This play, said to bristle ith. thrills, will be the first offering pre- sented te the. north shore by the Lake. Shore Players. What is regarded exception- ally talented cast hias been' chosen for, the. varions rôles. Miss' Susan Mîçk and. Kenneth Tracy will hav,ý the leading parts.. Other players are Miss Lisbeth Goss, Miss Gene Pad- dock, Miss Margaret- Stackhouse, Miss Caroline Baker, WilIliam She- pherd, 'Philip Maguire, Victor Mc- Keighan and Charles Bruchhauser. William.Shepherd will di rect. The Lake Shore. Plavers take this ôpportunity to -apologize te those per- sons receiving the- "Yellow Shadow%". circulars, which> were . not meant te be tbreats, but mnerely an advertising scheme, it is explained. The skit, "Atten-Shun," to be given by ýhe, Lake Shore Players in coop- eration with the American Legfion. at the Red Cross hospital at Great Lakes Naval station, has been postponed' f rom Wednesday, Decernber 23, to Wednesday, Decernbr 30. 'Judge Carlton Prouty, Pioneer Resident, Dies i .Fuineral ,services were held lasýt Saturday afternoon for Judge Carl- toit Prouty, 1promninent ini XVinnetKaà Village affairs for many years. Who died at St. Francis hospital in Evans- ton last Thursday. The services were conducted by the Rev. Harold C. Case of the North Shore Methodist chiurcb, Glencoe, at Scott's funeral home in *Wihinette. Burial took place at Rosehili cemetery. Judge'Prouty vas 67 years old and had been a resident of W\ýinnetka for. 54:' years.'. He wvas' born in Wash- ington, D. C., and, moved to Win- netka at the age of 13._ When only 21. vears' old, he: was elected Village treasurer of Winnetka. Fromn that time until about ten years ago Judge Prouty had held .-.Qn d iiàl positionl in the Village~, iiliN;rthI nn. "I -DON'T: HA VE- TO GET UP.. 5JLQV a lelepLone ri ,utmy liedJe~ ed a law of - 1 Illinlois roaci anda j. weny-Liristu" . Musical selectiofis were played by an accordion and violin trio comnposed of Mr. Graham, Mr. Kusmertz and Mr. Qertegel.' After the business mneeting bunco was played and re- freshments were served. Santa Claus gave each person pres ent a. gif t. Epessdune il Eoemned SleB.1 i t H. Rose of the