Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1931, p. 39

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ur yêu«De c a i Sur Pl çoncerninq ifs care. fI shotuld bc sct by someonc' %vho under- stands ýthel nature of your permanent- how, it will fal Most becogù- ingiy.ý And .-t should bc set by that same pet- ,%on regularlyaýnd fre- quently, until thecm-ave iv wll fixed. .1 Iearned about al this froi 'Mis. Goodrich, of the De Nclda Shop, whose customers are used to this sort of interested service.. You carn avai 0ourself of it, too-and' psy no more thon vois have to for ordinary work. *DEF NEI DA BËAuTY SALON, Miralago BIdg. 1651 Shérido R -d o %Mans Land o o 'h nhivl vou ichere Io get sorne really: locelu .4", iri iid dance tihin s", not rio nmehion thc rneC.euzru' lice o'.clock dresses of u.'hich.: et'erv, z.vcrdrnhbc rusi, have af lea.sf ne 'the ones i saw e t Mrs. Hanna's ' are distinguished, for exceptional chslrm of Une and color. Smooth, supple groce, of sncb greot importance these days, depends iargeiy, on excellence of -cutf-fnd that'.. a thing Mis. Hanna ricular about. is eeedingl-.1pair- A nd lcr's rt forget ,the wr.aps. They're lovely .brilliant things that will work wonders in. con- rrasti ý'-ith hne, coloss*of the formals. 'ou choose: *N. A. HANNA, iNG. 92spanish Court",-No.ô. Land e e Peuple wbo want distinctive gifts appreciate the sort of things I have bcen telling you about here 9ccasionaIiy. A hand- woven couch throw ini lovely blue and violet toues, for înstance-or in a sîtunning combination of bronzy reds and yel- i'ows. Nowhere else but in -the work of, thest arîist weavcrs pf Kentuckv will- you find snch Colorings! Trhere are bags Of unusuial fab- r ics -also h a rd dwýoven: scarfs by the -icore, for the sports womnan or College person. A nd attractite lit tic chair or table mots that the, homemakers 't'Ili lise. Not ro mention. the exquisite delicate baby îhings. woven by hand of sf pink and: bine and white The Chimocys I52 Genter Street. Indiii Hill e e The itbo,%.discount. sale ut Mr. WIirîmann's Grovuod Grippert* Shop Es fo bc continued, 'l hear. And wh en you consider that the i oe is deducted eL'en (roin Ground Gripper's înew lowc prices. V4ous rcati7C u'hat oan oppnrftniatlw tis. Mon's shoes. as Weil as tcru~~ 'omen's and~ are included ansd even t he newest arrivais are from the di- count! (lood-looking, comnfortable Ground Grippers. think of-that ar à rcduced price! And by ihe w'%, stocks of boys' sturdy storm boots have been rinforced t0 get ready for a srtormy .Jnur- soiis is 'a good time to buy 'GROU-ND GRIPPER SHoE SHOP 1735 Shermmn Ave., Evanston lits a card table and a firescreen in one-, and it performs both -duties witl' admira- ble grace. Hand- rubbed walnut fin- ish, cqVered, with an antiqued old -white classic print-irt ac- înlylooki like an heirloomi $50 would be only a pair price for ià - and ,Mis R'eynoldç. [nc.*. is ifin har$225o, Thot S the fi rst of .ont OmraissJgi t finds in this beautiful shopt Ul/e saw, boo, somne .adorable: littie warering Ca . o lacquered in gag colos-s. Nice. f0 giue childi-en, tç> train rsM f0 co are for sheir plants. 75c each. Thousand Eye Glass, thé. old-fas ned hobnail glass. is usgd -in, an attrac tive* smoking set of cigarfet box and ash traY-at S 1.7 5. And there are lots and lots more! You'll be glad to know that the $hop, iopnuntil nine evenings up to, Christmas. * Mlîss REYNOLD)S, INc. 935 Sîpansb Court. No Man's Land e e e 1 *was surprised to learn f rom Mr. Snyder* that a grcat many people arc giving curtains for Christmas ibis year-proving my point that. there i,ý more interest i ban er in practical gifts. ndwhile, at first glance, it May se a littie tôoo prue- tical,'y()u wont think so after.yois have seeti the adogr- able Voilroy, Cur-' tains tliat, Most people ere choo's- -'ni. A soft. lus- deep aWeU-carea-Ior lokr. Shore Line's service i sa markedly better than orcfinary ones.that you marvel that the prices arc so modes-ate. But that, of course, accounts for its tbonsands of loyal patrons ail over the North Shore. *Shore Lino Cleaners ýlc. 1215 Washington Street, lilmette And l'y. toid you before that you* eau have a perfectly planned and weli-served dinner for $1. 422 Divis Street, Evanston Ç &eoi

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