ýf ýýI Rosa Raisa made ier firet.appear- ance t/is seasor with the Chicago Civic Op'era conparv in the titie roie of "La fiie" on Triesday cve- nltq. This is also her first appear- ance Since tihe birth of her "bain- binô'last sumnmer. Others in the cast a>o."La Juive" for the seasoir are MVarýqher-ita Salvi, Chrarles Mar- shall, Chase Baronreo and Theodore Ritch. Apollo Club to * Sing "Messiab" Christmas Day Handel's immortal "Messiah" is the * Apollo Musical club's offering on Christmas day, at Orchestral hall, at 8:30 o'clock ini the evening. The work is :particularly adapted tO' the season, with -its story of. the. Savi- our's birth, and the club has had nany requests to schedule the oratorio on- Christmas day so that week-end visî- tors might attend. Exceptional soloists have been en-, gaged. *dwin .Kemp, Chicago tenor. How Many Tk»gs Every day in everi ywaý Mr. and Mrs. Frank kBarrett have moved f rom 235 Warwick road, Ken- ilworth, and are again occupying their residence at 615 Essex roaL. Their.daugbter, Mary, gave a lunch- eon and splash party for ten friends at the Lake Shore Athletic club Wednesday. NFIrst MON ,rom the1 "The Min I. Éroei 'Mugi* to .....Humnp Children's: v. Suite " 2 4' 41< j I I 'i *1 I LtDoes For You/ phone 18 also