Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1931, p. 9

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clothes, and iouu tc, maK MI13LIC C'hristmas of f amilles who, becauise of unemploymeflt or disaster, had expectedc a. dreary Christmas indeed..t The anxious, .busy case workers of1 the 'district smiled with deliglit as they1 sawv the. loads of gifts arrive. ,Théy quickly Made them. inito ,Christmas pack ages=iunderwear, shoes, coats, a .nd sweaters-to. fill pressing needs., A Christmas candie and a littie candy., for festivity-neëckties. for thie menand boys. a .glass of jelly iu gay Christmas wrapping for grandmother-books for the* older girls. airpianes and, engines for.the youngstersý-lovely toys for the littie tots;> and* nice. cuddly things f or the babies. -What round shilling eyes greeted the .worker \vhen,-she -arrived at Schneller 1s with her niysterious bumpy packages which -the ' older sister immèédiately hid so nothing should be peeked.,ipto un- til Christmas. It \vas ail they w.ere going to have. The blanket and.com-,. f or >t went to Mr. Goek and his, fàar- ilv, who *live in a drafty $6 ýa nionth flat. The NatioQnal Tea Store Food certificates ruade Mrs. Palino happy, as she had been unable to provide any- thing' but spaghetti aud tomato sauce for ber f amily's Thanksgiving dimier. * For .a long time there wiIl be echoes of. the' Christmas joy Wilmette brought to.thirty-five needy families in the Mil- .waukee district o*f the United Charities of Chicago, by .'its- ready, generous in-' terest and help. The Christwas Spirit -1il the' Yrar 'Rounjd The M-\il\\aulkee district. of the United Chiaritiés located in thé Y. M. C. A. building ou. West .Division street near Ashlaind avenue was opened one year ago as ani emergenicy station, expedtiug to close its doors April 1, 1931. 111- stead.. much space has been .added. Dur. -ing Novemb.er the numrber of f amilies Scareëd for Mounited to, 2,152 .\wh.ich mearn that if is now onie of Chic"ago's mops' important offices. At Christmias :time, Wilniette was iairy godýmother for this -district. Now- the wvorkers turn again to, us for givin g of a différent sort. Women who hav( time to spare o~r a car to drive are * eeded. By givinig of your tirne ainE TUE OIL 1 Bob 'n' Mac Main St. at Linden Ame. .1 T r. e 1 sotne furniture of 5011W sort, snocs, o ciothing that will make some unfor-, tunate f olks mnuch more conifortable. Inform ation may be obtained by calling Mrs.- Donald H. M,\axwell at, Vilm.tte 2986. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Sydney. H. Davies of the Liniden Crest apartmnefts a n- nounce the birth ,of,.a, daughter, Diane, on December, 20, at the. Ev-> anston hospit al. Mrs. flavisis thbe former Isobel Thonipsofi.. Mr. and Mrs.. David R. DeCauip,l 615 Abbottsford, road, returned to i Kenilworth Sunday f roff Fort Wayne, f nd. where they were the guests of Mr. and M4rs,.:Harrisonl S. Kendall,. whose daugliter, Margaret Ellen Nichols, wilI1 be %vih Mrs. DeCatnp this wveek be- f ore returning to Purdue university, where she is completing 'her senioryear. Mis.s Marion Page. daugliter of.Mr,. andI Mrs. Albiert N.. Page, who are pa.ss- ing the winter at the Georgian hotel, is spending lier Christmas vacation with a classmate, Miss Nancy Hazel, of Raleighi, N. C. Miss Page is a seinior at . an .B .Bilsland, 1228 Elniwood avenue. spent Christmas eve witlh their daugliter and family, the H. M. Robinsons of Evanston, and then rnotored to Covington, mIn. to spcnd several days with Mrs. lilslands rela- tives. 1o operate. ..-. - Mr. anid Mrs. Robert S. Swairn, 701 'NIr.1 and Mrs. Joe Wagner, of 1730 Laurel avenue, entertained a f amily Wilmétte avenue, had as their guests, dinner party of twenty on Christmias over Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Louis day. Their daughter. Mrs. Stanlev Brochui, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mrs. Olmnstead, ard lier chîl dren of Dan- Brochu was formerly. Dorothy Smnith,, ville, Ill., were out-of -town guersts. of Wilmette. ITelephones: Wilmette 21-2.2I HERBO N GARAGE9 732-12th ST. You, wîU saVe your .self 1much ttue sund trouble byusg Wilmette 21. Cabs- they cost Do. more than ordinary cabs* Rates by ,Meter, Hour or Trip 24-H1 OUR SERVICE during the holidaYs., Miss Anrne I..c- fngwell of Ashian,, Ky., ber former roommfate atthetliest of Wis- cousin. Mr. and Mrs'. John P. Balîniani, 1524 Elmwood avenue; had as their. guests over Christmas the form er'1s father and mother, Mi. and Mrs. John W. Balîman, of Detroit. -- Miss Reba Humn of Spokane, Wash., is the holiday guest of ber .; .'.. fnnil. te . P.Rollin Smiths, Complete Battery Service 721 MAIN ST. WILMETTE à .Slown Phone WiI. 2600-2601 PhnoWlnicftte 3334 00*4 W ILMUTt %OAD

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