Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 12

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T'his Tourist Is Inventor During 1 Spare Moments Maybe ithe dienrt lbadlge habit.. AivaPatil Gilbert, Eagle Scout of Kenilworth, whose etter fr0111 Berliin appears ii i this colinu. ilîa.i> fouin.d tinte to wifi distinction as1 au iîxveutor lit the few spà-e îîwînents .bties. bis explorations ini Luo 1- Ant experiniemit %vliclx G ilbert coni plete(i during bis rest hours in Paris %vas recetitly hbought hv PopuLir 'Ie- clianics magazine îvhich is akugfor nio re front iin. Out of (Ad. razor biades. ant enil)ty cardl>oar(i box hIis shîoe polisîx container>, a smnall iniir- ror and tvo drops of ,vater lie made a' microscope that miagifies 400 tines. Inrteresting lanits ,on France and Gerinianyv are containe(l in the let-. t ers f .roui Patl Gilbert, w-hio, in coni- pany mith bis' Eagle Scout cousîmi, W.aiter H. Forster, Jr., of Piladel-. phiia. is spending a vear abroad Mi travel and study. Gilbert*s follovi'ng note tells of weathier, food and nec- reation in Berlin:, . lerlin inpresmes Favorably ',The first inoctur'nal imlpression 'of Beilin was very favorable, only it w:ms very Cold, and oui, ears were nipped. The city is full of beggars, and W%- inust have passed six in hait an 'boum-. The next mnorning we rang for o-ut- 'breakfast at about 10 o'clockç, and it was' pleiitîful, delielous, and grandly served. with tablecloth andi napkiîs right ln our rooni. "T~he teniperature was just about tree:ing 'ail day, just right for, Wafling', and we spent about three homrs iin the zoo a'nd oîily saw a part 'of it, as it is onie of the largest in Europe. We werc *begiping to feel pretty hungry, so we set off for Unter den Litideni, and at about 4 o'clock patssed.uilder the Ban denbuî'gei' toi'. At' the.,Ainenican Ex- * press we got our mail and a.good înap of Beirlin. By this tliiemee were raiv-' enous, and ivent into- the nearest rest- : aurant, Kanzler'à cafe. It was verv good and very expensive, amîdIthe wai- ter elîavged extra for' sveaking Englislî.4 Wý%e have winidowvs on two sides of1 oui- rooni overlook'îng.a skating pond, Mwheiîce cornles music fioating, upa-ds to Iput us to sleep). As 1 an writin g let- ters on our returu 'Walt called Ie tt) the- windopwsto see the .finst snowfzill., Waltonians to Back, Tea ch es First A id' Winnetka Troop 18 __________ Troop 18 of the Winnetka Com- muiiiiitv Hou-se lia.,- re-registered, for -1932 tunler the sponisorslij> :ot th e Iza ak Wlo league of Win,îcetka. This iN the first 'year 1 z a 'a k WXalton leag e, lias sponrsore(l the trop anîd ~' both boys and leaders look forw~ard to a lprosîerous year. The mieinhber- shi1) 15 as follom's ' Scoutinaster, Gordoâ Buck: Assist- ant Scoutinaster, Jaimes 1,yons chair- ". mian of trocqp comnittee, Albert H Ba rber: members of trool) .co!iiît ' tee:-lDr. Davies Lazear. NM.:Hfont1s. Frànk . Windes and'-1Dr. Francis Se- iear; Scouts: Charles Balleiîger, AI bert Bobuen. Frank Borovika, \Vil - lian Brackett, jack 13BYrui,. P e r r v. Craw.,fordi, R a '-and. Robert- Davis. David Early. Donald E.asterberg, Jack Fast4erberg, Robert EM-,rler, Chiarles Eiden, Tom Getnîan, George Glover, TecI Greeulhalgh. LlIoy d Johnson, Stanlley Jones, 'Jack Kidd,' Maynard Kindt,. Clarence 'Litteberger, Edward MIaldlaner,,Chlarles anîd jack 'Melcher, James Nevtoii, Webb~ Pow ell Rov Scoutmnasters, assistant Scotmas- Rennacker. Dexter Sharp, Naio" ters, conrniitteeimein, coiumissioners, Sharp. George Snmith, Normian F.ilert- Cul) and Sea Scout leaders from the sel] and Robert Beguelini. eleven districts of the North Shore Area counicil will meet at Ehn Place First Aid WTi1I Feature selxool (Highland Park) on the eve- Univrsit of cout n nîg of Momdav, Januarv 4, for a talk- Univrsiy o Scotin an deionsraton n .First Aid to 'l'ixe foturthi session of the Uiîer- be given 1bv David F. Wb'Iitela-, sitv of Sconiitng is schieduled for the (above), Fir'st Aid director of the Elmn Place school iii Hfighland ParkChuicago, North Shore and Milwat- on next . Nonday evening, Januarv 4, kee railvay, anxd facultty . enber of at 7:~45. The openxnig feature' of the' the N'orth. Shore Area L niversity of programn iIl be the imovie lecture Scouting. under' .whose auspices the -on first aiid, given bv D. F. WVhitelaw, meeting is heii. 'Mr. WVhitelaw ivill Jfr.. director of first aid for the..North Iîe assisted bv' a North Shore Ilue' Shore hues. The regular eighit (hf- first aid drill -teamn, coinprising grad- ferent' courses are being continued in uates of the company training course.. t hli e followiiig eadership. subjects: M.Xbtiwbsbe ciem Ehenients of Scouit.lastershiip, prînci-teBoScuFrsAitanngr- pIes :of Scoutua'sters hip (advanced'). feBvSotFr Adrangpo- F ir st Ad curs, Cînmssiner'~grain for the past several vears. baàv-ý Firgt fl% c'ersedCaiiimsrioitor'on the Ui course. Sea Scot Leadership courses if.sn a .ittco nt ni 1 (eenietar v aii ( advncer),ity pof Scoutinig faculty in both (elmtent a nouradvand Toopthe Chicago 'and' Northwest districts. 'Leadieei cue.x onr liadCu e lbas arranged contests for Scout J.eaer's'couse..troops, s'upervised the training of i - P w-~ u-~ fr~'roi tée2mi and IuPeCII1Trsn llv lP4. Scouts-, Leaders Now Registering for Coming Year At tlîis' time àof the year, the :Scouts afid leaders, of ail the -troops are re- re.gisWeing ini Scouting for, the new year. Troop 3 of the Wilîne'tte Me tho- dist church register s as foùllows Scotîaster-.W. Vt ( sburn: chair- in ot troop cotImnitte-L. E. Matson; nienbers ,of troop connittée ' B. N. Cox, Staâ'er NLoufdiingand Earl J. Smith: Scouts-,Jameës Andérson. Char- les, Beckl. Robert Brumhbauigh, Richard Cuirry,. Robert Eldridge, Paul and Harry .E-nîrick., William *Harridge. Williamn Kerr, Ehert Kuoop.: Harry K rain~er, Bill and Bol) MalcM.\orrail, Herbert MeY- ,er, IIowvar(l Nlotlding, Jeromie Neviln5, RaNmond Peterson. Richard Roth, Donx ald Scarif. E riest Schaper.' Deonini - nier. Robert Turgeon and Billy Wilco .x. *Troop 15 .of .the, W\innietka -Christ Chutrch pari.,I, re-regis;ters 1the' follow- ing boys and' leaders: Scotiaster-Waitter Quinhv: chair- man of troop comnittee-E. 0. McNair. Jr.: nieml)ers of troop' commrit tee- Mavnard Rilev, Forest Lowrev. James .McÈadzean, and Stanîley Ricb:ý Scouts- Robert 'Brooks, William Chichiester*; Robert 'Editiger, David Feagans, Hiarold Finch, Fred Hicks. Bertil Hiller, Fred. Kriebel, Richard Livingstofi. James. Mc- Fadzean, Charles M.\cNair, Johin and 'RobertMhk. Robert Oyemî, Henrlv and Stanley Rich, Bud Rilev. Frank, Robinson, Morris Schoentbal, Miller Ul iman and S$chuyler Watrous. Lions of Winnetka SbonsorTroop 20 The Lions club'o.inea is as- stuming the sponisoi-shîp-i of the Troop 20 which meets' at the \Winnetka.t Comrniunity., House beginning the first of. the. vear. Holden B. Aniderson .'vill continuîe as Scotimaster:' The 'neN troop comrntlittee .will be conxposed of Lions, cluxb nmembers with Roi- H. Browning asý- chairman and Ilenrv C. Lindwall, G. W. lNc\\'illiaiS. Arthur Laser and 'Lawrence Hayes pan .uce., nUUi boy >couts 91 rroop anrr vcwnty minutes ater, alter ue- àzýs a crOWvu "nlied about tiue victini, persôniironi a gas hilied roým' an 70. Westfiehd, N. J., 'found their mother ing cailed f rom another case, lie found no one doing amxthiiîg, the Scotmaster howi to revive himi by artiflial respira- unconscious ron the 'floor and gas escap- the miother ahready 'partiallv restored to and 'the Scouts immiiediatelv took charge. tiomi if lie were uniconse-rous. We then ing f rom an openi burter. conisciousnless. He said tîxat liad noth- Soine Scouts sent for a 'doctor, treated played several gaines of "Bringing The Scouts acted quickly, keeping ing beemi doe nciitil bis' arrivai. Mrs. the injurecL main for shock and carried Home the Bacon." 'Tîe nieeting was,- in mind first aid methods they learned Luce would by that tinie have been be- 1dm into a îîearbv bouse w-ile others closed wvith Indiani benedictioZn an et troop 'meetings.- They ' opelied. the yond assistance and lie credits the Scouts kept traffic clear of the wreckage uttil the Scout Motto.-Harold Huebner, widows, called a doctor. aixd.began .to with saviixg their mother's. hf e. it had beemi cleaned Up. ' tTroop il Wilmette.

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