Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Dec 1931, p. 30

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Rates- cent s a lnq ln one paper. 25 cents a line ln .ny tVro papers. 1cents a line ln ail three papora. MINIMUM CHIARGE ONE POILA R. Average oft OVe words te Me lino. No blacki face type used. 10% dispouamt on ail eash with order advertl$ejnentp when broaght to our ornes ai 1282 Central, Ave., WiImettO, or 61 Lincoln Ave., Winaetka. Deadine.torJil rfiClassltied advertlsements wlll be ac- .s . onS cepted up. to Truesday 9 P. M. for WL...MErTTE LIFE or ail three. papers; Wednesday 9. P. M. for WINNETKA TALK "and Thursday., àP.. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephoa: Wllmette 4300, Wirinetka 2000. Greenleaf 4300 or Slieldrake 5687&. 3LOS? ^NP FOUNDý LOST - BLACK COCKER SPANIEL named "Pat." $20reard; no ques- tions asked. T. 'R. 'Benson,. 601 Ash St. Wlnnetka 15ý23. '2LTN34-ltc 3 PERBONAL, SUITABLE COMPENSATION WILL be pald for Information for where- abouts of Floyd Kemmis, Inspeetor, formerly 7165 South Artesian and 7048 South. Westerni Ave, or for recovery- of 130 Essex Brougham, motor No. 1254718, serial No. 1177Ml5111II. Lic. No. .." 5-1 . - . -- 1 ' Cali, Write o« Wire G. M. BEAR 2nd Fl. 160 N. LaSalle St. CgICAGO S tàte 380,1 3L34-ltp, *BUSINESS SERVICE 13ROKCEN AND WORN ARTICLES that will lend theniselves to expert and coosclentlous treatment can be ma.de useful again. A snal charge of 50 cents an hour plus .cost' of material. (Cash .only.) Followlng lsa .a ist of a few Iterns: Furniture, Picture fra mes, books rebound, toys, bicycles, dolis, dolls clothes and' tools. S. O. S. Win- netka 3295.' 9LTN34-ltp' Ait Kinds of Carpenter Work' Donc JOH~N BOESCH Ph. Wilmette 2165 9LTN36-tt'c Il MES MAKING STYLE 8H01' - APTERNOON, EVE- ning and street dresses. Remodeflng and alterations. Reasonable prices. Pl iWlmette 4051. 1524 Highland Ave. l1LTN28S-tfc le ' INSTRUCTION BRIDGE, LESSONS A halt dozen lessons wlll start you rlght to play good brldge, or, If good, show you how ta- become an expert. Les- sons evenîngs in y'our home. Table of 41 SITUATION wTD.-enMALE NOTICE. THE PAULINES AGENCIES WILL be cl6sed Dec. 24th until Jaàn. 2nd. V. Baker, Mgr. 41LTN34-ltc EXPERIENCED WOMAN WILL COOK and serve dinners and l'uncheons, also parties. M'rs. Clauson, 117 Fifthi street. Phone Wilmette 4228. 41LTN3 4-tfc. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS laundry or% cleaning by the day. R ef- e:rences. 'Cali Wilmette 428.8 after 5 :30 p. in.-.41LTNZ4-lnc YOUNG 'RIFINED GIRL WOULD like to work a few. hours eachi day for room and board. Ph.,1Hollycourýt 2934. '41LT34-2tp ,XPePIENCED WOMAN WAN TS: part time, general housewor.k. Ask foi, Mrs. Smith Ph. Wilmette 1912. "4lL34-lnc GENERAL . HOUSEWORk WANTED by experlenced woman,* wlth child or wîthout. Best ref. Ph. Davis 8465. 4 1L9,4-ltl) 42 SITUATION WANTED-MALE EXP. YOUNG . MAN WANT$ WORI< by the day or hour. Serving andl walt- ing 'table, window' washing; dlean walls, and cellings. Drive 'cal- or au>' other odd jobs. Caîl Winnietka 1397. 42LTN34-lnc BUTLER, COOK,' HOUSEMAN. EX- perienced F111 jino, 4 years in private' home, 3 years as restaurant cook. Good -refs, Cali Filomeno Ysit, Lake- view 1511. 42LTN34-ltp EXPER.* MAN, CARE 0 F FIJRNACES,1 shovel. walks. wash windows, etc Phone 'Wlnnetka 1552. 42LTN34-lt 44 IIELP WANTEDF-FEMA WANTED HIIGH SCHOOL .E - T I GLENCOE FAMILY WITH CHIL- *dren, has 2 room~s,' bath, attractive facilities,. meals for either 1 or 2 eni- ployed young. women or teachers in return for household serviesf during their, available time. Write A-76, box .40,ý Wilmette, 111. 534T34-ltp 58-A FOR RENT-LT. HS CPG. RMS. FOR RENT-TO ADULTS. ONLY, FUIR-' nished or unfurnished extra good 2 room kitchenette apt. Exclusive front entrance, $40 with heat.W08 Oak- .wood Ave.,.Wilmette, 5à- LTN31-tfc 56FOR REuNT-APARTMENTS FOR RENT-HUBBARD WOODS, $45 and $50, 2, three room apartmnents, tule bath.' Frank A. Reid, agent, 954 Lin- den Ave., ýWinnetka, 1300., 56LTN34-lte FOR RENT TWO ROOM KITCHEN- ette .apartment .near tranisportation steam, heat, electrical refrigeration. Cali Wilmnette 1800. 66LTN31-tfc ONE 3-RM. KITCHENETTE A'PT. Humphrey Duililnge ihhietka 98 '.or 3328. 56LTN20-tfc S7 FOR RENT-FURNISHED APTS. FURNISHED 1' AND 2 IIOOM APTS., conveniently located. Ph. Wilmette 2399 or Wilmet'Le 2427. 57LTN30-tfe 60. .. FOR RENT-HOUSES 720 LINDEN. AVE.' EAST WILMETTE, NEAR SOHIOOLSI ani transp. 7 rms.. 2 baths. Garage. Large. gro inds. New interlor. $100. Uni. 8383. Wilnette 5172, Sunday. I .60LTIN34-lte WINNETKA--MODERN 6 RM. COLO- niai. Brand new condition. Garage; tiled bath. and shower; 011 Burner. large landgcaped lot. $115.00 per mo. C. A. Hemphlll, Gre. 4573. 60LTN34-Iti-) 61 FOR RENT-FURNISHED NOLISES. LONG BEACH, CAL. ELEGANTLY FURNISHEDý 10 ROO-MS,ý 3 baths, added living quarters above triple 'garage. Unusually' beau tifult grounds 132x237;- near Ocean. Long' lease to responsîble party. Or would lease priva.te suite-bedroom, bath and sitting room for couple, wlth lst class table. For information, Tel. Edgewatert 4378 evenlngs, or write A-'49, Box .40. e whlsl UcL1tient conlt~Wi~ on ;. A£o z pair clamU5Lp skates. Phone Winnietka 1013. 88LTN3 1-ltc FOR SALE - OFFICE DESK., TYPE, wrltèr desk, swivel chair, also girî's bicycle. Reas. Ph. Glencoe 1628. 88LT34-ltp 89 -WANTrED TO SUY-rMISC. WANTED YOUTH'IS. BICYCLE, WILL pay up to .$6 if good condition.* De- scribe. Write A-75, box 40, Willmette, 89LT34-ltp LoganJ.Ioward Mystery. s urrounds a part of the pro- gram hbeiiig prepared by the nmen of the P. T. A. to be offered Tuesday evening, January 5, but two items have Ieaked out," and' those alone should fil the audtorium-main floor and balcony, and put a premium on standing roo . C. WVayIandBrooks, assistant States attorney, has been secured as a speak- er. Afr. BI'ooks is a prominent Legionaire, with a splendid service, record., Enhisting ini the Great War broke in April, 1917, he Ieft the Fresli- man class at the University of. Illinois »toi the colors,ý enlisting in the mar- ines., He wvas. eight, itues citcd for braverv-, is holder of the Distingui-shed. Service Cross of ,'the'army,. the »Distin- guislied Service, Cross of the navy. and the. Croix *de Guerre, bestowed u- on hini by the French commranider for bravery in the Bel'leau Wood action. As assistant States attorney' he ha4ý proved of invaluabie service to States Attornev Swanson by representing hirn i the' Legisiature and 'before the Supremie court. As criminal attornev he hias an exceptionally enviable record. Lt is also rurnored, that "Gabbv"' M-artnett, - who needs no introduction to Cuh fans, ivili appear for an interview%. This wvouid.seeni o be a good tume to find out how the Cubs like Horns.by' management-; Who will succeed Wilson as a slugger, and a f ew of the ques- tionis thatare bothering the Cub fol-> lowers. Who. of the prominent and able men of the P. T. A. have been preparing this interesting program, and Who will preside, is informwation that is not to be 'miade ~known until January 5 atg fil- l 'able only acet. change m3 per'rmo. Write À-77, box4 te, ill.. 411L LARGE, LIGHT, AIRY ROOM, TWIN beds wlth 'sitting room lIncluded; also 1single room., Very reasonable. Ph. loWimette 163-1. 51LT34-lte 1 lz xzu YS -RJVVJN1NG.-K1N(w ilark blue, 4 pc. suit, cleaned $7. Also b'rown Germania Chinchilla overcoat C and leather helmet '$6. Hockey skates, -.size 3, $2, sml. size roller skates. Z scooter, dump truck, desk and chair:; kindergarten size. Reasonable., 933' Ashland, Ph. Wllmette 29.32. Co OJpposite Ri<uehiE-Wcstern Ave. eftrance Tel.. Longbeaeh 1161 Free bookiet AI-90 opp. ,Oakwoods & Mt. Hope ent. 10op office: 228 N. .LaSalje Sit. av

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