Winnetka's Seven December Permits Amolunt to $60,250 Seven building permiits were îs'sued in '%.Winnetka during the closing month. of the year for, improvement s totaling $60,250, ùf which -three w~ere for lnew residences costmng $57,800-, two for al- terations costing U1250 and two for pri- vate garages, eacb costiýng $600. Albert H._ Noves is. buildin~g a two story masonry residence at 220 Linden street, costing,$41.000. Atwo-story . eight-room irame and stucco residence with attached two-car garage, costing $16,000, is being bu'lît by C. A. H iemphill, at 1200 Spruce :Street. The other permit was' Char- les Kristof, for a temporary three-rooui f raMe residence, on the rear 'of the lot of 1244 Oak street. costing $800. While -the year 1931 bas shown a de- crease in the, number of newv residences erected, a sliglit increise iu total va.tua- tion of building improvenients. over that of 1930, is indicated. 1931 Total Exceeds That off 1930 Up. to Mondas' of this xveek. ith three days to go. the total for the year bas been $1,415.580, as, compar ed to $C.394,'750 lu 1930. an, increa'e of $20,- 830. Duriug the vear just ending. the. total amount of new work. vas $1,312,655, înciuding the $900,000 New Trier High Sch(Jol improvement aud the $130.000 Coimmruit-y Iouse. The total amoulit of alteration work, for the year w,ýas $102,925.. , * For the year 1930, the total amolint of new improvements ivas $1 .200,470. which incuded the new $350.000 parisb bouse o4 Christ church, and Maàx Epstein's $250.000 residence. Altei'ations amount- iug to $194.280 were made iu190 Building Takes, Sharp Drop in Suburban Area Building permits indicating the] prospective volume of building in the Bis Realty Imc., Leases New Space Bis Realty, Inc., bas signed a lease for five- v ears for an undis- closed consideration for 9,000 squareý feet, Comprising overthree-qùartersý of the.fourth floor of the National Republic Bank building'at 134,South La'SalIle str.eet-. Floor 4area of the uew spa.ceis threé timeÈ the present space occupied by the Bis. organi- zations, at 208 South LaSalle street. Possession -%vllî be taken: as, soon as alterations .;Of the new quarters. are conmpleted. The mopve as made necessarv, it is explaiuied, by the groyývth> of The Bis Corporationis. Bills Realiy. Imc.. a nd Bis Securities Corporations, and to take care of the ilicreasing activi- ties of the Chicago I conie Trust and the 1i>ndividual 'Accumulative Trusts as %vell as to provide larger quarters* for selling ol)eratioflts of Indian. Hill Esta.tes. in \Wilmette. "OQf the t,%vo investmeut trusts man- aged by. The Bills Corporation." reads a statemeunt, "the Cicagg l-ý come Trust is a consolidation of capital for.the purchase of incoie p roducing tproperties in the better residential and c entral business dis- tricts aud after one year of opera-, tion is ready to expaudi+s buyiiug operatious. The-ludividual Accumnu-, lative Trust is a savings truýst based upoi, individual mortgages on homes ivith sufficient U.. S. Governnient and listed bonds to provide liquiidity" The growNth of these inivestmlent trusts based on real estate bas h een verv satisfactorv over receut minths. according to officers of the company. "Gradually there is a. returling public appreciation,'- said Benjamiti Bilî's. "that wcý-altb einerges>from land and that carefullv selected real estate bought right.. just: as it has. been iu the. past, is, stili one, of, the sounidest -învestnients.. .Xith the pendilum swiuging back to. real estate investments, purchases at the present market should shiow% substan- tial appreciation.i values dluri:ug the uext. few years, especially in the Glencoe Issues Permits for Residence, Garages One residence, costing $9,700 and three private garages; each costing $300, comprise.the improvenients in Glencoe f or which building. permits vere issucd during the past mnonth. The residence, a two-story f ramne and brick structure at 444 Oakdale avenue', is eing erected by Harry Boyeli. Give Information ,on ýRecent Sales of ýN. S. Pr operty The residence at the northeast cor- iier of. Forest'avenue and Lake street. Evanstion, bhas been *sold b%, Edward W. Lloyd, vice-president, . Common- wealth Edison compauv, to 'Mrs. Olive Ahiara. w-ho is a reqident of Evans- ton. The purchase -%as made for im- miediate occupancv ot the A hi a r a farniiy, who are now enjoying posses- sion of their new home. The bouse is three-storv and basemeînt. contain- ing teni roons with th ree baths, and two-car attaclied garage. The land covers a. frontage on Forest a venue of 96 feet and 150 feet on Lake'street. Sale of the residence located at 859 ValIey road. Glencoe, bv How- ard H. Hamnimond to Dr. L. À. Ricb- burg. well-known physician of Gii- coe. The residence contains seven rooms, tbree baths, EnÈsi tinmbercd exterior, -with lot 66x200. Dr. Ricli- burg made the purchase for bis own home.. Sale. oS the brick residence at 1897 11urton avenue, Highland Park, by. Marie E. Kiefer to WVilliam R. An- derson. M'r. Anderson is in thie- hole- sale jéwelry business in tbe Pitts- field building. The resideuce con-, tains seven rooms, brick construction' wîth tile roofý and an attached garage, lot 50xl75. Sale bY, the Chicago 'T i t 1 e aiid Trust cornpaniv. as trus tee, to 'Monroe A. Munùison., of Evanston. of the seven-roomi stucco resiclence located a230 Tentb street, Wilmette. gn.t.. kxT 4f A Il Cn.ý2 Holiday Month . Keeps Building Activity Down. building activity in Wilmette con- tinued at a low:ebb this month.ý Up > to Monday, of tbis. week, only- six building permits had been taken :out in December, and ýthey> represented construction. work amounting. to about $10,000., James Crabb was granted a permit on December 1 to erect a framne-brick ve neer residence costiug. $9,000- at 2045 Tbornwood avenue. Robert Rae is tbe architect. Tbe other five permits issued.tbis. month were for minor construction jobs. J. C . Anderson took out a per- mit December 1 for the erection of a f rame garage at,1130 Oakwood ave- nue. Tbe estiiùated cost of tbe gar- age is $200. Permits for residence additions, one to cost $450 and the other $400, were issued to S. C. Hirscb, 233 Catalpa place, and KarI Knobel, 1431 Central avenue, respectively. T. R. Lindholm of tbe Johnson Fire Escape. compgny took out a Permit December 22 for the erection of, a fire escape at the new,"First Presby- terian churc h under construction at Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. The builing permfits records indi- cate that the decline in building açtivity in Wilmnette for the winter season began last miontb. During No- vember the total estiniated cost of building construction for wbicb per- mits were issued amounted to only $1,545 . Occupy New Homes in Indian Hill Estates During thepast-week, two families have noved into their new: homes in Indian Hill Estates, Wilmette.. Mt. and Mrs. W. W. Ross and their son, Wallace,- formferly of 826 Michigan avenue, Evauston, took possession of their borne at 2806 Bla.ckbawk. road, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Eblers occupied their 'new home at 1021 nine show a gain in the Novem ber, 1931-1930 cQmparison. lIn the comparison between Novem- ber, 1931 and October, 1931, 14 coni- iunities indicated a gain. Kenilworth wàs the only town in New Trier to show a gain lu ither compari ,sonl. The Sepi the Oéc since Fel stood at bigb. Th norm10 the year ember index was 60.3 and principal reason being that "There is dechne from October of this year .ber index was 632. Not only one north shore," wbicb proves when the volume for these çities was ruary, 1930 wben the index that investment in residential prop- $87,891,821, as compared with a norm- 66.7 has the-figure been sO ertv in that district, by reason of its al seasonal expected decline of 8Y01 tese figures are based on the limited supply, h as demonstrated it Permits issued during t4ovember, 1931, used for-deed recorded lu to be one of, the soundest, forms of feul 42.2%0 : wte ae oho 1926. . investment that is offered. 1,930.>