Why Not Be Purse-Pz-oud?. Especialty when such an adorable dress* bag às the just cause?, Seedpear, beauvais am- brodery, sparkling beads... in ppuch, envelope ind other detighffl shapes at $2.95 Theq Canj't Resi st Jewelry And ifs mail, wonder! Glintinq rhinestoneS are so fascinatingly, set in non-tarnishable metal ea rri n gs, br.acelefs, neckaces, broocbes! A vas+ ossortment ail pi.ced at She'Il Always Be on Time! For her prie in lier Elgin wafch wilI know noý boundsl And aur entire stock of- Elgins are ofFeeed '*aione-half the reguler price for your Christmas shoppiang i $24 watches,. $12038 Holding R-ands a la Mode. îo in 'the definotely %osoe off kid g.vsi fashiona hie black. Ail szes from 6 fo 7V2 a Sad appear siender and, shapeiy. 'Note the cbarmhing trmmingi Our 'Hankies Are. "Interestin g!" Chinese appenzeil four-corner and c.olored hand embroidery makethese lerchiefs works df arf1 Sheer linen squares with. ciinty spoked ,hms others hand-.rolied... and1ol 2k. Re ady 'for That "Rainy Day Whod fear a reiny day when if meant a chance to use à I 6-rib umbrella of aIl-silk or Gloria silk with amber-tike comn- position handie and tipi? Sleck and attractive new co.lors at $2.951 r' Phoenix,,Solves, the Ho!ise .Question a+ 15% liessthan teo rcel Al0olr$, 0toolIhse, now 85C Scarf s r-. J-et. Are Ch!cf Wl E BODT'5 Davis Street Wilmette Life, December 17, 1 931I SIX PAGES 0F WIEBOLDT VALUES. IN ITHIS>ISSUE WilmeltfeI1100 I q I 4 4 Lingerie-Second PIoor, West Room q i