"The Carolers" $0 be presented Tuesday evening, December 15, by the First Presbyterian church, at the Wonian's club is a most un- usual sort, of Chistmas program.1 It is described as a delightfuli combination of music and pantomime., designied to.express the me anin gs, and moods, of Christmas since its:lincep- tion; First, the Carolers quartet wvill ap- pear, singing- that JOlly gong, cycle, "Flora's Holiday,"' by H. Lane Wil- son. Both' singers and songs are guaran teed to create an atmosphere of joy and cheer. Then, "The Manger in Bethlehem," a seri es -of Christmas scenes against a background of.-Christmas music, will. be given.bv members of the, church and Sund ayschool, as listed below:, The pantomimes were created by Miss Erma Rounds, musicaldirec- trof the church,, and have* been worked out under her direction. They consist of.The Stable, Shepherds and Heavenly Hosts, Advent of the Wise Men, Mýinstrels- in Old Englanci, and A Modern Christmnas.' The cast follows: 1 The Manger of Bethlehem The cast- Narrator: Rev. James T. Veneklaseft .Mary: Frances Brown joseph: Dudley Veneklasen Shepherds: Frank Lager, Edwin Joyce, John Low, William Morris, Harold Osborn, Philip Osborn. An Angel: Mary June, Miller The .HIeavenly Host: Anne Bayliss, Eleanor, Beecher. Jane Brandt,, 5MuA 1i e i r rnil * .I J 4.4lou = - i-~ son, Frances Rapp, Dorothy Rob- e rtson, Marliss Smith, lenor, Patty Wiley, Natalie Yates.1 Th1e Three Kings: Melchior, H. K. Curl; Caspar, R. H. Rice; Bal-,l thazar, H. E. Osborn. Minstrels: John Bartholomew, Jimn- My Beirness, Sarah Brownlee, janct1 colvin, Mrs. Sam Dennis, Betty Dodds, Richard Hall,- Ted Hos- kings, Adelade Koenen, Mrs. J. C. Koenen, Mrs. W. 0. Morris, Stan- campaign for the collection of these old toys but will gladly accept contri- butions f rom Wiimette residents who have such toy5 they. would like to dis-. pose of, I - 402 LINDEN AVENUE WILMETTB 0151 G I F T CHEMISTRY Boyis ;wunt to makie thteir oaa extieriments. Plrired as l0w as Infantry- Artilery - Knigbts- Sailors. Prices'atart nt set FORTS ,with cannons andi draw bridge- wood .onutruetibn. $2.25 LINCOLN LOGS Steeckades, forts *r cabins eau be belît., New coînhination brick set. $4.79 TABLE AND CHAIRS LITMEL CARDENER BAKOR Alphabet set wltb I2Ilow.Eak Outtit consigseoft6£pacikageg of Convertible dbob type. 1901s have chairs. Rardwôo4ilnisheil. I.tone seed - 4 Rower pots and sauacers a wlde varlety of suabjeet. lapa- bine.- waterigg eau and Ilggeir. lar site. $3.95 '95c$19 DOLL CRADLE Swing craille. 21%3 luches long. Baud- somely decrateil. $2.5,. ELECTURC CLOCK fer$95 the kitcee ...$... and ........... 3MIXMASTER - Mother wants, aL Suubeamn Bliniaster .$21 f0 malke bier work easy ELECTRIE IMON -Graybur. .ail chrome plateil, . $3.95 <oiplete with tord. PAUING KNIFZ of 25C StatiaI s tel .... DOLL TRUNK A varlety of sises. Priees lower tlman meut jplaces. Popular aise. HIGH CHAIR just the qbe for baby bouls. Mas swing over tray. $27 $9 $8 $6 $15 Coxicrete MM«er .$154 $8'1 muck ...... q Ex-presa .. .$4.95 DOLL '4Prec.lons" with rab- ber armsasnsd legs. Wlth a S$16l.urehase-- oue to a customer. FOR FATHER KEY CONTAINER for bis bouse audso car keys..............SOc GOLF BAG., ailleather witb zipper sboç,pochet 19 and bail container TEE KEEPER, sflips rigbt over bis beit* aud beeps tees hapdy ........ POCKET KNIVES, Rob-5 susteel, priced from.. A. F. Adams, 632 F was on a deer hunting ern Wisconsin last wc accompanied by af riec caoeo. Mrs. B. F. Bjlsland, . avenue, spent 'several int n, d., recently, tives. trom, 1228 Elmwood days in Cov-j v isiting rela- Open Every Evnning Skarting Frlday Euine & Tender. . $17M5 Tenk c .........$6.9s Vomi car .........$ 595 Flat Car......4.50.