60 FÔR RE#fT- nouons 720 LINDEN AVE. EAST WILMETT1E, NEAR SCHOOLS and transp. 7 rnis., 2 baths. Garage. Large grou~nds. New Interior. $100. ,Uni. 8383. Wiliiiette 5172, Sundày. 60LTN3-ltc CH'"ARMING BRICK COLONIAL, 4 ýbedrms., 3 bathm, oil heat, elec. refrig., attached garage. $175 a Mo. Frances J. Xiiscott 902 Spruce St. Wi nnetka 1267 SOLTN33-tc WINNETkA-MOD)ERN -6 RM.: COLO- nia]. Brand new condition. Garage;- tiled bath and shower; 011 Burner: ia[ge landscatped.lot. $115.00 per mo. C. A. Hemphill, Gre. 4573. 60LTN3ý9-1tp FOR RENT- 4 ROOM HEATEBD FLAT with fireplace at.516 Green Bay Rd. Cal Mrs. Lulzzo', Kenilwori 4037. 60LTN33-lte SI FOR RENTr-FURN. NOUSES FURNTHED HOUgE $85 A MONTH Comfortable older home, attractively furnished, 4 bedrms., den, sun rM., gar., large grounds, excellent. neigh- borhood; available 6 mo. or longer. Cal Mrr. Winscott, Wininetka 1267. 61LTN33-Itc. BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED HOUSE TO rent for season in Coral Gables, near golf links. Mrs. 0. 1I. Larsen, Wlnnet- ka. 61L33-ltn Se-A !FOR, RENT-,HALLS l'OR RENT- HALLS AND ROOMS, for dancing, parties. etc. Tel. Win- netka 165. 66A-LTN31-3tc 7* FOR SALE-HfOUSES BEAU TIFUL COLONIAL 4 LARGE BEDIZOOMS, 3 BATHS SH GLENCOE HOME 5HBEDROOM AND LIBRARY ADD1ED IF DESIRED BEAUTIFUL TILED SOLARIUM RECREATION ROOM-OIL HEAT LOVELY-HILLSIDE SITE Glencoe 1554-Briargate 1855 BAIRD,,& 'TARNER 72LTN33ltc VtRY ATTRACTIVE 7 RM. B3RICK. veneer homne-on hollow tile, tile roof, aisé tiled kitchen and baths. Finest1 location 1h N. E. Wilmette, attachecl garage. R eal sacrifice-at- $26,00q. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. Oppo4te "L" Terminal, Wil. 68 and 444 72L33-1 te INV.J i'FU à . M~. 735 CLINTON PLACE Weli built brick residence, 8 rms., 3 baths; 2-car garage; near lake, ukiversity, Orrington school, Central St. "L" station. 50xl25 lot. A real home, modern and complete, with low upkeep. Miss Cronk, Grecaileaf 1855, Hollycourt 1855. BAIRD*.& WARNER 72LTN33-Itcý WINNETKA FINE LAIRGE WOOD)ED LOT. 5 RM. cottage and 2-car garage. $500 cash. and $40 per mo. on balane willI handle. Uni. 8383. Wilmnette 5172, Sunday. 72LTN33-1t 74 FOR SALE-VACANT 626xl90 ON N. LINCOLN ST. NEAR Lawrence Ave. 'Will seli for low price. trade for stocks or bonds, or will divide. Fine location for ;part- mients. Phone Ravenswood 4098 ýor eveninga RavensWood 3795. 74LTN33-ltp) 77 WINTER RESO»RTS A PRIVATE OASIS ON P'fHE CALI-- fornia Desert. 15 minutes from PALM SPRINGS. Tropical garden, mrodemn cabins, outdoor pool, fn neigiibers. Complete with cowboy guide, horses,, car and transp. from Chicago. $750 for the season. Write A-74, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 77LTN33-tp - lez FOR SALE-FARMS A SOUND INVEST'MENT Attractive buys ln acreage lu 'beautiful Lake county, some farms on lake or streams. Country -estates, faryn a 5 tra 1.-acre trac!Ls, 10 to 50 miles north- west of WiImette on gond roads. R. ýM. JOHN STON & CO. Oppoý,!ie "L" Terminal, Wil. 68 and 444 82L33-tfc 86 FOR SAL.-ui0USENOLD 0003 SQLID COLOR DOMËSTIC RUG, 9x12. Also onie largen.- Both with pads. Very reasonable. Mahogany 4 poster bcd, box .4pring. Winnetka, 2e2. 86LTN33-ltp: SIMMONS TWIN ]BEDS AND DRESS- er, wardrobe, liv. rm. tablé .anid chair,: gas range.. Ph. Wilmnetteé 532. 86LTN33-ltc LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, AND bedroom suites., 9-tube R. C. A. radio. Ahl in good conditiofi. Phone Win- netka 2656. ,. 86LTN33-ltp 6 BURNER, 2 OVEN GAS STOVE,. cbeap. Winnetka 2139. 86LTN33-ltç WANTED - USED STEINWAY OR Macon Harnlin grand piano ifin.ex- <cellent condition and. a bargain- for cash, State isize,. ageand wood. Né) dealers. Write Winrietka Talk A-72. 87L33-ltp .8S FOR SALE-mîeCgI..LAngOUS FOR SALE-REED DOLL. CARRIAGE. toy, bassinet, and ironing, board. -Also mahogany 11,V. nu. table, Morris chair, almost new Electrolux, $30. 1534 Highland Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4061. --BESI! SEATS REMAINDER, 0F SEA- son, 2 tickets Chicago opera Wed- nesday evenings, 1 ticket Tuesday symphony. Write A-13,* Box 40, Wil- mette, 111. 8$LTSS-Itp ERECTOR AND MECCANO SETS, largest aime, alun several eleeMnc -Mo- tors, structo,. auto and many other thinga a boy would like. AIl for $10. Ph. Winnetka 1566. 88LTN33-ltp ELECTIRTC T R A I N S, CýOMPLETE pammsenger and freight outtit, with nl accessories and village, mounted on -movable. base. Ph. Winnetka 1397. FOR SALE - COMPLETE ELMCTR14C train, with table, Iu ge>od runnins ore.Ph. Wilmette 4399. 88LTN33-lte CHILDS SPAULDING'S. CARNI VAL skates, Bize 2-B, used'once, $7, cost $14. Phione Winnetka 2867. 88L33-itp ne WANTED TO aU-misc. WANTED TO BUY - AN ELECTRIC train, in good condition. Call evenings Wilmette 2543. 89LTNfi3-ltp 4,4o. MONUMENT. CHAS . G1BLAIR Co 15M0 N. Western Ave;, Cbicgo',ýL Opposite Rosehi il-Western Ave. entrance Tel Longbeach 1161 Free booklet., Moopp, Oakwoods & Mt. Hope eut. Loop office* 228 N. LaSalle St. su, io, orgaizedat. a meeting held December 14. will meet again Mondav evening, Deceniber 21, at 8 o'clock ini the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce offices. The organization has as its %rrpose the establishmnent of standard prices ini all orth shore beauty ýshops, it is explained. Officers. elected at the in-.eéTiÎg December 14 were: Roy. Goodwin, president;, Harry Himes, vice-president; Mrs.. CIeo Bear,' secretary; Mrs. Helene Miller, treasurer; Mrs. Carnie Buck, "chair- man.of tbe entertainment committee. Serving on the committee with Mrs., Buck are A. D. Albright and Mis!t Elizabeth Hoffman. Miss Ha rriet Webster, wbo is at- tending 'Connecticut college wiIll sp end the holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. ,Webster,. 314 Oxford road, Kenilworth. Miss. Ca roline. Roberts of 328 War- wick road, Kenilwortb, is. arriving Thursday, December 17, f rom Dana hall, Wellesley, Mass., for' Christms vacation at ber borne. -o- Mr. and Mes. DavidVan Vactor (Mary Virginia. Landretb) who, re- turned in Octoben frona lengthy boneymoon abroad, are occupying an apartment, at 1400 Central street. 0o- Mrg- Doniald M. Slyh of the Ridge- view botel and ber two daughters will. spend the holidays with ber mother ini Springfield, Ill.,, Mn. Slyh wiIl join them for Christmas. Miss Kathryn Benson and Miss Barbara Crqwe of I<enilworth are coming borne today from Briarcliff Manor, N. Y. for the holiday seasou on the north shore. Miss Eleanon Benson. of. the Kenil-. worth Ihn is leavingtheeénd of tbis week, for Philadeiphia for. the holiday season. Mrs. J. K. Farley, Jr., 300 Abhotts- ford noad, Kenilwonth, entertained her Quilting club Friday, Decem- ,ber Il. WIILMETTE. "foir more than 20,yera thme HOME PAPER LIFE of the communqity".. $ 'PHONE WILMETTE 4300 1 . 1, ý-r. 11- -17