me V VV Ibl)IIlIi swi1iiJCIs, m to1<)19, and the varsity, 'B" team innînmiig, 47 to 8. The, two victories were nptsic because of the fact: that Keniosha lias won the Wisconsin state- high; sehool. swimming championshiip, for- thrtee years. The resuit*s of the mieet show that, New Trier wifi have swiming teams ahove the average this vear, according to CoachlEdgar B. Jaclk- son. The varsity mteet was'closer than the score indicates. New Trier won four Cevents,.:the 100)-yard -breazit stroke, the 100-yard back stroke, the mnedley and the 100-yard swîi. Ke- nosha copped the relay, 40-yard swimi and diving events. -In the varsity "fI" section, however, New Trier wvon every event. The four swirmers who tohe1 medley events, for New. Trier ini the varsitjy meet.were Palenske,,. B. Rosenberg and Ostrum . ,luI other events Pearson won the- 100-var4, bratstroke, Banning the 100-yard back stroke and Shapker theI10)- yard sin Freshmen Score for V&ràityý Prosser, a freshma in, won. third pl1ace,for New Trier's varsity team. iii] diving. In thevarsity *.B" rnet Ber- nard, another- freshmnan, also won third 1place.for'Ne W Trier in divinig. In' swimmning competition with Kenosha to date New Trier bas wonl three meets in its home pool and has j' Iost twice at Kenosha.' A returul Last ya Nev' Trier's junior swirn- imers won first place ini thc Suburbaa league, taking every mneet ini whichi they participated. while the senior ýswimmers finished third ini the league standing. Gavel and Scriblerus Joint Meeting Deferred The joint meeting of the Scrîblerus and-Gavel clubýs of New Trier.Higli school, schieduled for 1Fri(1ay of thîs Week ýat theý home of Johný Griffith in Winnetka, bas been postponed un- til after the Christmas vacation. Hon. Roy former Secretary of the Interior, wvho was to have been the spe«aker at this meeting, could not come on this date. lie has.promised to speak at a joint meeting of, the two clubs to be held after the holi- days.. The meeting, when held, wvill be at the home of John,, son Of 'Maj. John 1. Griffith, athletic commisîoner of the Big l'en .con- feretice. BAHAI LECTURE TIhe regular Sunday afternoon Ba-; hai lecture wiII be held Sunday afternoon, 'December 20, at 3 :30 oMcock in the Foundatioîi hall at the Baha'i temple, Sheridan road and Linden avenue, Wilmette. The speak- 'er for this Sunday will be* Dr. Zia Bagdadi of Wilmette who will speak on "The Second Coniing of Christ."' Varsity crew last spring. Cadet Roberts is an honor student of the First Class, and is preparing for entrance to Yale ini September, 1932. 1-e is a meniber of the Culvtr Battery. *indoor. crew practice bas: bee'n held daily on rowing mnachiiies in the. Cul- ver. field hous e since the -close Of the football season. The sping. schedule will Include races ý with St. Johin's Military academy, Lincoln, Park Boat Senior and Varsity crews,, and the University of. Wisconsin freshmen. Thse Peri ect XnaCift 1A Clkimea. biUtuwc Gou4en Here'. a beautilul XlAs iaagft thats nu- uîal - a Chineme Miniature qxardeal ! Il It sound entTancing? lt'm imer a it Éounds. Corne mec them in mot ibop. -We have a large seleetion <i complte gardens from si up: ai.. bilae deolor ornarnents.plants, boul. mmd beautiful rocks for those who wibshte nake thefr oun design. ~RNSE GARDEmIo CO,. M87 Wentwo hAVemue PhotneVietery_78»4 Th.ere Us StiII lime for Christmas Photographs B'y B EIR NlE> U.d.t R-50. AÀmdlR-11. > de lîue 10-tube sube Suffl-Ibmss. r -.i.Hetero. rmdya m lets q decomplet. OalY $157 '1 TSthe biggms advmoce in radio in years. A whole new ystu of tone production. No fewcr *aa tures wiII b BERNIE -STUDIO d"Bettew' PictuTe-'Better Values"y Tel. UNi.8998 1623 Shermn Ave, Evanstont 712 Chareh St. 743 Ehis Sbt*m38.cetrajAv. Ph... <uni. 3474 W*Muutks Hi#*kiýw Park 34711 Evaita. Phme Winu. 3474 Parkhd '.1