greetings, and Madamie Dumnas of lie faculty v iI! sing a group of Fr-ench carols. To. Entertain Circle .The Cozv Corner circle of tlie Congregational clurch will bhld an aIavnecetiiigat the linieof i Ms. T.. ('. Delung. 1501 Forest avenue. 'Jan- uary 7. Mrs. J. C. Andersoni. Mrs. Gale B~rooks, and MNrs. Rôdnev N. Per- rill Wil! be ithe assisting liostesses. L tn dîleon wiîIl be ser%-ed at 1 ol'clock. Guest of Honoir at Tea Mr r, Robert A. MacNeiile (À Ev- anston wn hostess ai a teaý Iast week Tuesda\v in hopor of her sister, MNrs. Johnt Robert Murray (Cora!ee Wh1it- sett) of Saskatoonî, Canada. who is visiting ber parents. the Raiph i Whit- setts, during the Christmnas 'hol idavs. Bridge Tea for Guest Peggv, Knight of '51 Kenilworth ave- nute. Keniiwortl î i giving a b)ridge tea on Satmurdav in honor of ber schoo!- mate.N Mms Margaret Mauer, of Beloit. Having FrateriY.Tea Next Sunday Mr. and Mrs-. Edwin C. Austin of:-681 Greenivood avenue., Glencoe 'vilopen their home for aý tea for members of the host's f raterniit-,, Signia Phi. New Low Rates at a Fine Hotel!1 -j A lirnitedj with twin rooms e now ices in 62Ôe.Keamore at Granville P1ioue'Briargate8000 H. L. Johnson, Mgr. At Vista del Lago Club> Vista de! Lago iil hold a N(ý\v Yeaf s Eve dinner dance. Don NÇash's orchestra %vill furnish inusic. for dancing. Breakfast will be served at 3 o 'clock. The club is having.a featture lunicheonanid bridge on Mon- day, January.4. Give Punch and Judy Show On Deceniber 23,. Theo B. Robert- -SOfl, Jr.. assisted hy Williarm Katz. gave a Punich and Judy show beiore an audienlce of several hunldred children at. Gads Hi!! Settienient lbouse in Chi- cago. SAL*E of Founcfation i to'off Chicago Non, îoider the personal super-. vision of Miss Jante May, formrlii of Bontvit-Teller d- Co. 4t, açt 1:3U o'cIocIC; R. R. Fonthani L membhers are urgei terest and entlhusia the inew year by ng, the first inIÇ le homeé of~ Mrs. Sigina ClIii fraternity of N( rhird street. Ail University gave its annuali showv their ini- mal dance at the chapter h( for the worlk of day evening, Decernber V -nding the meet- Richards' orchestra furnishe( *If is patriotk t. o try and preveni more unemploymenf I Cou'tiiiuîng Ouir Sale So *as, not, to keep willing ýworkers out of, employment, we are confinuing. our bg reducfions-thus giving you an oppor- funity toý purchase a beautiful- high grade gown at a very I1 1k--n just wben you ili 1 njoy il the rmQs*! 952 Spênish, Court Phones WiImef, 467--4085 louse S. 8. Ba !d the iii AproOSOf Style the importance of arc becomin g and AVE., 1S. LaSALLB T 78 E. JACKSON BLVD. Those who appreciate 1645 ORRI? Chicago Stores: 105 N. WABASHI AVE. j,