$regzdlarly ulsi ng our free battery inspection service. -1 A >d if von need a nezc' hattervyý, have a qitick-starting If ï;shin~ T'ire serz'ic4' (;iè<isl>ig >011 can JVozebifY'a111 Exide f oý, as littlie as NIL I §'ÀFTT E. ATT LIY & ILITRIC EU1IL 740 Tv'elfth StrCeet Wilrnette 691-696 CHIANGE NONV FOR. W INTES Il 11RICANTS COAL You,'lI Need Plenty, Du ring thýe ,Hoôlidays., Dûring the rush of Christmas shoppin.g, don'+,forget to phonýe us your coal order.* You w'i wan+ a war r, cheerfut home wi-th plenfyof>coal in the basemnent during--he holidays. YoW can't go wrong when you .order Consumer's Guaranteed Coal. or'Coke-"'every ton, must satisfy. you or we remove if and refund your money." B UY YOUR COAL' ON A PPR OVA L GUARANTEED. COAL FUEL OIL SOLVAYCOE DELVE'R YY VA1 @ nsumersl>, mpanyý RS A'LL OV E R TH E N0RTH., IWINNETKA338ý5, S HOR"E DISTRIICTl "A Correct Grade for Each Burner" -m wv uqw A W W Carl L. Bran. Robt F. Doepel PMi H.Ban il 4] I I f -Robt F. Doep-el, Cad 1. Bmun