-May they. be yours in thecoming year SKOKIE VALLE SCoal and Material Company COAL COKE *~WOOD West Lake Avenueý and'C. $N.W.Tracks, Pioneers, Wilmette Telephon:es Office, g99-Res. 3114 ofthe Shokie Valley. Like Troubadoursof .old, we ,greet the coming ye Stunity for our f riendsa life to the full. The Sea5 RIDGE ROAD,- SOUTH 0F Jhailirig happy events, e1ar as a f resh oppor-. and patrons to enJOY 5on's Greetings to ail! 'Phone WILMETTE 2186 WILMETTE AVENUE (I~ur Ctfr rie M194, -May:This Holiday Season be above al A Happy One for you and yours Ilfess Motor Service S1225 Central Ave, Wilmette 208 1~ n t 41, n