nela recentny. Fehruary .20 was accepted as the date for the league swimniing 'meet. Pre- limninaries for this meet are to bc held" on February 19 at the New Trier~ natatorium for the three north shore, schools which, are members of tbe league and at Oak' Park for the mem- ber schools. iii the w estern! suburbs. New. Trier'sjuniior and senior swim- Ming teams are 'among. the'leading con-. tenders forchampiô'nship 'honors in the, Suburban league this year.ý New Trier bas -won twvO nieets thus far this. sea- son, one from: Kenoshia. Wisconsin state. champion. and another f rom Englewood, of. Chicago. Last season the New Trier junior tearn won the league championship, while the senior tean i fnished thir.d. ENTERTAINS HOLIDAY GUESlrS Mrs.. Daniel Stecker, 4231 Eightb street,.,wiIl have,as ber bouse guest during the, Christmas holidays ber sister, Miss Marjorie Kinnan. who is superintendent of Public schools in Musklegon, Mich. Mrs. Stecker's other sister, Miss Wilmer Kinnan of NewÀ York City, who wason ber way to Seattle. Wasb.. made a brief visit with ber this week. HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY- Shirley Jane Bacon, daugbter ýof Mr. and.'Mrs. Robert H. Bacon, 105 Seventeenth street, was hostess at a luncheon for seven of bier friends De- cember 19. in'celebra tion of her sev- enth birthdaiy. Guests, wbo were later taken tO the Teatro del Lago, were classinates ofShirley's ini the second grade of the Howard s<chooI. Bob Mattbews. son of' Mr. and *Mrs. Elmer Mattbews, 1312 Mýaple avenue, is leaving next Sunday witb bis grandmiother, Mrs. Charles Kno- bel, 204. Wood ,court, for California, wbere he will be, fur three or four months. The Rov S. Bests of 939 Ramona road will have as their holiday guests their sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Best,ý and ber two small daughters, of Elk- hart, Ind. and Mr. Bqrst's miother, Mrs. Margaret Best,' of W'averl, f Ohio. The Aeolian, ensemble, will sinig Christmas songs and other Christmas: music at the Shawnee Country club Sundày, December 27, at 4, oclock. George Unger directs. The ensemble. of six sopranos, siX altos, six tenors and six' basses., Mr. Unger, a Chicago business, mbati 'ith Legion Holk4s Rites for C. H. Harrington Funeral, services for Carroll Henry Harrington, 31, of 607 Greenleaf ave- nue, were held Monday morning at 10 o'clock from bis late residence. The services at Calvary cemetery, where burial' took place, were con- ducted 'by Wilmette Post' No. 46, American Legion, of whicb '-\r. Har- rington was a member. ,Mr. Harrington was found dead 'in the basenient of bis home earlv last Friday morning from 'a wound which, according to investigation, bv the Wilniette police, was inflicted acci- dentally while Mr. Harrington was cleaning a gun prepàratory to going on a bunting trip, Cleaning equip- nient was found near the scene of the tragedy. A -coroner's jury iii- vestigating the case confirmed the police, decision that death was acci- denrtal. MNr. Harrington was ernployed as a statistician. for Paul LH. Davis and company, brokers,'-aLt 37 S. LaSalle' street, Chicago. He was a member of the Shawnee Country club. whomn music is an avocation, bas' traineéd bis group of workers.'w*ho sing solel for tbe love of singing fine music to- gether. Their work -is miusicianly 'and expert. and bath the conductor and the. members of the. ensemble %work to give sensitive sbading as well as'good* ex- pression. Bridge Bnt.hiasts Interested in Clubý Manyv contract bridge exthusiasts are directing their attention at thils time to the openiing, of Club Des- chapelle, with quarters in the Geor-ý gian botel, Evanston. Tbe club bas takçen its titie from anoted whist player of that namne who contributed richly to the developnient of the game. The purpose 'of the 'club is given as the furtherance of good play and stimulation of bridge interest. Andrew J. Mouat of Wilniette 'is a member of the board of directors. r'he club is inaugurating weekly Mon-. day night duplicate play and already bas enisted mnanv of. the ouitstanding plavers on the. north shore.' A forth- cop'ing event.of is the 1932 ina'ngral set. for januar.v.4,, which, in addition to prize-play, will include ?,buffet supper -and, social hour. Host- esses for thar eveing a re Mrs., Helen Hyde Carter, Mrs. Herbert Bartl'inig, 'and M-\rs. Williamn Bradford.' Critics, said of a recent concert, "The entire program was enjoyable. We shall remember longer than any other nuni- ber, perhaps, the wonderful rendition of, Nathaniel Detts -'s "isten to the Lambs." This selection was truly a mas- terpiece in its great variety of choral effect and its exquisite shading of tone." Legion Auxiliaryi (P. J. Huerter Post 669) The regular monthly meeting of the Peter J. Huerter Legion Auxiliaryý M'as held at the Gross Point public school. The annual Christmas party was held after a brief business mneet- ing. Members and their friends en- joyed dancing to, the music of Joe Schneider's -orchestra and entertain- ment provided by Frank Ortegel. A grand march was led by Gustav Kroschel, commander of P. J. Huer- ter Post, and Mrs. Helen Fisher,. president of the' Auxiliary. Gifts were passed around by Santa Claus who took up his place iiear a large Christmas tree. Mr. and Mrs. Or'ville V. Ruler a nd th.eir family of .237 Laurel avenue wïll pass the Yule holiday's with Mrs. Ruler's parents in St. louis., Mo.. -0- A daughter, Audrey R ose, was born on November 27, at St. Francis THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHUiCli SERVICES AND, VISIT, THE READING 10014