Junior cnocir, In appropriate costumne mwiii sing old. traditional carois 'befor the pageant. Ail mnembers are urged t be pregenit with their friends, to enjq, thià unique service. r, There *Il ho special pr'ograms ln each or the departments oft the. Church schooi, which meets according to sched- Ule: B3eginners department (ages 4. and 5)- 10 :45 to 12 Primary departhient (ages 6, 7, an d,8) -9 30 to 12 Junior department (ages. 9, 10, and 11), -9:30 to.10:40 Intermediaàté departmient (ages 12 and 13-9 30' to 10:40 The young people of the High school department have been invlted to the home of Janet and Beth Mcllraith for a. social hour next Sunday. evenlng. Lunch wiii be served promptiy at 6:30, and wIliiho foilowed by Christmas storles,- songs, and- games. Cub Rack Number 63 will meet next Saturday, Decernber 19, promptly at 9 :30 on the church playground. Ail Cubs Who wish te bring in more coat hangers for the benefit of the Relief Commission *may do so. Kenilworth u.nion church ýHD Fq Keniiwothý avenlue and Warwick. road Dr. Herbert- L. Willett, minister Dr. Wiiiett's subject next Sunday, De- cember 20, wIlli ho "How the News Came to Jerusaiem," a sermon appropriate te, the Christmas season. The Sunday schooi wili meet at 9 :45 a. m. In the afternoon at 3:-30. "Ah Old Fashioned Chistmas Program" wlll be presented by the menibers ef the Junior and Senior departments. There will be short plays, musical numbeY's and the like. To this ail the members and friends of the communlty are Invlted. There w111 be an offering of toys, and ciothing for the LiÀttie Wanderers and the Chicago Cemmons.ý The Women's ýGuild, w111 have no fur- ther meetings until. the Mon day atter New Years, January, 4. William Pearson to Wed Lake Bluff Girl The. marriage of Miss Irene Jose- d uring the rain Sunday about 5 :- 0 ook in the afternoon. Levernier es caped injury but his car was, badlj damaged. 301 P Painter and Decoaator M 13 GrenIaf Phoneo2764 r HOW THRILLEFD. SHE'LBE- on ~hristnmorning wrhen she finds an electric refrigerator in her, kitchen p .~ M r*..r.Hus6and- May -i wiper, a suggestion,?- You can salve that Big Problem of what te giv her this Christ- mnas by decidiiig on au electric refrigerator. It'sa t wife means to bave saine.day. Why flot surprise lier with it-now? 0f courseyou know (or did you?) that whatever .eectr::iàc .rfigerator you select Inay. be purchased for, only- a small pay. ment down. In mon cases it is as littie as $10. Th-e balanoe may be extended over a convenient periaci of time-two ycars, if you lilce. ing the imarriage ceremony. rvcet- iniz the service Arthur Van Deurseil of Wilmette wil sing several selec- tions. After a>ding journey Mr. Pear-, son; and« his bride WilI make. their borne ýat 7221 Adams street, Forest Park, Ill. JOSEP>H W. KEHOE, District Manager H-. C. REYNOLDS, District Superintendent 1141 Central Avenue. Phone Wilmette, 5150