$750 * uaranteed desk sets in s a vrietV of styles and colors. A wo.iderfuI Ais. thse newest ciÇ@4& sets b> Wahl. Parker, Sheufler, and WaterMan et £av price you wsh ta psy, to $0 NEW, RITI VITATON 1 LMFIDGET RAIDIOS <?ornlete wi4t Tubhes $17 o50 SOCIAL 51ATIONERY 30: dild i I) vect*Vcoopiete %eëetion of imported a danrtc onIstati4snery. PO$ITABt[ flYPEWPtUTEPS' Underwood...... .......... ........... ....... Corons. ...................................... Sm.thilcorona .............. ...... ............ $65 with tabular ke>, Ilour oId typewriter taken in trade. We liave. some wonderful bur, iW Standard, Rebuilt Machines. PICIUU2 FIRAIlUS Snail en-stol frames that enhence anv settilig. AI FFO(;i~L4PI1 IBOOKN, Ail bave attractive coflored bhinding& some are genuine leather fitted Wshh Iock and key>. A wtonderful gift for ths high, school or college girl., KODAKS 21/4 x314 SIZC A.ND CAMrERAS Albert Spaldusg tê'-oiIld-fomious ûPiist, Wffi make his 't/s/rd appeas- ance in t/se Artist-Rccital serics opt Mona yevein ,.December 28, at thse NeuTrier fIqyh ch,'o au di- toriumn. Last year Mr. Spalding gave his services.withosut charge iiir a henefit concert for the unemployed utider the auspices of the Winnetka Mlusic club which sponsors the Artist-Recital series. By having isu appear during the holi- days, it is feit that young people home from school ,vI be able to enjoy Iiis program, as wvell as the regular patrons, of the series. Mr. Spalding appealds to bis audiences Polonaisqe ln B miftor .__ . Bac1h Badinage ln B Mlnor ...... Bach Arian Delander. flute Kamenoi Ostrow..........Ruben8teiný Aben ln Sevilia..... ........ Niernan Léora Baugbman, piano Hlandèl Sonata 'Valse Gracieuse lin G Major.Pp Arian DelandeN, flute, ,Ave -Maria:........Arcadelt 1Deck the Hall ....... Old Welsh caroi Boys' octet under direction of MfLi Winnifred Mlickey. Octet composed or Frar nk Christiansen, William Blair, jWilliam McFadzean, Arthur Katzel. Jon ?hillips LindÏey Fleld, Richard Olsen and Theodore Hosking. Reproach ............ *.... .. Teruchgak Arian Delandor, flute - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES S "Is the' Universe, Including, Man, ÈEvolved by Atomic Force?" will be, the subject 'at tbe services in. First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wil- mette Sunday Inorning, D ecember 20., at Il. o'clock. Sunday school con- venes at 9:45 o'clock. MissPaln Siee of Kenil-, wor th will return .rom Sara Law- rence college in New York en Satur-, day and her brother, John, is coming f fromn Dartmouth, for thse holiday sea- son at their home.- 140 Metrose ave- nue, Kenilworth. tfor many reasons. He is, :above ail, a tiuperior violinist, one who bas, com-. >letely mastered the technical difficul - tdes of his instrument, and bis inteers-- tations are authentic and inspired.* Be- sides bis marvelous equipment as a vio-, Iinîst, hie pôssesses a charm. of manner and a personality. which never fail. t(' wvin liis audience to h*rn as soon as he -ýtcv, onti,) the stage. e Tommy AMiaTI, l'ne. "The Friendly S,'tore" 1721 SHEFRMAN AeE'VANSTON DA Vis ?400 O>psite ami NortA .1 I'arsity Theatre I. r. * . j,