lioIds lus reputation ,as a mirth-maker ini ebow-hending bachelorgy roles. -Riders of -the Purpile Sage,." screen version of Zane ýGrey's f amous adven- ture-romance. vas filmfed .ini the actual background of Arizona the author de- scribed in.his story. Marguerite Church- ill is f eatt:red opposite George O'Brien. Fri., Sat., jan. 1"2. Itatiee N.éw earls D Il 'E I. )ay A -Five Star Finial," ith Edward G. Robinison as the editor of a scanidai, shýeet,, and -~The Uùhtolv Garden," starrnîg Ronald Colman a-s the swash-' btckling lhero iinet'.-adventure, w~ill he the double fcature progrzin at the Varsitv theater oni Thursdav, Fridav aàîîd Saturdav, Decemnber .31, J aniuar%. land 2. 'rhelse ýfinie pictures lend zest to the suggestion. -Celebrate 'New, Year's Ev-e at, the N'arsityv theater." XVhioopee wvil1 prevail at miidiighïte the Iast coinplete performnance be- ginning at il1 o'cloôck. The thenie of. "Five Star Finial"-, screen version Of the Xeitzenkorn melodrania w-hich stirred Broadway last year-is the havoc wroùght, in the lives of innocent people by. the rirculationi-l)oosting-anîd tterIy heartles.s netliods ýof certaintypes u yellow journalisin. Edward G., Rob- insoni plays the part of the inanaging. editor whio -imvardly despises, but à,utwardl,,-appjroves;. th.e policy-tilI the great luonintwJ,,-e-but that is the storv. Colmaus W Advýentu-e Yarn Ronald . Colmnan retturts to thie s creen of the Varsity theater in a stirring. rip-sinortiing adventure varn1, -The Unhiolv Gardeni.- Here is racy draina froin the peîîs of Beii,-Hechit and Charles MacArthuîr, co-authors. of. -Fronit Page" andf outstanditigIy successful conitributors to the stage aud scr-een. *On «M\onday.- Tuesday and Wednes- dav, Janluary 4. -; and 6, the Varsity prescints a fascinating double feature programn--The 'Mad Genius," offer- illg Johni Barrymore, anid"The Cuba:: Love Sonig." riinging with the voice if Lawrence TiI>bett.. With Barry- mnore'1s imagn ificent .characterization, -The Mad Genius" Is a picture of tremndos loier. "TheCubai: Love Song" bias romiance, ýconiedy and inu-. .31C. Besides Tibbett. Lupe Velez aiid' Jiny *'Scinozzle"' Durante are starred. Those, Christmaslilankies ill be uiseful at Commnunity House on Fni- day and Satuirdav, January 1 and 2, when Janet Gaynor and Charles Far- rell give what many persons will re- gard as their finest performances. iin the draina,. "Merely. Mary Ann." There vilI also be plenty of siniles an(i stnsinie in this %vhimisical and delightful picturethat .'ill 1)e a treat for the étitire familv. BerylIf Mercer deserves laurels for lier role as the boarding houwe icteper ,to whoin Janet is slavev.. Not since "*7th Heaven" haveCharlie Farrell and ja- net Gaynior beeiî so wvimsicalt ani1 idvllic. À 1 lu additi .on to the regular Saturday matinee. there will be a special mat- ince of "MIereIl- Mary Aum n 1Fni-- day -at 2 :30 o'elock. Interesting short features for each show will include. a news reel: a comied% with Fli1>. the Frog: and ail African adventure-. -The Witch's Nlagic." COLLEGE HERO, TOO Richard -Alen's football experi. ences- at St. Thomas college irn the middle west have niot been wasted. lie miakes good use of this eanly training. inI!Îbs role .first as football plaver and later as coach in, "Touch- down !" the Paramnount picture of ýthe great Amnerican pastime as; it is plaved Friday and Saturday, January,, 1 and 2. at the Teatro del Lago. BOYS WILL BE BOYS Leon Janiey and Jt-::ior Coghlan are the juvenile leads ini "Penrôd and Sain," screen version of Booth Tarkingto:i's well known novel, at the Wilmette theater on Friday- and Saturday, Januarv 8 and 9, Flîblix Balaban *&IKatz 1710 Shermsan Ave., Hvainstonl AilUuverauty s8900 AlShows Selecteil Double 'Wid, Thur Side the Eugene O'Neill conversational marathon. "Strange Interlude."' Witbl O'Brien, Marguerite Churchill and Yvonne Pé;letier are likewvise fea- ture.d. Hamilton MacFadden.directed. Boulevard TIcket Of -32N. Mfrh. Ave., Ph. W Raymond L. Shm 825 Lake Ave., WiIni Phone WiI. OUâ-R rville Cousedy ýr, Jan. 6-7 4200 ette La.sti I Flying - Cuban1 I F'na 'Ih' ve Song" ýy Foley1 Dce- "ci il qMwwqwý Extra NOrety-"'Finn £&Caddie" Sun., Mon., Jans. 3-4 DOUBLE FEATURE fond IUDERS OF TUE PURPLE SAGE"' "lieloved Baclhelor' Start8 Sun. 2:19; 4:58; ;:37; 10:10 Starts Mon. ;:19; 0:548 "F urpie Sage" Starts Sun. .1.11; 0:20; 9:01-Mon. 8:41 Tuesday OnIy, Jans. S

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