THE WINNER UARY'S LUCKY CLU B NOUNCED UA RY. WILMETTE 0F JAN- BABY WILLBE A 1N THEJ 28 ISSUE LN ANé OFI LIFE. Lucky baby! And we mean there isoing to b uk baby in Wilmette-. The fist baby boy or girl born to a Wilmette fa mily in, January, a nd t h e month thereafter, will receive a handsome giftý from, each mner-. chant whose advertisement. ap-- FRANK BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS Aire Our Gift ht is our sincere wish to present to the new, WXilmiette citizen a. bouquet of flow- ers or a plant with our best wishes. 6HLAVACEK & SONS FLORISTS RIDGE AVE, THE FIRST LITTLE LADY Born, in Wilmette« YEAR 'RO UND SUNSHINE LAUNDRY Service for.Baby BEL )N'S MARKET, 1,15 813 RIDPEOAVE.211240CENTRAL AVE ittfigN4 a SUPcialty / LRBER SHOP ose, Pro>. E WILMETTE 3786 MOTHER . a Shampoo ýand Wave Fmom the: VanDsierm 's as Beauty Salon71/ Mother,assoA u find tconvenient, phone ,u fr a appolntinent to have a~ sharnpoo and .wave as a complimentary gif t of this well known beauty shop. You wil be delighted with the change In appearance our beauty treatments wilI VA-N DUERM'S.,BEAUTY SALON PJiylis Meflride, Mgr. 1135 CENTRAL. AVE. PHONE WILMETTE 31S4. BABY GETS A. BIG. at Taylor's Here it is, a special gif t package piicked out by Mrs. Taylor (and she knows how to pick out baby Éift s). Send Mother in and iwe'lI do the rest. You'll find Taylor's infant departrnent in- teresting and complete. ýTAYL0R«'S DEPARTMENT'.STORE 1125ý CENTRAL AVE. PHONE, WILMETTýE 1914 PHONE* WILMETTE 2186 The Môther of the. FIRST SET 0F TRIPLETS .>~,( ~ ~eGe>'s a Lucky Break nithr. Eber's Here, oh. is a niew custoin tailored coat, latest pattern and inatérial. Remenmber Ebers ifeatutre the finest ot custom tailoring. EBERS Establhshed 1903 1163 WILMETTE AVE.. PHONE WILMETTE 18 A JL.:,. 813 RIDGE AVE. 1124 C ENTRAL AVE.