Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1931, p. 68

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ofthetne rve, reportea n ues. UDUy that the public school pupils had soîçi $406.80 worth of thé seals. The total figure for the Howard and Logan schools on the west side of the Village was $143.16. Returns from -the'; Central and Laurel schools, on the east side were piot. complete, but, if was reporfed that $263.64 worth had been sold there. In the Wilmefte- public schools the pupils are allowed to sel the seals. for only one week, and no ,priîzes are given f0, individuals or groups for selling the largest number of. seals. it is the ýplani of Supt. J. R. Harper and Miss Nelle Moore, elementarv supervisor, to bave the children feel, that they are doing somiethiing. for, their community ini selling the seals rather than working for p)rizes, Mrs. Flynn States. Pupils in the parochial schools have b een. selling the seals since Thanks- giving, and the sale will. continue until' the Christmas vacation starts. At hlle Highcrest school. Illinois road and Twenity-third street, the chikiren have been working diligent- ly in anl effort to selI $50 wortb of the seals. L. Raymnus Murphy, prin,- cipal of thé school, reports that the pupils hoipe f0 reach their goal b y the end of this week, when. school closes. At the Avoca scbool, located on Ashland avenue in the northwest sec- tion of Wilmette, the childrenso ld $15.50 worf h of the seals. Sergius P. Grace to Maike Demonstrations Developnîents of modern scientific research will be the marvels revealed by Sergious P. Grace. vice-president, of the Bell Telephone researchi labo-* rafories. ini a lecture-demonstratioù, sponsored by.the North Shore Cliam- bers of, Commerce, at 8 o'clock. f0- night (Thursday), at the'New Trier Township Highi school auditorium. The,,various chambersý of commerce in- the townships are sponsoring the lecture. CHRISTMAS SERVICES The Church of the Holv Comfor- ter ini Kenilworth will hold jts Christ- nounced this week. Wednesday is the regular day for the collection b)y thet high school students. On the two Wednesdays during the Christmas vacation the. collection wifl be handledIby irepresentatives of ai! the New Trier classes instead 'of by a cer tain group. Boys will be at t he North:Western stations and at the principal North -Shore uine stations in. the four New Triéer Villâges-Wil- mette, 'Kenilworfh,ý Winnetka and Glencoe-with boxes to. pick up the sandwiches and take them f0 the high school, where they will be re- packed and sent f0 Chicago. Fathers of New Trier students may bring the sandwviches f0 the-stationsi or, if if is more convenient, the sand- wiches may be taken directly to the high school, provided they are at the scolby 9 o'clock, if is announced. Last Friday a group of'New Trier, student s wenf f0 Chicago f0 observe bow the sandwiches are being distri-e buted there among ne.dy families.1 They reported that the need is ex- tremely urgent. Kenilworth Pupils Finish Seal Drive Pupilis of ýthe joseph Sears school 'in Kenilworth sold $1,105.21 worf h of Christ mas seals this year, if was e- ported at the school office following the close of the drive Tuesday affernoon.1 Althotigh this figure is slightly less flian that 'of last year, if is considered excel-i lent ini view of the current business dépression. The Kenilworfh pupils began selling the Christ mas seals as soon as school opened af fer the Thanksgiving vacation. Since then they have been busy t rying f0 maintain their record of former *years. On several occasions the joseph Sears, schootl às been awarded prizes for highest per capita and highest total sale :of Christ mas seals am ong gramn- Mar schools. .This year the seventh and -eightb grade boys' home room sold the mosf seals, $304.67 worth. The sevenf h and eirhth gradegirls' home romi. was sec- Orvis, Annla Gertrude urvis, i uIrIe Lea-son, Ruth Phelps, Ora Pkelps, Pearl, Hoose, Mrs. Fre(I Leason, Jim Lamb, Ho ward Jones, Carl. Fredlgke, Gerald. Taber, Ross Blaylock, John Dernehi, Arthur, Scott, A Heerens, Benjamin Richards, A. R. Gebert. Director.............Pearli Hoose Organlst...........yiaIoli, Pianigt ..:........ Mrs. Fred Leason. Carol: '.God Rest 'You M erry Gentlemen".............Traditional "Christlans Awake, Salute. the Happy Moru"......... Traditional Chorus of Carolers> "Good King Wenceslas" . .Traditional XiIng-Jim.. Lamb Page-Carl PF.edigke Chorusof Caroiers "Shepherds, Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep"..... French: Carol Organ Solo: "'Jesu, Bambino" . ..Koch "Hark. In t he Darkness"l . . Polish Carol TnrSolo. Arthur, Scott Quartot of. Women's Volces- Jean Campbell, Geraldine Selpp, Ora Phelps, Mrs. Fred Leason. "Watchman Tell Us of the Night ' *..... . *. .....Antiphonal The Watchman, Mr. Z. 'A. Parkhurst wlth. chorus Reader ý .... Eleanor Williams, Contralto Solons..,. ..Pearl Hoose 'rhe Virgif's Ltîlaby" . BueIt "fleautiful Savior" , ..Christiansen WIth Maie Quartet - Arthur Scottp A. Heerens,, B. Richards. A. E. Gebert. Colored Pictures of theý Nativity. Steropticon Operators....M. E. Reid Walter Flaas, Jr. To close this Christmas,,Eve, service there will be a baptism. FORESTERS HOLD CONGRESS Mr. and Mlrs, Lewis B. Spnunger- have returned to their home at 430 Maple avenue from a recent mofor trip to Georgia and Florida wher,: the former attencied a meeting, of the National Association of Staf e For- esters. On, their way home they stopped in Cincinnat i where Mr.. Springer atfended the Central States Forestry congress. A CORRECTION, An article in WM MErTE L.ËE Iast week.incorrectly ýstated that Joseph. Arns, arresfed by Wilmetf e police in connection with the burglary of a barbecue stand at Howard street and' Asbury avenue, Evanston, lived at 321 -Park avenue, Wilmette. Anris fnrmerlv. ived at 325 Park avenue. îcey. This is characterized as an excep- tionally lovely cantata and' will be presented ini five tableaux. A Prologue of traditiou.al,,carols 'will preced the pagéant givenby the younger members of the choirs. in. appropriate costumes, with the as- sistance of the pastor, Dr. John G.- Hindlev, as narrator. .The.choirs will have the assistance -of the;regula r quartet: BeulahCas- 1er E dwards,> soprano; Ethel. Heide Wishover, contralto; Walter Tenney, tenor; Joel Laya ,bass. The assisting soloists wilI -be Alice Hender son, so: prano; Cornelia Nye, contralto; Ken- nedy Griffiths, ,tenor; and Tom Elvin,. bass. In the absence of the regular organisf. Emily Roberts, -Mayjorie Flack Bates will play the service. Operation Fatal to, Benjamin C. Hawkes Benjamin Carleton Hawkes of W5 K<eniwortl' avenue, prominent busi- ness man, died at midnight Tuesday, December 15, at the Presbv-terian hospif ai in Chicago. His death Oc- curred following an operaf ion per- formed Saturdav. Decmber 12. Fun- eral services will be from the home this affernoon (Thursday).. Mr. Hawkes was president of the United States Playing Card company and president of the Standard Play- ing Card company of Chicago. H-e is survived by his father, M. A. Hawkes of Sierra Madme, Calif.; one son, Belnap Carlefton Hawkes of Kansas' City; three grandchildmen, Diana, Benjamin, Il, and Phoebe; a brother. Albert Wahl Hawkes of New York City and Mfontclair, -N. J., and a sister, Mrs. Charles C.'Camna- han of Wilmette. . Hawkes-died about a year ago. RETUÙRNS, FROM RUSSIA. James H. Fletcher,, 910 .Oakwood avenue, returned fo'his home. last. Sunday from a five. months'business and pleasure tnipin Europe. He was met by Mrs. Fletcher at the Laco- nia- urhich a4wke in 1New York last. R. Wells Simmons of 338 Wood0- Mrs. Frank Cheeseman, of thé Or- J- u- rtJIVy, 15 i ,LInIVaeavenIue, wno-- V----- stock avenue, Kenilworth, is coming ringto., fommerly of Kenilworth, en- is attending t he University of Illiniois, Mr. and Mrs. joseph O. Converse, home from Pittsburgh for a t en days' tertained her'.Thursday bridge club) will spend the Christmas holidays; 1610 Highland avenue. stay during the holidays. this week.. with his parents. 0o -o--o--o0 Miss. jane Darling, daughter of the Mms. J. P. Oleson, of 240 Wood- Mrs. Benjamin T. Roodhouse. 427 Robert Harper, son of the J. R. Ira C. Darlings of 256 Kenilwomtb stock avenue, Kenilworth, entertained Laurel avenue,. entertained ber ýTues- Harpers, 719 Park avenue,:will be avenue,, Kenilworth,. cornes fromn hem sewung and luncheon club on day luncheon bridge .club af ,hem home next Tuesday from the Uni- Ogontz on Sunday to be at her'home Monday cfthisweek. homeé this week. versity of ý Illinois for the holîdays. during, the holiday. recess.' I

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