*pating in the iinaxvduai and îeam atn- le tic contests bas an~ equal chance of witnning. a new systeni of classifi- cation for th pupils of the sixth, seventb. and eighth. grades, bas been. iinaugurated by Daniel M. Davis, di- rector,ofirecreatiûn. The old metbod wherein tearns froione grade played *with teamîs of, that grade from other schools was a considerable -iniprovement over thei promiscuons choosing of teamus. but. inasmuch as so me youngsters are older thail others in the same grades, the 'method sometimes, gives unlfair advantage te, certain teams.,and.,evei creates adangerous condition, where- in.thie strongjer boy niay inadvertantly b'urt a younge r boy, even though they conîpete only with teams in the sameé grade. The new classification, Mr., Davis thi,îks, p laces voungsters of sanie size as. nearly as possible ini the samfe class and ini both group and indi- vidual comp)etitive contests he meets oeily boys or girls as the case nmay be of bis own size. RelaSify Eath Year Eachi child iii the three upper grades of thie public scbool was given a classification based on the new sys- tem at the beginning of the year in wbicb he will remnain throughiout the year and next year will be subject to reclassification to take care of ýdif- ferences ini age and growth througlh- out the year, automiatically placing him on teanis and iii individual con- tests wbere he can pit bis strength and. skill agaiinst boys and girls of ,te sane ie 1e. "The trouble with thé old systeni," Mr. Davis states, "was that the boys and girls were constantly conipeting wjtb larger boys and girls in their own age against whoni tbey had no chance for winniing. This happenied constantly' even though. each. chil met only the children in bis own gradeiii al competitive sports. The new classification -Will automatically relieve that difficulty since the grade classification lias. been discarded." In working out the new sygtei, a Lawrt Robert Berndsten Charles Megipnni Todd,, re Irish (28) Ted Buck Fred Baker Robert Miles Wiilard Uttenreuther Don. Chape James Lawl George Stio 'fetee Shamnrox (* Vernon .W: Wlnfild: Rok Cari Nordbe Howard Wlnbe Joe Bel Todd, referee 2 O'JCays .......6 do Schult7, & Nord .... 6 don Brownies ....... 5 don Wlid Indians ..... 4 roi ......... 4 'Or Malllnckrodt ... .... 3 ton X-1 .................. 2 Dne New Trier Specials ......2 ..io . ,' 1 , - **« six Bits......... Xa-2....... ............ 2)Basketeers............... 'rs erg erg roi. 'K. 0of C. (41> Presbyterilan (12) Jaçk Hetiman, Harry Stone Jack Harrison Charieb, Roth Jack Lorenz ' Joe l3oody, Piere. Von de North' Ed Hill William Ganiger Leonard Koenen Harry Sieren Todd, referee Methodists (26) State, Bank (30> Peter Relnhold Dave Evans Charles Varney Bob Smith Bob Pei>tz Toin King Fred Waidener, Jack Higbee, Fred Lundberg Nelson -Whitma.à Harold Lundberg Tony Varney Alii*¶Ùn Boyajian Kahflu1f, refere Teanm standings', Blacksak...... State Bank...... Presbyterian...... Shamnrox....... K. of C........ Irlsh.... Alethodist .. won 6 4 3 3 3 2 Lost 1 LI 2 21 3 4 CIIMLS' BASKETBAIL Itesults of iast week's gaines in girls' bisketball league: O'Kays (57) Malllnckrodt (6) It. Toscani G. Weber L. Waikey M. Kummner F. Schmidtz P. Weber N. 'P.odenkirk M. de Marco M. White C. Antonio L.. Steffens M. Hoffnian Riggie, referee li ndian$ A. Co.4reilo' G. Hanite A. Kristoff L.. Coglianesl B.. Zopp C. Kristoff H. Hunter F. Schwalt P.Shea G.Allenl S. JCei (11) Schultz & Nord (34) V. Johnson A. Nord E. Berndsten e F. Clifford E. Ciifford RIggie, referee ) Ili. Bll Tel. Co F. Lu F- Tc D. A. Se M. E M. Il Riggle, referee "B" BASKETBAIL Results. of last, week's games in B basketbal blague: S. P.'s (10) Lyman's Texacos (13> Bob Koenan . Jerry Hartley Cha.rles Hall, Ed McGovern Tim Connolly, Adam Bernardi Dan MIntyre Joe Bergen Henry Specht' Clarence Steffens j Kanning, refereeI Ridge 'Pharmacy (7) Adam Bauer Ray Steffens John Mier Tony Schinler Harry Peters Kanning,Y S. ýP.'s (52) *TIn Côinneiiy Don MoIntyre Paul Jones Bob Koenen Henlry Specht 'Elit es (36) Joe Kraft John Zopp Steve Keil Stan Hawkinson WaIt Hawkinson .Vincent.White ireferee gt. Johns (9) James Dewar John Doe Eugene Prochnow Fred Aschbacher Howard Hefbonà Art Crarner Elmer Priebe Todd. referee Hloftmian [1 (19) William Johnson Peter Wagner Ed Phillius George Huck Bob. Evans Joe Hoff man Ra.ipl Reardan Todd, Hoffmnan 1 (34) H-arold Johnson George Harriss Jim Hofiman Alex Hoffmaîî Ray Uoffman Jim Bagnel August, Waliowitz' referee Teain standings in B league: Won Lost Pet. HojYnian Florist 1I........6 O01LO0 Hoffmnan Florit II...... 5 1,. .833 Elites...............4 1 .800 Terminais....... .....4 2 .667 Lymnan's Texacos......... 3 3 .500 S. P.'s........... ...... 2 5 .2$4 Ridge Pharmacy........i1 6 .142 St. John.............. o 7 Oô 'VOLLEY BALL Resuits, of last week's garmesý in mnen-S volley bal bague: Congregational (7,14) Baptige .(15,16) ýrkom ,ynonville Gathercoal, Art Youngberg .George Williains- AI 1Heerens Robert LasceIles George Lamnb referee street, cleteated L.ouis, Condy,* 1001 Oakwood avenue, for Wilmette's ping, pong titie last Friday evening at the Stolp gymnaslum where the finals in the Playground and . Recreationi board's tournament were run. Both Mr. Harvey an4.,Mr;, Condy had-met with the stiffest kind of op- position in fighting their, way to the final match, Which, to the spectators, was an exhibition of ping. pong, as it should be played. Mr., Harvey had had to vanquish both .Harry Stonc and- Ralph, Whitsett1 who ran hlm to three close, gaines' before he could dlaim a victory over either of. them. Mr. Condy had to meet, Alfred Heer- ens, and H. Freunidlich, players of equal caliber to Stone and Whitsett, who made the path. up to the, finals anything but walk-a-ways- for him. William Condy, son of the runiner- up in the senior tournament, was busyr winning. the juniiorý ping pong, crowni for himself. while bis father was play- ing in the senior contest, and defeat- e .d Arthur Neilson- three str-aight games in the final match. Gordoni Wells and Marcel Kneip, both good ping pong players, were put. out in the semi-finals by young Neilson and Condy, respectively. Match Score. Are LiÎted Scores of, the matches played in the final rounds of the tournament Friday evening wr as follows: Henry Miller* defeated by Lou.. Condy, 2.1-12, 21-8,- Joe Moody de- raulted to Albert Heerens, Bob Me- ter defaulted to H. Freundlich. Jer-7 orne Cicchini, defeated by Dr. G. F. Eisenbrand, . 21-17, 16-21, 21-10; George Thelen defeated by Uarry Stone, 23-21, .21-16; Joe Thelen de- feated by Ralph Wbitsett, 21-8, 21-10. SQuarter finals: Albert Heerens de- feated by Louis Condy, 21-15, 21-17;. Dr. G. F. Eisenbrand defeated by H. Freundlich 21-17, 21-18; Harry Stone defeated by Leroy Harvey, 21- 13,,21-17; 'Milton Reid defeated, by Ralph Whitsett, 21,-13, 21-9. The- scores of the semi-final matches were: H. Freundlich defeated, )y Louis Condy, 2.1-12, 19-21, 21-15; Ralnh Whitsett 'defeated, bu Leroy fatos n rriving aLt bis systeni of suin of the exponents deterinines the Janes Hoffman WaWer Doose cksfcto hnt h gwihclassification. Jake~ Hoffman William Willauno c1sfiaio ha v th ge hihBen Thalinann Willard Uttenreuther sogetimes ha ery little te do with Mr. Davis welcomes any questionls Ed PhillpisAiI Heerens physical developupent. . from the public regarding the system Earl Miller I îThe method of arriving at a classi- of classification, which he says :satec&1 eee fication for the girls used in the Oak- subjeet to revision if further research Team standings In volley bail league: Ind,, California,. department of physi- shows., that it is net serving the pur- Wonmn Foest ......t 10C cal education. has been adopted for pose for wbieh it is intended. . . ..... .3 ...a......... tonal.......... rÉailors . . . .... .M3 .500 .500 .500> 1.E I 1