cil is coniposed of James Steen, Betty Todd, Bob MacMorrow, Shirley Gar- niss, Virginia Marsb, James Ander- son, Bob Matthews, Frances Ijobak, Virginia Fisk, Frank Koenen, Beatrice Leal,' Jarvis fBrown, julius .Hgnsen, Bob C hristie, Elizabeth Leslie and JonWelter. Pupils of' the' other scho(As Ili- Wise are working diligently to dis- pose of a large'number. of the seals, wh ich are issued by the Chicago Tu-, berculosis institute. The sel] 'ing cam- paign will continue until the close of school; for the Christmas va"ation at. -the end of next week. Children in the two couit~ schools -within. the limits -of Wihnette., the, Highcrest school ai Illinois road anu1 Twenty-third, streét, and the Avoca scbool, on, Ashland avenue in the nlorthwest section of the Village, are d oing. their share, too, in . selling the seals. The Highcrest pupils aretr y- ing to dispose of, $50 worth of ýthe seals, wbile the Avoca cbildren have been given $20 wortli to~ seit. In Kenilworth' pupils of the joseph Sears school, who have a habit of winning prizes for the highest per capita sale of the seals among 'gram- m ar sçhools, have determined to -maintain their excellent record. The Christmas seal campaign there is.con- tnigwith unabated enthusiasm. Women's Group to Hear Noted Mission Leader The Woman's society of the Wil- mette Baptist cburch will have a Iuncheon-nieeting Friday, December 11, at the .church. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 by Link D, MIrs. W. D. Millard, chairman. Norma Bosworth and Ernau Akely, well-known north shore artists, will furnish the music. The program, beginning at - 30, will consist of a devotional conducted by Airs. \V. A. Tucker, MArs. Emma 4»_-Kampfer from Aiken institute,. Chica- go, will speak on the s.ubject, "One of Our Beacon Lights."' Airs. joseph Clark, wife of the late, Dr. joseph Clark, the first Bap- Frances ,Prown,, .whlo.,represrents yaryin' the Christtmas Pantolnine, "Thte. Manger in Bethlehepe," to lie.given Tutesday ezpening,'Deccm- ber 15, by »embers of the F'irst Presbitérian chu rch, at -the WiI- mette Wotfta,'s club. This wil1libe a part of "The Çarolers" programn, u.hich is described as a delightful comblination of mulsic and panto- viite. CHRISTMAS PROCESSIONAL The beauty and traditions of the Christmas processional will be brought to Wilmette once again by the children of the Logan school Fi-J day morning, December M8 The teachers and children are unitinoe ini Mr. and Mrs. Edxvard V. Cullison, 235 Sixteenthi street, announice the birtb of a: daughter, Darlene, on Fn.- day, November 27, at the Evanston hospital. Darlene bias a brother, Jess, aged 6. Mrs. Cullison returned on Mon- day to ber home f rom the hospital. Mn. and. Mrs. Ralph Starr, 320 Raleigh road, Kenilwortb, are enjoy- ing a visit f romMn. Starr's mnothen. William Shepherd of Wilmette wil! direct this skit which is characterized as decidedly entertaining and design- ed to create laughs in reminiscence of the days in the training, camps during the World war with the "awkward squad' 'very much. in evidence. Later ini January the club will present its first play, the titie, of whic h is to be announced soon. Residents of the north shore with talents ini dramatics, readings or any stage actomplishments, may apply for memibership in the Lake Shore' Players, it is, explained. Those -de- siring'.informfation are requested to mail namâe and address to the studio located at 1177. Wjlmette, avenue, or Phone the secretary at Wilmette 2151. An informai pg'rty for the members of. the club will be given- tonigbt (December 10) 'in the studio. ON CLUB PROGRAM Ruth Truska, artist pupil of Mme. Eda Goedecke, appeared on, tbe pro- gram of the Chicago Culture club Mon-. day, December 7, with Miss Vivyenne Morin, contralto, also of Wilmette. Be- sidés her solos, Miss Truska was ac- companist for Miss Morin.- Miss Betb Brower, daugbter of Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Brower, is arriving December 19, from Denison college, for the holiday season. recefltly had a sale' at the home of M. Walter Noble Gillette, 533 Rostyn road, Kenilworth. Those who were unable to attend, will be interested to know that there is a shop at 112 E~ast Wal- ton ýplace, where the articles are handled.%g Mr. and M rs. Art hur Cox wvill visit, their daugbter, Mrs. George H. Rigler, 706 Cumnmings, avenue, Kenilworth Friday of this 'week. They are on their way from Laurel, Miss. to, theiýr home ini Iowa'City,. Iowa. REAL ESTATE LOANS Have funde to loan on North Shore reaidential property at re-: sonable rates. See un on renewaia. 'Also, mortgagesfor .sa"le. F . Q ruhg & c.. le'& . salle st. FranXI1u 140 I.à FIRST ORIGAGE LQANS -on, apartmea.ts and ,business properies for 5, 7 or 10 year terms. CODY TRUST COMPANY, 105 South La Salle Street Randolph 6600, CHICAGO OF EVANSTON 900 LINDEN AVE., HUBBARD WOODS OREE~<LEAF 0700 RIGI] . PARK 4141 WINrNETKA M8 DOMESTIC.ýý' HOT WATE,,R For Family off 5 For $3.00 Per Mônith