Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 32

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TONIGHT-LAST SHOW STARTS AT 11:00 P. M. "AL.EXANDER IAbILTON" GEORGE ARLISS LORETTA YOUNG and ROBERT WILLIAMS "q rts:5 FR1. &.SAT., JAN. .1-2-TWIN 'FEATU RES-1 MATIN EE BOTHDAYS), WARNER BAXTER and, EDMUND LOWE Shirts2:00;5:00; 8:00 10 "TOUCHDOWN" JACK .OAKIE and RICHARD ARLEN stàIrt% :22; 0:22; 9:-22 Masqunerç Comegdy .. .Sport (haniplons . . ew-s Satvrda>< lWatlne' Price.s to j:00) p. M-dut Oî(lldrnAlaé 0 MONDAY,'TUESDAY, JANUARY ý34-S"-4WIN:,FEATURES EDWARD G. ROBINSON .starîs suit. 3:14; -.:00; '10:20 W~N ** lB X1Îé- Shits us.2:1; 525;8:4-St9rts Mon., Tues. S:45, "S e'sMyDuusy-HaryLauder à .Sportllght . .NeAs WEDNESDAY & THIJRSDAY. JANUARY.6-7-TWIN FEATURES ~fi~~A'U'A W A imW ..... Wimete ing lý o in the beautif ul Teatro del "Five Star Final" ........ Varsity Lago. This week's programi of double *'The Unhlolv Garden"...... Varsitv teature attractions wÎll fil the eariy liours of the year with niuch of the fin- "Te Frday, , January 1 est entertainiment that screendorn offers. Cic i"...Tar e ao On Friday and Saturday, January 1 "Touchdowns".....Teatro de eLoand 2, thefilins are "The Cisco Kid,", ~Monev usiess......Vii:ete tarriig Warncr Baxter, Edmund Lowe "Fivie Star -Final" .......... Varsity. and Conchita Montenègro, and "Touch-. "The. Un holv Garden*'...... .ar1itv dowvn," featuring Jack Gakie and Rich- "Merely Mary ard:Arie.n. There* wil1 be matinees both Ann"......Coinunity House Friday and Saturday.. Satufrday,: January 2 Plenty of action, a wealth of romance ,*The Cisco kid" ..Teatro del Lago a ast-moving storv and gorgeous pho- 6"Touc.hdoix" ..Teatro, del Lago tographiv ail f cature **The Cisco Kid," *'Monkey Business....... Wineétte with Warneùr Baxter and Edmund Lowve "Five, Star Final":........ . Varsity, ini the colorful roiles of a reckles.s bor- "The Unhlolv'Gardei".....arsitv der banidit and* a cavalry sergeant. Con- "Mereiy IMary chita Montenegro is the darkcharnier Ann" .... ... . . commun it y House m.-ho attracts both meni but cares onlv for, une of tliem. and Nora Lane is the Sunday, Januiary,3 pionceer widow for whom. Baxter risks -Five Star Fitial" ..Teatro (lel Làago bsf édm.Te xeiorsem wr "Te nIod made on the exact, locale of the st'iry. Gade".....Teatro. del Lago near Tucson, Ariz.. and. Irving Cum- 'Thýîe BeoedBah e rlor .Wlmt mings directed f rom Alfred Cohn's "Ridrs t te Prpi .. storv based on O. Hcnriv's pictutresqtue Sage' . .iluinettei characters. - Monday, Jaruary 4 Real Football Offered -Five Star Final" . Teatrô del Lago. Fraicis WVallace, author of "Stadliuni," "'The Unholy f romt which the film *'Touchdo%ni" has Garden"......Teatro deli Lago beeni adapted, says the foilowing, about "The Beloved Bachielor" ..ilin:ette it, "Movies hiave made football some- "Riders of the PurpIe . thing to be laughied at. In 'Touchido'n' Sage", Wilmette 1I have attenipted to corner sotte. of the "The M~ad Gelusi-"... ....arsity, thrills and the serious touch experi- "The Cubait Love Song-.Varsitv enced ini a real gai-e. Tu.sday, Januaary 5 "This picture tells a real s;torv, the "Five Star Final- . .Teatro del Lago story that every football player bas "The Unîholy c kept> froni his parents. The hero is flot Garden".....Teatro del Lagu the average mnovie hero who dashies "My. Sin"_.........ilmnette across the lne ith the. winning touch- "The Mad Genus- Vars'ty dowNv just as the guni goes off, but. a "The Cubait Love Song".. Varsitý_ true bov iwho tastes both the glory of WedneclayJanuay 6 winning and the bitterniess' of defeat " Wednsday JazaryOn Sunday, Mondav and Tuesdav,. "Once a Lad%". Teatro del Lago' January 3. 4 and 5, the Teatro dcl 1Lago, "Sol) Sister"....Teatro del Lago offers "Five Star Final" and '*The "Side, Show- ..........Wilmlette Unholv Garden." "TheMadGenns.......arsty dward G. Robinson is superb'as theý "Te ubnLoe og". ..Vasiymanaging editor of. theéscandaI sheet> Thursday, January 7 ý-qu "Five Star Final," a taie'of how "Once a Lady"..Teatro dcl Lago rotten journalismr can be at its worst. "Sob Sister"...... Teatro del Lago It tells how, for the sake of circula- "Side Show" .............WMinette tion. a sheet digs up the lived-down past of a wofmani who is happily married, AT TEATIRO DEL LAGO inother of a girl ivho is at the thresh-. fi T2fh' Q firr;ioeoid of bier own great happiness-uiar- †y,.... .. vaiae serya 5 UA axeu L ..... ..James Cagney andi Joan Bloi 9" - - . ....... ........ iUehard Waruer Jiaxter, Lella Hyams and i lipl Bell ±.Next A5ufU., trI. and aar. tor ata îjou:uîu p "HUCKLEBERRY FINN" is the ace niews gi Coming and conservative si Co IITng id:v*I . "Alexandier Han "Citco iti "Tochdwn" inum Blonde" are night of this week. av.ri a eoy wtIQ erer for a staid :on* andJ "Plat- >sented Thursday SUNDAY,

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