Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Dec 1931, p. 1

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WîmetePublic ýSchools Face Shut-,down LIGHT CONTEST JUGES NAMED Trbree. WeII Known Citizens Chosen to Determine Christ- msDiisplay Winners Hector 'Dodds, president 'of the. Wit- mette CiVic league; Miss Margaret.CaI.. kins Taylor,. noted artist and resident cf the village, and J. R. Harper, su- perintendent~ -ef scbools, bave been na med judges in the Wilmette commun- i ty-wide Home Outdoor Christmas Dis- play contest, il was announced this weekc by the Playground and Recreation V board, sponsor of the contest: These judges witi tour the commun- ity at some time ln the duration of the *contest te examine ail the displays en- tered, and decide which ones shall b.e the winners, of the awards. Contestants are warned te keep their displays up, ail the time f rom December 24 te jan- uary 1, as the rules specify, for it is pot known when the judges wili visit them. Awards on DispIay Awards in the contest, in which every home in Wilirette is eligible te partici- pate, include: 1. stand lainp 2. electric * dock. .3. table iamp. These are now on dispiay in the window of .North Shore Homes Inc., Brown building, on Wil- * mette avenue. Rules for the contest are repeated herewith for the ' benefit of those who * may net havé read themi in previeus issueS cf WILMÙETTZ Ln'z: 'Contest Rules> 1. AiU residences in Wilmette are. eIh- * gible tu comnpete In: con-test. 2. Only dispiays on preperty -within the ,municipal Ilimits uaed' for residential purposes shahl be consldered eligible for this contest. .Each entry must be subrnitted in the name of a single in-, dividual; no combined dhspiays shahl be eligible- for competition. 3. Disphays must be installed and on exhibit from December 24, 1931 to January 1,. 1932, inclusive. 4. Dlspiayi; shall be judged by a corn- rnlttee appointed by the Recreation Tax Problem TO P* for Civic Leaguers Newton C. Parr. former president of the Chicago Real Estate1 boa rd an-d at. present active in bringing about equalization of the excessive- tax bur- den on real estate, will addres% the Witmette Civi c leag >uç at its Dle cem- ber meeting, Friday, December 18, at -the Wedgwood room of Marshal Field and company, 1 21, No State street, Chicago. Mr. Farr's. subject. witt be: "prog- ress atid Prospects of. Tax Legisia- tien at Springfiled." Probabty much of the discussion .witl cenfter aboti the hugze defautts. in reat estate taxes, it is saiti. AIl residents of the village are ini- vited tW attend this meeting and to join ra'nks with, the Civic league. .Monthty luncheon meetings of the league are hetd in the Wedgwood reom, while evening meetings are hetd quarterly in Vimette. As the naine implies, the purpese of the league is te discuss matters of civic interest. Hector Dodds is president t bis year. Merchants Compete for <'Light" Awards Business men in the tbree conm- mercial districts of Minmette are taking a-keen interest in the' outdoor Chrisiîmas-,display con-test wbich the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce Is sponsoring,. B. Tr. Clark, secretary of the Chamber, Teperted this week:' Many disptays already bhave been set up, and it is expected that by the end of the wee-k the business sec- tions of the village witt be respiendent with Christmas decorations and Christma-s cheer: -'s> TURN TO PAGE 20 On page 20 of this issue' of WILùETTE LIVE will be found infor- mation thaït- should command the attention of every village' itr- ested in sbaring in some manner the responsibility of providing for the unfortunate families who be- cause of privation wilt find Christ- masi anything lut: a happy day. Cited there are numerous ."cases"~ investigated in the Milwaukee (avenue) district of the United, ,Charities. The request has been' *made, that Wilm-ette assume, the task of providing Christmas joy, for these destitute people. Please *turn-te page 20, andi, if at ail pos- sible, tend your assistance to this worthy enterprise 1 Reach Three-Quarter Mark ini Relief Drive Wible the final date for. Wllmette's campaign to raise its. quota of 50,000 for the joint l&mergency Relief fund, was s-et for December 15, leaders in the enterprise decided this week to extend the drive for a f ew days ini or- der te niake a clear-cut finish of the job. 1Early this week final, letters and pledge cards were mailed eut f romn headquarters in the Village hall t-i residents who, to date, bave flot re- sponded to the cati for- contributions. It was reported eariy this week that approximately' three-quarters of the fund has been subscribed, and. it was the hope of campaign workers that the quota at least would be a.pproximated before. the drive is broughit to a definite conclusion. LACK 0F FUNDS, BRJNGS CRISIS Civie League Begins Movement to Keep Sohools Going; Keep, the schoots open!t That woutd appear te be the clar- ion cati of the Wiimette Civic league which thisweek inaugurated a move- ment te determine ways and means of providing. funds te, insure unipter-, rupted operatien tof the Wilmette Public schoots now faced with- the necessity of closing doors.because of absence of funds. Enoch Steen and H. B. Mulford, melnbers of the school commlttee of the Civic teague, and both formerty members of the Witmette school, board, have taken the initiative ini bringing before the villagers the woeful pligbt cf the public schools. 1Funds are availabte te conduct the schoots through this month. Aftér that it witl be necessary te bang out the' "closed indefinitely" sign on school doors, untess citizens- of the village come te the rescue in this desperate situation, the Civic league committee points out. Confer WatL Groupe The situation of the schools was brought te the atten'ition of the Wo,- iflan's club, and the Parent-Teacher associations this week.,. Conferences were held wvith the. school'board. A Meeting Wednesday of this week -of the Cîvic teague direclorg and the- school board was expected te resuit in definite steps te gua-rantee suffi- cient fu-nds for the schools. It l'B ire nJ st ri¶. IU I MC I ICveu adt LIm e VVw 11- mETTELinE offices net later than Monday. December 21, at 6 P. M., te insure publication in the cur- rtent issue., Readers a nd advertis- ers are asked:te bear in mmidthis advaficed deadline. e Linos. Music jrage Recr«tion Page Siýdety Pages X-37 Delayed shoppers can avoid need- less running around by first con- ROTARY GROUPSMÉET sulting the advertisements.in this The Nor th Shore and Chicago issue. In addition to offering groups of Women of the Rotary held suggestions, the advertisements a Christmas luncheon and prçgram ,.will also guide you. to. the best last Wednesday at the Hotel Sher- value.$. man. The members brought ioys ahd gifts, for charity-

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