of .Householcl r £2 St'orft -1932 .with savings that are reaU save on Lineëns ge ayear' s supply now eve on Sh.t and PIUowcaze. Utica percale. SI, ees:>90 x 108 $2.90> 72x108 Pilloircases: 45 x 4Y Hem - stitched $3.15 2.25 2.50 Field's-Speciaelshee ts. Plain hlem. 81 x 99, $1 92x109 . .. . . ... ..........* Field's Special cases. 45 x 38V2, four for $1 Sae o n ToweIs TypedIrish Linen~ GlassToirels ;absorbent; durable 2-9x 32; colored borders. Dozen $3.60 Hueck Towels.White Irish linen, hem-. stitched with damask border in two designs.. 18 x 32. Dozen.. . . . . .$50 Stevetsl' crash towels; hemmed size 18xý 33, with colored border. Special, dozeiv-$2ï-70 Large bath towels. Size 26 x 48; white with colored border. Exceptional values. Doz, *4.50 Sae on TableCloths andi Napkns cloths of fine white, Very special value. 7x 70. 70 x 86 , * 70 x106 . .0 s:22 x22. damask in several * . . .$3.75 * . ..4ý.85 * . . .6.00 * * . .7.50 **Doz., $3.95 ARS.FH A L Din nerd designls. CloUahs: Napldms M lit