Dy :Sergius P. Grace, assistant vice- president of the Bell Telephone labo- ratories of New York. The, rare scientific treat was brought to the north shore under the auspices of the Chambers, of 'Comn- merce of Evanston, Wilmette,- Win-. netka, Glencoe, Highland Park, High- wood, Lake Forest, Waukegan, Lib- ertyville, Deerfield, Glenview* and Nuies Center. The Bell Telephone laboratorîes,. whose most. recent developments were presented, Mr. Grace explaîied, are a'research organization dedicated to the improvement of telephone. service. It employs. some 5,500 sci- *entists, inventors, engineers, and assistants. "Its inventions," he said,, "are the resuit of' modern mass research,. a mobilization- of brains, talent and energy to. find quick answers to, our * ncreasi ng communication Èeeds."- Demonstrates Speech Converter As one of the inventio~ns of the Bell Telephone laboratories, Mr. Grace demonstrated the speech- converter. which changes the low tones to high frequency ,current, and at the otlher end-the receiving end-changes themn back,'to sound waves and *'unscram- bled." In "scratnbled" speech, he ex- plained the .words 'Trelephone .Com- pany" are con1veyeéd as "Play-O-Fine *Crink-A-Nope."ý The words aref spoken into the* receiver -as Te lephone Company," conveyed over the wire as above indicated, anxd re- ceîved as~ "Telephone Company-,. ".Scrambled" speech, he explained in- sures against. "4wire-tapping" and is used principally in ý,tans-Atlantic' service. "Scramibledi" speecçh f rom across the Atlantic was brought to the au- die'nce, by the telephonec, then "uni- scrambled," the. conversation being- c arried on with the -Bell Telephone re presentativeat -London, England. who announced it was 3:40 a. In., London time and the dlock ini the gyhrnasium announced 9:40 P. m. A irn.ia.mPilota .AreM.zvar rendered clumbl, »y 1055 c.theue 01 u the larynx, may now fit this artificial larynx (a sort of "pitch. pipe") on the breathing tube leading from the windpipe, force the breath through it. and talk by. forming words with the mouth. The vest pocket mnicrocphone wvas of' thé t.-- WINS SOCCER LETTER John Sheldon of Glencoe, a New Trier High school gradtiate, recently wvas. awarded a varsity "D0" for bis excellent performance'as a nienber of the varsity soccer team *at Dartmouth college during the fail season, accord- ing to informationreacbing New Trier High school froni Oscar M. Rueb- hausen, secre .tary, of the Dartmouth, News service. Sheldon was graduated f rom New.Trier with the class of 1928. He is now asenior at Dartmiouth. Grover Hermann returned SaturdaY fromn Culver Military academy to, be with bis parents,. Mr., and Mrs. G. M. Hermann, of 82 Essex road, Ken-- ilwor.th, for the holiday season.-------- ""KAS 1SELS IN THE AIR"" WILL. HELP YOU CELEBRATE Souvenirs ... Entertainwnent ... Favors TEMPTING 7-COURSE, DINNER ~COVE ...$600 PER PERSON For Reservations Phone OTTO HARTING CENTRAL 0 123 HQT E L CHIJCA~O Randolph af La Sali., The continued growth of thé Company is shown in thii chan. The- number cf cust>mes bas increasedby 5919 urng-1931,nôtwith- canding the widespnasd busines depresiwn. Of partcuar imapor- tance is the growth of farm electrificauion. Ferin custàmezs aucteased over 28 percent during the pust year. PUBLIC SERVICE ýCOMPANY.* OF NORTHJERN ILLINOIS- For the convenience of stockholders of the Public Service> Company of Northern Illinois residing in and near the Company territory, we have arranged for special represenration at al of the Public Service Company offices ta handie 'rights" during the subscriptiora period. 230 South La Salle Street CHICAGO Public SoMvi<e Co.pony of Notthevn IllIinois NUMBER 0F CIJSTON.IR Cr 5 99112 r I