portlanda cernent' concrete and. other-, wise inîproving the saine, tn the Vil- lage of Wiliiiette, Cook. County, Illinois, Special Assessinent No. 271, in the. County Court of Cook (County, Illinoi.. NOTICEi IS HEIZEBY given te al persons Interested that the Board of Local.Improvernents of sald Village.has heretofere flled In said Court In sald cause, a certificate showing the cost cf the Improvenlient, and the* amount ' e- served, for, interest, leaving Nineteen Hundred FPorty-one Dollars and Fifty Cents ($1,941.50) excegss to be abated In reduction of. said assessment, and aIse that said Inîprovenient has been. completed In 'substa.ntial conformity te the requirements cf the original ordi-: nance therefor, and has applied te satd Court to consider and determine whether or flot the facts etated In said certificate are true. and, that -e:id court has fixed. Monidaiy. Deceniber 28th, A.D. 1931, at ten o'clock A. M., or as sooni *thereafter as the business of-the Court *will permit, at the room cof said Couin- ty Court In the County Duilding, lit the City cf Chicago,, in sald Cook County, as thfe tinieand place for the hearing on said application. Ail persons.desir- Ing .may file objectionsiq n said court before said. day, and may appeî on the hearlng and make their defense. Dated December 9th, 1931. cP. DUBBS STrACY C., BENNETT W. W. De3RARD. ALBERT Wr. FROEHDE ARTHUR LE CARL C. RENNECKAR RUTH HURD SNYDER Boad cf_ Local Irnîprove- ments c f the Village of Wilmette. VILILAGE 0F WILMETTE SPÉCIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE WIMETESPECIAL ASSEs-SMEN'I'r NO.274 IN THEMATTER OF THE SPE - CIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE VILl- LAGE OF WILMETTE for the mi- provement cf the first alley east cf Tenth Street from the ,nerth gutter line of Central Avenue to a point 585 feet north thereof. by grading, dralning and paving with a reinforced portland ce-- rnent concrete pavement, and otherwise lmproving the sarne, ln the Village of Wilnîette, Cook County, Illinois, Speclal Assessment No. 274, ln the County.Court. of Cook County, Illinois.. NOTICE IS. HEREBY. given te all persor.q Interestedthat the Board of Lo- cal' Irnpre'men ta cf said Village bas heretofore flled In sald Court. ln said cauw". a certificate showing the cost cf theé Imprevenient, and the amount re- llerved fer Interest, leavlng One Thou- sand Two- Hundred One Dollars and lias necrefore nîiea in sala Court, in said cause, a cerýtificate 'sliowinà the cost of the improvement, and the n ounit reserved for interest, leaving Four Thousand Five Hundred N1netSr- nine Dollars and Sevéuity-three Cents <$4,5N)9.73). excess to be abated In l'e- ducetion of. sald, aissesnsment, and: .ais that said Improvreriient has been com- llete.1 in substandal coliformnity te the requiren-ents . f Ote original ordinan.ce thenefor, and bas. applied to sald Cou', to coneider and determine wheth- er oc siet the facts stated in said certi - ficate are true, andthat said court. hb fixed .M1onday., Decenîber 28th, A. D. 1931. at texi o'clock ýA. M.., or as seon t'hereafter as the business of the Court will perinit, ai. the room. of said. Coun- ty court in the County Building, in the City of ChI ago. Ini said Cook County, as5 the tie « fd place for the hearingi on said appliew~ion. Ail persons desirlng rnay, file objections in said court ,before s'aid day. and unay âppear on the hear- ing and mke their defense. I)îtD eceniber 9th, 1931. C., P. DUBBS STACY C. BEINETT W., W.-DeBEIIARD ALBERT W. FROEHDE AlRIT HU R:,LE E CARtL CRENNECKAR RUTUH 1URD )SNYDER Board of Loc~alImbprove- nients of the Village of. Willnlette. L3 2-2 te VIILLAGE 0F WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE IVILETTESPECIAL A SSESSMENT NO0. 270 IN THU MATTER 0F THE SPE- CIAL ASSESSMENT 0F THE VIL- LAGE 0F WILMETTE for the improve- nient of the lirst al.iey south of Linden Avenue froni the east gutter line to Tenili Street te the west. gutter lune of Ninth Street, aI-se the north and south alley betweeîî Ténth Street andi Ninth Str'eet connecting with* the first alley sýouth of Linden Avenue and the first alley north cf Oakwood Avenue, bc ,improved- by gradlng, dralning and pav-. ing with a reinforced portland cernent concrete pavement, and otherwise lm- prevlng the sarne, in the village Of Wil- miette, Cook County, Illinois, Speclal Assestsment No. 276, in'the County Cour t of Cook .Counity,' îlino <is.' NOTICE IS HEREBY kgiven te al persons Interestedl that the Board of Local Inhprovenients -of said 'Village lias heretofere illed In sald, Court, In, said1 cause, a certificate showing the costi of the Improvement, and the amount reserved for interest, leavlng One Thou- ie, i viI s. vimiainri n1JA1, in £oJL. ester. then proecded te New York and Pittsburgh on business. -Ô- Miss Jane Adair, daughter of Mr. and. MIrs. Arthur B. Adair of 240 Melrese avenue,, Keiîlwôrthi, ils 'ex- pected home frem Weilesleyfer the hiol.idays on December 20. She will have Evelvnil Bielfeld of Los Angeéles, as lierguest. 0o Miss Alice Julià Flesch, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. A. Flesch,,,-516 Lake avenue, who is at.tend-ing.the Univer- Sity of Illinois, will spend the Christ-. mas holidays as gucst of lier reem- mate in Savannah, Ga. school1 and ive tllousand others ini the grammar, schools of the four New Trier villages-Wilniette, Kenil- wortb, Winnetka and Glencoe. SAt ait of the schools except thý- Glencoe public schoels classes will be.-resumned M'onday, January 4., In Gl'encoe the board of educationi b.as. anneuniced, that, unless remnedial measures are taken, the schools will flot reepen after the vacation be- cause of the failure of a substanitial nuümber. of taxpayers 'of the Village. te pay their back taxes. Wilmette Police Plan. Pistol Range Contest,. MissRut Dryer illbe ome At a meeting of the Wilmette' Po- ealvîext iveek from the University lice departmnent Iast week plans were ery discussed. for a pistel .shoeting con-, of Illinois ýte pass the Christmas ire- etaogtemmes~ h e cess withle aens r.an r.îartment. wit . i a. prize te be awarde-1 * ClaenceE. Dr3'er 1034Elmw ot the inner., The plan bas the ap- avene. Iproval of Village- Manager, C. M Osborn and of Trustée Carl Ren- \1rs. Thoinas L. Grisainore enter-, neckar, -cbairman. of 'the Village taiined ber bridge cluxb at lunicheon j board's police and fire commnittee. at Shawnee Counitrv club Friday, Il'-With in the next few weeks the con- viting ber guests te ber hiome at 411 test will be under way. A 15-yard' Lake avenue, for bridge iii the after- ýshort range iii the baseinent of the neon. Village hall. will be used during. the -o winter months.. XVhen the mweather Miss Mary Elleni Boozer will arrive becomes warmer an eutdoor range ini Kenilwerth Friday f romi Peii!i will b e established oit the' lake front' hall, Chambersburg, Pa. fer the holi- Village Manager Oshorn. said this da easonwith her rrintsMr. week. and Mrs. Ralph C. Boozer of 530) Essex road. --o-- Jack O'Connor returnis to Kenil- wôrth Friday fromn the Canterbury school ini Connecticut to spend the holiday season with bis father and mother, Mr. a*nd Mrs. John OT2ýL>- nor of 149 Renilwort.h avenue. -o- Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy ,Woodland of 336 Leicester road, Kenilworth, bahve recently returned from. a two months' trip abroad. ,Th.ey visited . their' daughter, Mrs. William Heagney, ini Hlavana. Cuba, enroute. Miss Alice Donahue is arriving home the latter part of the week from the UTnvèrsitv of linniq t" - A Jew Speaks," Theme of CongregatiQzn Sermon Rabbi Charles E. Shtlman will speak on "Is Ludwig Lewisebn a Rep- resentative Jew" (with 'reference te *ý'A .Jew Speaks," by James Waterman Wise) at the Sunday morning service, December.:20,, at 10:45 at North Shxore, Cýongregatfiôn Israel, Lincoln and Ver- nonavenues, Glencoe. Carlyle, G. Duncan-Ciark.. who i s studying at the University of Illinois. Mwill be home next1 week te pass the Yule holidays with bis parents, Mr. *andt Mrs,. S. Johnx Duncan-Clark, 228 Wood court. 'I. *1 t Il V.LL(dO F WILMETTIE * SPE('IAL ASSESS.%E-NT NOTICE WILMETTE SP'ECIA L A SSESSMENT No. 2;3 IN TUIE, MATTEI OF TiUE ,sPE- CIAL ASSESSA ENT 0F THE VIL-ý LAEE0F WILMETTE for -the improve- Mfi ss dent at delphia, She will parents, Jeo',e. 7( Mary Joyce, who is a stu- Rosemnount college iii Phila- w-ill be homne on .Saturdav. 1spend the holidays with ber ,Mr. and "Mrs. .Jsephi H.ý ý03 O-reenwoed avenuîe. *11-i t,.. ...., m*- ana Âvi-r. LUir- ton A. Booz, 919 Forest avenue. 0o- Clifton and George Darling, sens of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton L. Darling, 1538 Highland avenue, willbe home next week fron the University of Rochester te pass.the Yule holidaYs with, their :parents. pa4s Ume parents, Hayes, Lt. ad ±Mrs. Lýaurel avenue.. -0-- swltn Clyde Miss Elizabeth Kell% * 'riîn this week-end fromVassar co'llege, te spend.the helidayswith ber par-ý lents, Mr.-and Mrs. Gilbert W. Kelly. of 4121 Cune.r.road, Kenilworth. I