Locust road, Indian Hi 1 estates. proaryawyadnyrtie many boys f rom the north shore are The service will be perforrned by the came upon the stage and at once now at Williams. Marcus b. Rich- bridegroom's fatber at 4 o'clock i the captivated ber audience and became àrds of Winnetka is president of the afternoon and will be followed by an one with ber hearers as she. told William Coflege Alumnni club; informai reception. *Only the immedi7 them, most informally, of what Chi-Ti uLDe.3 ate familles, and close friends of the ýcago bas meant in:her life and career. Tri Deta L.unczeon e.3 bride, and groom are to be présent. Miss O Dcme 0 h ot Inge r Marie Paasclie of Wilmette will: Chicago's spirit,. "I Will, is hers, nDcme 0 h ot Shore was a i Upsilon cliapter of Delta Delta Delta be Miss Banning's .oniy attendant. she, said. Her, story wsaleidosco- wl odisrglrCrsmslnh Serving Mr. Shepherd as best man will pic, in its turning shaking out.bits of eon at 12:30 o'clock.with a party fol-, be 'Edward Beùtner of New Buffalo, information about, many thinigs and Iowingat the chapter bosh i v Mich. n uei v Afera edin oune te riemany intereàts in. ber eventful, color- anston. Cards and informnai music Afte wedifigjôuriey he bide'are té be the program. The. bostesses *an goo wiI ak thitbonein the fui, zestful life. I etrvie wiIl be Mrs. Robert *H. Smnitb, Mis. Woodridge apartmnents, Woodlawn ave- expression, the actress. was there, as William Bray, Mrs. Don Suttoni, Mrs. nue, Chicago. was an interesting woman. golf Ullestead, and Mrs. Arthiur Miss Marion Wolf of Wilmetteen The evening was a, gala one. Soft Taylor. tertained at a breakfast, sbower in Miss music from a stringed trio* at the Banning's bhonor last Sunday. On Mon- head of the stairway greeted the day Mr. and Mrs. Banning gave the guests who' remained.for the. recep- bridai dinner at tbeir borne. Miss tion for Miss Garden lield after ber Paasclie was bostess at a luncbeon*e;tertaining ta lk. -Beg n i g M c sbower December 19. Miss Margaret Proceeds from the affair will go Qaten of Evanstongaeneeig into the fund the- guild lias estab- bridge December 18, and Miss Anne lished with which ta obfain for *Mead of Evanston entertained at a.for- Northwesterni uni versity ýthe "'Carne- mal dinner December 17,, for the bride- gie Art- Reference set, about two-A and-groom-to-be. Miss Harriet 'Mons' btmdred volumes on the histôry of of Kenjilwortb was liostess at a tea last art -in ail tirnes-and ail places, with Suinday, and on becember 22, Miss Vir- about 1,800 reproductions of works of giniia Park of Wilmette gave an infor- r faltre n i lcs"Uo f R mal bridge.. Edward Beutner w'as hast this set art departments can base a at a dinner at the Hornestead 'on. De- full and compréhensive course in art cember, 19., in, bonor Of Miss Banning appreciation, the guild announces. MI and Mr. Shepherci. At Hme &ndayTo Celebtate New Year's At H me u'ndy Agroup of young people will cele- Miss Anne Whitmack will be at borne brate New Year's eve at the borne of to lier f rienids f rom 4 until 9 Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cory, 1518 As- December 27, at lier apartnient at 1400 bury avenue, Winnetka. There wiIl be Washington avenue. fi fteeii couples. .\ Il $ 15.00 to $200-00 Re-ad the Want Ade' >ndély s pecial Sale gular $7.50 &$10, Ssimp!iitq Carments e$3.95 ,end $5.'95 Rirnnmng mate of the BREMEN ,ERRPA, fastest 1liners afloat Thée EICHORN COSSARD Shop 72 East Madison Stret chicego ieow tnder te .peraonal aupcrvisa4nof .1MÏdaJate Mou, formerly toith fto*4ot-eir & Co., Néuo Yorkc.