paycdi on N'\wI'rier*s Ihome Ccourt in the Leslie F. Gates gyn-iîîiasiiuux. OnilWediiesday the New 1'rici liravies deteated Lakeview, 31 Io. 26. Colin F1inlaiyson, lyigguard for ,XCNN Trier, was the higli scorer oi Aile galue ith a total (-,f elcveifý points. chutrch. anà j osiiu, Ne%%..Trier forwards, ç0oun1tedjighit and livc point, respcctiv.cly.. 1*vcry -NewTv rier player.. witli ,tIle exception oft Warhle. îVlî.' starte(1 at forward, sc(rc . at least three. poiitas. Nuw 1Trier ld It 11wu ll af.1 t> o Lightweightis Lose l'ie Lakcvicw ligiîwvights v ~enil i atters hy nosing :ouit i norili shore ritals, 20 tb 18.* Leadiîg 18 to 12 at t 1w end.<of Ille .i bird quarter. Ne,.% Trier iailed to score a iolln th in hal pcriod atid.;alloNwed lCurI and i> l.Lakevview fôrwa«rds, lii score viglit points andi win ttue gaule. (unl and, KeIh,% New Trier frad.ticd îor seoring lxoxi <s wit h nii ipoi~nt, Caclh. \Vith. IFragîk. , hurcbajonc cu- îibluti,îg ixtecn pioints, NewvTie~ jîeavîcs lianded ILyde Park a à) to Il - ~vippiîg ast 1-rida3'îih.Cuc wvas ilayiiiu lus usmal positiofl, for- ward . Scew irier's uther ovad Oi tii i nad142 ighit -points, . ~hile Fi- lavsonî r, clîalk-ed up hfve. Againl in this gale every, regtular on thev \Cw Trier teainiýcored. Sim1lng. t-eter, saîîk twofieldi goats .1n<l1<or- dIon. gruar(l, onc. Defeat Hyde Park l, New Tricr lighitweliht, i ~ as wer v-ctorfous over 1Hyde Park. 'l'le score was 30 to 15. Illch-, New Trier gtuard,' Collecte(I tellpoinits. cight of then on frec throws. Fl-nni, ionrard. amade eîghit of Xciv 'Irier's NX\iv Tricr oesit S Sul>rbani legeSceedil e this week, playling ôak Park at Oak PaIrk. Tie sche- dule îvhl w .rémîcied after UIll (.ritiasvacation on>Fidj anti- a .ry, SI Wicti ProvÏso plavs ý,at Xciv .Trier. Have In ail of its tl ioth Chicago wvoo. Lakeview Clean Slate arec pre-seasoln gaules hligz clol-Lie wili the aims and activites or the sponusor of theV clubi. Tri-Sbip club, whbich is composed oi ail boys in the school. George Woodland and Howard' George Quinlan, jpresident of the; Jordon arc to returin to. Kenilwvorth club; Frank Churcli, chairman of on Stinday% from Ufic Choate school. the dinner committee; Harry Gil- Wallingford, Cotin., for the Christ- logly, -cbairrnan of the çlub roonu xmas holidays. mca fou%$@, wateb 11111, IL fi Cc kYour lit 1The listeci patternis of Sterling RWSCAN ff Slver Spoons, Forks, Knives, picsare now in stock and are OFFERED AT .THE, LQWEST PRICES IN THEiR -ISTORY Favorite Patterns of Silver Flatware NOW IN STOCKe EColfax ElDolly Ma .F Edgewortl Dl Etruiscan 111Fairfax E E E E la Adison Florentinc Hunt Club Lansdowne Mythologiquc W Hynot take advant4lge of tKest tempting prives, which arecflot likely to last very long-to 4dd to your collection: of Silv er tliis Christmas? This, 1 lie t fI*IIIC Y3.~* -- .Nrs. Ralph Starret, îiîh lie e Cap, 1045 Plie street, inek.arc driving to Okiahlonan ui Snday td) .Pend Christanas m7itlx lier soit, Paîîi. and bis farniily. 'l'lié ttwo theai vili drive to Houiston, Texas for the ýved;- ding of Austin Coolidgc. a f èrend uwho 'has ived with, theni. J ewelers and Silversmitlis MICHIGAN AVENUE AT VAN.& BUREN STREET, CHICAGO BRANCH STORE: ORRINGTON AVENUE., EVANSTON I.