arn îit~ Ail the Trimminga for the Feastf ChrisutasBaskets. Tasty Christmas basikets, iI.led with the deli cacies of the season, often make appropriateand practical1 gifts. Laillas Drothers FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET-. 605 Matu Street Free Deli'very W .Wilmette A venue Free Delivery Phosme WILMTTIE 11IL9 P ERFECT omi.a- ways 'Important, gains emphas;s durnq the holU- day social func$ipns, A visit IANY TWO FOUI'SHAMdPOO RAIR CIUT EXCEPT FING}ER WAV.E MANICTIKE FJIIDAYS & JIENIA RINSFE ARC)! 14ATUR-DAYS P.La Carita Salon At Rear Of WNBRGSDrug Store 4i7 Lno Ave.> Phone WÎL 1133-1911 ing at the corner of W. Division street adAsbland avenue, bas appealed to Wilrnette te bring Christmias cheer iito homies wvherc iîttie children stand a good chance of having the day pass,,un- noticed unless we more fortunate pet).ple look ýout for them. Several 1WImette %voren have be- corne interested in the needs of ýthii district through voluntéer service they have givenii i thre office and as drivers for the, case workers wliose effic'ency is nearly doubled ivhen a car is at 'their disposai. It -,as at ýthe suggestion .of thèse volunteers %wbo have seeni the look in the eyes of men and woireii asic- ing aid foi the first time after-ev'ery, resource bas been exbauisted.t, hat the1 cases cited below, and a oumber of others, were sent to os. There are cigb- teen, and it is boped that Wilmette can care for theni ail at, Christînas. Please choost a faiuyandplant to ýive it a re'il Christmas! fi yqu can- not ondertake su much, any conitrilti-; -tion will be most giratefully- cevd., Here are sentie of the contributions. yotu cati niake: FoodI, clothing, mohey, furniture and. mit the lecast of ail, toy$ for Christmias.> Ntrs. Donald 1-1.. MNaxWell. telephî'.:ne Wilrnette 29.96. wvili give f îîrther ini- formation. * Caises referredl to ahovc areciOted as follovvs: (5'usé The six chidren in the PlreýsiLnn tam- ily are lougiîig for ,;oyie shar(- of rit mas Joy. Their father, a fine, strong feiiow, used te work. ai- a laboreir and. always made enough te niaintain hie family and keep thein wvl and hi;ilpDy- Now there is no work, and aithough Mr. Preston wa.1ksin il a eh day there ia no way by whieh he cannakt, nney with which te buy the clothes that are se greatiy. needed. The, baby, Jrtna, mnust remain indoor-s on éold days. for theére are no w arni viothes and he . for hr i-to,,wear. Case 2 In the Sneliers faxuily tht-re are four sinli childreni-Jenni.e, 12;Marnlà1; Eniiy, 5, and Edwin, 3. Ail ()e the cblidren are lit need, of ciotbing, for Mtr. S. bas flot worked. for niorte than a year, and there bas been nt),niont'y- for needed underwear, rtoe-k1ng., shoe-s* or. dresses.. And as for. toys,! These t,r ccxiperairve and the united hiiueare assisting MLrs. 0. lu obtalnlng ber citi- zensbip papei's wbich willi malte ber. .11- gible for mother's- pension.- Case 17 This la a better ciass et Italian tam-: iiy. The fatiier, was wvas -a ceai miner epuployed seven yeails ln'the same Mine ln ,Peunnylvanla, wlth bis, savîngs et $1,700 breught ibis familly te Chîcago. was irecenlty deported because ef alieged illegal, ndnis-sion to thê United Statea. CaseI7 Except for three weeks' work ilt it) Mr. L. lias flot had steady work for three years. Hies ournings as a punch presoperator lhat manaied te keÏlpth( famliy, comfortable until *the, prevsêr1 nt time., In Decmber.. 1931. the, iasî ;dol- lai- *as -spent -and when .Mr. I . -f turned from the GovernorâsCrm- sien Employmerit bureau, wbert ,- . w.t! toid to return every day, lie fou nd ai11 et the househoid effeets packed a nd his wife tellng hlm that she was nmoving. Mr. L. realWzd that she, was derangcd and mnade the mistake oft tinklng that she would recover of ber>own aecord. There was, beWever, no 1mprov'-îu.q'n and An despair he caiied the lîitpe Charittes. Tt took a good dea 'Of îper- suasion to have 'Mrs. L. sent to th, Psyehopathie liospital. She leavis -m ' en.sniali eblidren at home who aire-t-1<r. tunateiy al ln good health, altbough very niuch surprlsed- et their nîother'. strange behaver for the past' few day-.« Xir. L. dees flot know much ab1.oit. mayi- a ginir thp hr.upthold. Cage à .M..uber 'l- a viartern of t it- t war. .H.e 5rVe(1 ov'rSaS8e a ; tlit;it< Shortiy aftex bis returu teto t' Ut4t States hoi married and went to wiutrnk u. a construction laborer ln ordtrý i- osui.- port his wife and famlly. Now tteit:îr five, <'hildreen and se httiemoé .for- fleiastb tat Uthe youngeYr iW it stay inidoors bëeauseý there r a erayelothem, te baud down frtm tho'-, who are going te achool. ven t-iit-. ol<ler ont-i-t are u;earlng thingîs whh'h a-' %-orii andi pale hip( niany timê-t-. ier < (lamne 4 Thi-, h a stable Polii< d~î.T lather m-ap t-mpioyed ftor fiftéen v-x' as a earponter's helip-r for a.'-lrn. H{e is now dyitig with oareiinowa of ae.sopbaguàs. The nîother is rgun and ùx'pe.ts te dellver. this uxonthlwy bave ono -o nonerelativu-s ru.îd art withnut warni .'lothing. 'l'his faiiy is tr'ying tu îali.- thIre. bet rof it> it,'nr1- tnue. *.Caile 14 Nine '-asagi) wben ri a ,ebatting on the treetwî 'ftn after. work, hA -was stabbed hy nu Ital- Ian. Tho- only r.easonr the farnily li of %v-as îhar he bad'supplantéd ta malt ln* a 'shioli . R-ütt]y the éity b:t- x been able to vontînue m-th a that thé. 1Unitéd Charities lhad, hi-n able. te ge t for thern. In addition ti this1-z. C. lost ber job wieh î<vId ed a few dollars ,a week. Ht-r two 1litîl- gJl-ýi re, ex-elent ln achool alid t1iî,r homelilfe N isovely. She keep)-ý :m ilu- inaculate houme andlbas great arnrnilio for ber rhildi-vn. 'The United (liant j,- .ire asýsiP'ting until this crils ls<vr - . .Cam urIl~ This is an interesting I>t-t- r -:'- Italan rmiily.. R. wa.s 1or1114rlY emp1Oý-t-d hy Seat-sRoebtick, inîl-tm V pan>'. but has been. outlOf woirk mi niontbs and there is ne oulook for iM Cbristinas cheer. Tbe motbeVs h le-th k 'poor. T1icre' aretbree boys, BenjaýMil,' Veto and 1 e, 5 and 2 years. 'tpC t1-e1i. .They %weuld appreciate<Iitt- and toyF. Case 14, Mr. Thorupson la a widowtcr. IEF wife left hlm t we years ago because he Icould net give lber the luxuries that sbe telt qhe shn-uld have. Ho wlth hjia sltetc