Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 31

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Icnown as Niatilda Hunter,found dead in a rocker in her nepbew's hall bed- room; a d e a dly "Z-ray"; a semni- insane inventor; a crack safe-blower;. a dapper b a ni k president; a taxi- d a n cer witb red slippers; a, jap. house-boyv;,a doç,t r;a fish-eyed undertaker; a blue-ýprint artislt very mucb in love with a daiinty Dresden china 'blonde; a color-blind scieiiiist Witb twelve. fingers. and. tbumbs.; a chief of police and. bis ham-flsted, as- sistant, v a r i o u s detectives, i . el., i.Hump*' and, "Baldy,";- add to thiese a.bt of occulo-mvology, some, chem- istry, a dasb of mathemnatics ainda toucb of ancient bistorv and litera- ture., Stir this togetber and dump it into Chicago., and wbat do yoti have? . Three mysteries mixed, into one great mess that only Tuddleton Trotter- that enclvclIopedic-brajned, investiga- tor of the Chicago Police -department --can solve-whicb be does most sat- isfactorilv. if Mr . Keeler soînetimes becomes1 a -bit wordy and over-scientific for the layman. no one bias timie to stop and quarrel with Iim n about it, lest, he miss1 the latest developnîent of the case ýat police'beadquarters. M1ent will read "TheMatilda Hlinter _M.Ur-, der" witb av idity-and wonien, 'to dis- cover just %vhyý men- enthuse over it. Mr. andý Mrs. John McPberrin. of Des Moines, Iowa witb their two cbildren, are spending the Christmas bôlidays ith tbe latter's parents, tbe Edward L. Scbeidenbelms, 704 Lýake *avenue. --- Robert Zecb, son of '-\r. and Mrs-. N. P. Zecb, 918, Forest avenue,- bas been home for the hoiidays f rom Williams college. He, ill returp. to school on Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. John Bo d die' 'of Rogers Park, formerly of WliImete, entertained at an eveiing b r i d g e party Ilast Saturday for. a group of their ilmette frÎends. A*r-o--2 Mr. and -Mrs, Nels Knudsen44 Prairie avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Cart J. Kniudsen, 1021 Central avenue, spent Christmas w i t b relatives in *Racine, Wis. noîuërs, wraPppng pads, paîls, silhou- ettes, and vanity boxes. Miss Theresa Neuberger of Si. Louis is visiting ber sister, Mrs.. Walter Sbattuck of 755 Greenwood avenue, Glencoe. -, Mrs. Sliattuck's, son, XValter, is home f rom ýCincinniati: for the holi-ý days. Jamés Tencber, son of MNfr. and Mrs. R. Tencber, 828 Ashland avenune, i s home from Princeton college, and is passing the Cbristmas recess 'vitlî his parents. Mr. and Mrs.. George Sbipman, jr. of Muskegon, Micb. spçnt Christmas witb Mr. Shipmans parents. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Shipînan of 432 NVar- wick road,;,Kenilwvorth.. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kirchner of ýSt. Charles, Ill., and tbeir cbildren are.the holiday guests of the Mrs. Kircbner'g parents, M r. and M-\rs. C C. 'Sclhultz, 1600 Lake' avenue. M\rs. Walter D. Launder -%vill enter- tain. ber MNonday sewing. group and her Tuesday bridge club at .a buffeel luncheon at bier honme, 230 Oxford road, Kenilworth Tuesday, Janluary 5. Mrs. Clara Drake, 1221 Asbland avenue, gave a luncheon for six. friends on Tuesday for lier biouse guest, Miss, Ethel Reardon of Lin- cohnville, Maine. Kendall Garretson. wbo is a f re.sh - man at' the University of Virginia, is spenOin g the C hristmas bolidays with bhis parents, Mr. anidMrs. G. R. Gýarretson, ,509 Lindien avenue. --o- >Mr. and Mfrs. M. Bruce Parsonis.,of 310 *Cumnor road, Kenilivortb bave' been spe ndling the holidays with Mfrs. Parsons' parents ini Davenport, Iowa. The Denison uni versitv hptrof Kappa Alpha Theta soro ritv had a Itîncheon last Saturday in -'the Nar- cissus room of Marshall' Fields. Nrs.,Charles E. Reese of Evanston was- bostess to her Tuesday bridge luncheon club this week. The M'\en' s Whist club miet NIonday, evening last witb Stacev C. Bennett of 1321 Greenwood aven-ue. Mr. and Mrs. Hl K. Snlider return- ed recently froni Cape Cod to their home in Deerfield. an~d then departed for Omaba to spénd the holidays witb their daugbter and ber farily. 0o £Beioit college. She scbool next, Sunday, irn to -o-- Mr. and Mfrs. Rex Eliton, Fair, 510 Fiftb street, spent Cbristmas witb Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chenette of DeKalb, II.Mr. Chenette is a p romin .c lt musiciah, director, and composer. Miss Catherine \foore> wbo is teacbing Frencb in1 Detroit, is spend- ing the bolidays with ber father and mother, Dr. and MNrs. Edward E. For those who would like On imptove their Saute of . Contract Bridge (and who wouldn't?) 11-M Belm ont i. hap-y î a moUmos a soties of afteraoom m8" eMisg bidg, loo n d'bridge ~igswit .,sinstrector. orne of Chiagôà.leadiag muthoitius;- Virginia Tubbs. ÔOutsidem s, n vell as Bintonte sta.m ffcoudi. alIy invited. Make up your ovu1 fouirsome. lime Bridge: Luâchs<as 51* Bveoy Momday et NSpg ime Bridge Diamer U». The price includu blackbc;ard ntuio HOTEL BELMONT Sheidan Rond ouwl"oq Bdrro.mt Hoebo W B., WR.SON. RWadersMne Bittersweeg el oo XX After-Ch ristmaa8 BOOKI SALE Mr. and Mrs. Horace Holbrook of Springfield, 111. spent Christmnas with Mrs. John Benhaîn of 165 Kenilworth, avrenue, Kerfilworth. 3 for $Z.» 1724 Orrington ', di & 3i frrPAN Avenue Evansto. Oriag.e motel i i,. I -Fountain gqSqure--Evanston WoIm.41. 724 YES

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