Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 13

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cial assessment impro'vemients and tax anticipation warrants, Northfield, just Nvest of Winnetka and the y-ouulgestl village ini Cook countv is -sitting pretty," f rôm a financial viewpoiîfl. Thlis secure position u f Northfield lias prévailed silice its 'inicorporationi'a few~ 'ears - ago, it is explaiîîed, thanks w eavin,-, metal vork, pottery, shaNvls anid rugs. De.parting f roni the tisual custoin this1 timée the exhibit. vhile it I.ilbe placed and hunig during the afternlooni on Saturday, will-be formai-. lv opeiicd at 8 oclock Saturdav eve- 1ning whenl S. K. Jorjorian. wiIl give lus nîlost .ilntercsting talk about hisý priceless collection ofrus ju ne cuseranv, catîos aa-.îîs- It is suggcsted by the comrnittee thiat tration of village_ affairs.tîemmrsailleslesotb And there ývas added cause for ojpl)rtu nitv tii entertain their f. riends 'fliatiksgiving in: NorthitieId last *niontth at an informa (iier preceding the lec- when. on the first of Novenîber, ail ture for it will be a slîowing and pro- theý outstandixug bonds,against thie vil- -rai-eI) i- teesing ti h0 mi lage which, ere comniîg due Decenîber as wcllj as the woniueîi. M iss Elizabeth 31, togethier wvithi the iinterest tbiereol,.IlZt)1îertsoîu- iill 'hlave lier. display ai were called ini andi pai( off. 1 qclnts simnilar tii those of last, year. Eýven as far -back as last july. the I Iast Sundýav .aîternooui as a -special Nortifflcd Iad etioughlle o hn old feature. the'niusîc comînittec of tii retire une-biah tthe bonds coitglItlie club ireseited tlhe Acolian ensemble (hie )eceinber 31, anid the%, were retired at4 cwk, which. vas enjoved hy a at tlîat time', and the reinainder wère ,I argeý n prcaieadec. takeîîup Noveniber 1. aî ppeitiead e.it pnoved a restfini and(> înspiriig. exi- Furtliermnore, sav s Alex Levernier, I ence tii isteîî to, the -hovely muusic iof Village treasurer,, Nottield ha,, ieIt sgnoup of twventv- .Ou r .giîitcdsi- moiw% h o nad to ;paý tîithereton c dur*iîigthe rush land fatwiuiug t1imes the other iîie installiments ûîî to De- 1 alwavs cuirrent duritng the Christmnas- ceniber î1, 1931, and with aIl bill> paid seasoî)i. They- saiug excclcn1tly and pre- el), there is app roxiiîuuately $6,500 in seitedl an unuisuiali ell balaniced pro- the geuicral f unil. gra.m. Thlere 5 îîo tax-pav.er-s *'strike ini Northifield, it appears, where the Sun-DoadC nelV l set Ridge school district,-o.21), re-' ports 90 percent of the 1929 taxes paid, 1 Dies Promr Infection and sufficieuit money, withouit a thoughit Donald- Corrneil Vail, fifteeii-year- of l>(rrowing, to continiue the scluool old son of Mr. and ,Irsl. J. Dean throughiott the next terni. Vail. 1;0 Ahinigdon avenue, Keii-ý The bonids anîd intercst wvhiclî North- ,vorth, died Saturday at ýt. Franc:s field lias been meeting ini recent moitlîs hospital in Evanston of an infection. were part of an issue' of iiear4y whicli developed into bWood Poison- $200,000. two years ago, , with which ing. tii instaîl .water mains. , Donald mvas a sophoniore at New~ - 'fli village, whose casteriu bouiîdary Trier' High ' school. He wvas popular extcnds to the Wim.uetka west liimits. among his fellow students and a is iractically two miles square, and leader iii school: activities. His iuclh of it is 'subdividled anid now sup- scholarship was above the averagté. plied \\vtih water.furnislîed f romi \Vin- He -was a niember of, the Kenilworth ýnetk-a. Union churcli Sundav school. Atthe time the water mains vere Besides his paréntleisurve uîsta!lcd there, some villages advocated by- a brother, Dean, Jr.. a New .Trier. immediate construction of a. sewer sy.s- graduate.,who is- now attending Har- teni. street, paving and more sidewalks. yrd T'le imore conservative, hoývever, Dr. H.erbert L. Willett of the Keni- coumseled 'moderation in expeuiditures, ilworthý Union church officiated a_1 oni tic theory that it is safer to buy the~ funeral services, which were held oiie thilng at a time, or onIv vhat it Suiudav afternon a t the Vail resi- i York. The gala event ivili brin-gto- gether for the first tinie the highest ranking players of the country, who will strive for a trophy donated by the Amnerican. Ping Poîig association, to be kaown-as the, Inter-City Ping Pong ÇChallengecup. The invaders will brin-, a teani of champions and.1layers of national reputation. .Among them wxill be Chester WVells, 'Jr., who' will captain, the squad. C. -.,,Schaad, author- of 'Ting Ponig," and national authority, considers, Wells the hardest driving and rnost brilliantplaver iii Aierica. Only recently, lie defeated the nation- al champion ini an exhibition match. Chicago wilI plin its hopes0on thie chaînponshiîp Intertraternity club teami,' whose record- ha-s neyer been ~taitncd bv (lefeat. North slh(re pong- crs who it a ppears certain ivill secl service are George ÎLittel of Evans- ton:. D. A. Kittermaster, recent High- land Park winner.; Robert E. Clark.J -Highlan d, Park, 1930 chianpion. -and Colenman Clark of Gýlencoe, who will act as captain. Captain Clark i WVesterni and Chicago district tite, holder. *Avcry Brunldage, president of tlhe Nat\àionail A., A. ,KU will be honorary referce. and James Weber of High- land Park and former Y'ale tennis player. %vill be umpire. R.T Folev 'a nd Lymian \Veld of Winnetka also will offhciate. Teiephoue CPD Exai'nined the daugliter aofiDr. and M'\rs. il,- hani. Bru ce Verne Crandaîl of Laguna Beach, Cal.. formerlv of Kcnilworth. lias sent mnaîy of hi.s friends atiother of his delightful little. books for Christmias remembranices. This 'one is cntitlcd 'Reveries of an Editor." -o- Jack Ra thbo ne, 523 AIbotts..ford 'r o ad, Kenilwovýrth wif-l eîtertain a few f riends at bhis home on New Year's eve. RED TAG SALE. 33 1,3 to 4011,' Savings on Leather'Goods. Discontinued num bers andi goods used for dis-, play purposes. 5 we, le £f sous À lCAO C.a. 5801 IUL Entries, accompanied by Fee, must be made flot later than Thursday, January 14, with GEORGE W. PLANK, Tournament Manager, Edgewater Beach Hotel, 5300 Block--Sheridan Rd. GoRE & PARKNEN SLCSORS LYWT A N MCDO.L SUCERMS WT A.R McDS GOL OPTOMETRISTS Suite 1714 Ueyworth BEus. 29 E. Madison, Cbicago' Ye 01 A)

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