Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 26

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Patients From Catbolic Club Juniors' Hospital Bring Yule Joy to Children Tuesday afteriioon, I)ecernber 22, a group Of -the Juniors of the Wornan's Catholic club of Wilnîette went dowîî11 to 2542 WVallace street, to sce. distrib. i >uied the toys which were repaireti at *the .lunior Toy hospital. More than, one thousand articles passed' through the girls' biauds. possily ..a saniple ofalmnost every toy nmade. These toys were estijuiateti to l)e Worth quite a1 bit over five hundreti dollars. Policemen. fathers., miothers, with babes iniarms, 'crow(led the Guilti hall to the doors. and .-,hen hig gooti natured Santa Claus carne in the door, the screains and Shouts o jôy were (de.,e:ig. auta exIlie that ' had it not beeiî for -the WVil- Mette Catholic club .juniors, -his trip would have hiat to have heeîî. post- poned, for another y ear. *Witb that the yôungsters gave the juniors a tremiendous demionstration of thaî¶ks. But %vhat actuallv repaiti the: girls for itheir imonths of ceaste 1 ss. work were the expressions of rap)ture on1 the faces of the tiniv tots as the tovs were placcd in lhir a'rms.. Sot only did the Toyîý hospital sup- pythe two huniidred or'nmore children andi infants in this "U'" district, but also the little orphans àt St. Viin- * cent's andi a uunber of needy faimi- lies in Wilmette andi also somneini towns as far north as. Waukegain. At this tine Mi 1ss \ivyennllle Morin, heati of the~ staff of the Toy hospital, expresses, appreciation to al those peciple in 'Wi1miette andi other' iiortb shore towns -who, whein they were accosteti, gave so generously and chcce-fully: to al. those, w.ho hlaving> heard about the project. sent thicir chiltiren overtothe school with bas- kets of tovs; to thie children 'of the St. Francis school. who'gave up their pet toys s0 liberally, and., lastly, to those who so kindly an.d ut.obtriisiv'e- ly slipped their boxes of toy.s (with- out nanie) into the hospital. Hati it flot been for the generous impulse of the'se people, the toy hospital c uld &I Avr I 47 Otqut The luniorauxiliary of the Womnan's Catholic club of Wilniette is coinmenc- ing the new year with a musical tea ly distinguishicd celebrities, at the Woman's club, Tuésday, January 5. M rs. William J. Pigott, the state as ivell as the .Tenth District chairman of music, will be the guest.of bonor, of, the eveningand will open .the programi. with a -short. talk on Music Apprecia-1 tiof.' She will be followed by 'the Glee club. of the Woman's., Catholic _club.. Tbe cluib feels. proud of having the distinc- tion of having the first, if..flot the onldym Glee club in the district' with a mem-" bership conîposed enitirelyi of its ow'vn il1members. 'rhe Glee club will present agroup of three songs. Mrs. Robert. Fonthain ill he the>ý contralto soloîst' A (luartet' made up of members. of the Glee Club will also present a few iinmers. The soprano soloist of the CGlee1 club w~ill bce M\rs.' Margaret Kaye. WVilliam. M\csick of Kenlilworth., the papular youing composer of *'Drcamn of Heaten" introdticed hy Coon-i-Saniderý' a short time ago. wvill play and croon a fewv of bis mnost popular nurmbers, as- sistcd by Ned, Wieland of Xilmiette. M1iss Î-EvelyiiNI. 1Ew\\ert of the Rogers Par k Woman's club is ilationally knowvn for havinig tàken second place in the WIBO Atwater Kent contest in 1930. .aý contest ini whi'ch there were 1.500 contestants chosen if rom 2,600 applica- tions. Miss Ewert xvill announce her own numbers, on the junior auxiliary prograiTi. A. short business meeting will be held, promiptly. at 7 :30. preceded by fifteen minutes of. parliamnitary procedure by Mrs. Arthur BoylIstonl. The hostesses of the eeigare ýMiss Xivyenie Mrimnusic chairman of the juniors, and 'Miss Mary Alice Shaughnessy. Miss Catherine Schmîidt, and M%1iss Gertrude MNcAdam. Neig hbors Gaoup Plans Morning WihEcers Th.le art and literature departmieuit of the Neighbors of Keriffvorth %vill bave its nlext mneeting Tuesday iiorn.-, .were electeti to bc i.nstall'eclaithtej4n- uary meeting. M Nrs. A. E. Beirnles is reelecteti chairman: 'Mrs. Lester. E. Mee, flrst vice-chairman: Mrs. H. A. Finney, sec- ondi vice-chairman: Mrs. William. Bal- hatchet. eo-chairman,;Mrs.'MW. L. Hart, third vice-chairmnan: Mrs. Edward ýC. e-ildreth. co-chairmran: Mrs. H. T. Reiling, reelected fourth vice-chairnian;. Mr.Bernard Bowen. reeiected4 social chairmnai: Mrs. F. L, McGrath. re- elected recording secretary; Mrs. F. E. Davenport, corresponding, secretary; MNrs. A. L. Fuller, treasurer; Mrs. A. E. HIall. legislative chirman; M1rs. W. A. Bockius. cler ical chairnian. a new~ o$ie.; Mrs. Lester E. MJec. -publicity. The accomplishment of the auxiliar for the past year is shown in the re- port of its: fiiiished work: 243 dresses: 251 bloomers; 34, dozen squares; 17 blaiikets', besides, its Chri-stmias gift, to the station of 45 dresses. and $46. With which to purchase Coti Liver oïl, The w ork lias been done durig the two-hotir meeting periods once a month, at whicb members wvorked on the seîv- ing prepareti first by the cutting andi ~eîgcomm-ittee tvhich mét one Mon- dav a :month tbiroughout the year.- Northridge Club Spreads Spirit of Cbristmastide The annmal Christmas party for thé~' children. of the Northridge W\om-an's club of .Wilmette was helti Tuestiay, Decemnber 22. The party wvas helti at the home of _Mrs. Charles Allen, 1926 Ashland avenue andi there weretwenty- two chiltiren present. Round the gaily tiecorateti Christmas tr.ee the childrire plaved games andi wildly applaudèti the miovies which were shown through the courtesy of Mrs. Robert Lutiford. After refreshmnents. were sèrveti Sauta Claus arriveti andi with elaborate ceremony- distributeti bis 'gifts. When the. excite- mient of opening them .vas over it wvas, founti that Santa hati disappeareti as. mysteriouisly as lie came.. Owing to illnless several miein- bers of the Northridge. club were un-. able to attend the Christmas, meeting, so a group of about fifteen menibers, sors Men Voters Spoi Conference on Poblems, The final of a series of five itilnerant stuidy classes ont ".Problem Children of Cook 'Couinty", under .the auspices of the Cook County League of* Women Voters will be Monday, January 4, at Io o'clock. The four women comn.mis- sioners of Cook County, Mrsi. Edwvard J. F leming, Miss Mary McEnieriiey,. .\r$. Glen E. Plumb, and Miss Amelia Sears. will conduct' a lesson on the re- sponsibility of the, Board, of Cook, County Commissioners for the, proper provision for probletù chiltiren. Ait ail-day conference on 'the'subject "*Governlment's Responsibility for Our Children " ill «be helti. Saturday. -Jan- uary 9, at the Congress hotel, under the joint- auspices of the Chicago, Forum. of the League of Women Voters andi the Chicago Association for- Chilti Studv anti Parent Education. _Mrs. H. N. 'i<lles. presidenf of the Forumn, andi Mfrs. S. T. Lawton, chairman ot the Chilti Study and Parent Edulcation asociation, and b)otli.of Chicago, .ill. preside. M'.Iss Edith Abbott, dean of the Grati- u ate School of Social Service Adminis- tration, University of Chicago, ivill dis- cuss "The Responbility of the Federal Coveriiment," at the morning session, begitining at 10:30 in the Florentine rooni. Dr. Dorothy Mendenhaîl, of the University oi Wisconsin, will speak on "The Child's Chance of Life." .Luncheon will be ;served at 12:15 ini the Gold room» with. Miss S. P.. Breck- inridge, professor of social econonly,. University of Chicago, presidîng. J. Prentice Murphy, executive secretary 'of the Children's bureau of Philadel- phia, will speak on "The Responsibility of the, State for, Its Chiltiren." ýSa11- ford Battes of the Unitedi States De-, partment of Justice, will speak on1 "The Responsibility of the Local Govern- mnent."p Cook County officiais have beenl invited to participate in the discus 1Sion. Dr. John J. B. Morgan of Northwest-.; -crn uuiversity is a vice-chairman' of the Association for Child Study andi Par- ent Educationi, as is Mrs. AIlfred S. Alschler, 795 L.incoln avenue, Win- netka. Di.osail ui . Distribut es Baskets The Wilmette chapter, Order of' the Eastern Star, distributeti twenty- eight Christmas baskets last week. to >wilmette families. Junioir Auxuliary Meeting The junior auxiliary of the WVom- an',. club of Wilmette will have a dinner anti social meeting Thurstiay, Januàry 7, at 6:30 'clock. nîorning, j an Miss AnneV ventures in ing. which ' is open to f rientis. e held in the inembers. ai when nouice the pp "Ad- iing on Jant meet- Sinkier ivili Lnge, f or the occa their antid Daughter Night party. t Aay,* w le a '1' I.,

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