Goldfish Flash in Sec Red-Headed Indian Hwr sPann "Ccasi rigt euiy Miss D)avis' roonm gave Stolp its Miss Flaskered of Howard scliool Ille hom'e rooni %vhiclî is the art roomn first play this year. t was the story Hello ci erybody, thîs, i' Boob NIc- is goinig to give a Cbristmias. play. as wll Gloria Goilzalcz brotîglt five of our, first Th;anksgivinig. Facli acesfrn i godfshaîdsonafertha îuiescelle was writtefi.b > a different , tu- (Grager over. the Howard Sébool, She bas. chosen cbaraerfro ai dent.. The first, scenc- was a incet Boacatîg ystem The news of teegt rds b an fi s Schreiber brouglit tivo more goldfishi of - the Pilgrimns in -London. The se- hecwek ison'the air. Monday, No- The Christ Caindle." îll a large bowl onaia. black table on vsiitecutro t the Iv nîer-30, the new Howard Sçhüol'lic characters are as follows: ,4ad. )ooth' lsir rouli soietrial i somne of the Pilgrims. TI addition was finisbed. W'e. movéd -Mo ÔtirMaeoElzbt Lsi; cuttinigs and Bessie Boiuchikas do- lei into tý i als lr iWn rtl uil îiaed swr( plnt.Majore Hlithird ivas on the Mayflower. The %v îww ing then. 1vrhd as lr iwn rtl uil fouthîiva th ladin ofthePil hapyWat-soil-Friedel, Frank, Schacffer; uotbted a dpant. M rokr<lcnijI app Contibutd ajapàiles roc- gadenOld Martha, Lucille Grabamn; Ricli in whichiv e. are growing grass. ýgrîn.Ti cnewsfnyb-Johaîmi, George Colton; Cross Jacob,: Miss Willhaam,, otîr teacher alid,11he cause of its red-beaded Indian. The 1Thle 8A boys are bcating the girls Gcraid Spinner;.4rbe Star Child, Elsie art 'teacher, bas sonSe pictures tîîat s9hia h is hnkgvîg e i h plln ots yoewr.JaneEdge; Fritz, Edwin Colegrove; thltistrate a pocintween scelles Betty Rosen, IHeleni;"() Boy"---IeircAaîStb;OarBo illstatea ocxl.shle read. "lîeY Cotîdit, and, Dorothv Strauss played Hiih la ih;Ocr a werc nmade by the eigith gra4fe girls. o uepan.I r sr -eal e i- iHBr A av ar i ra- ag; Kari,, LoydHillsberg; rlîey areoi-tepao Ian .uew l oad8 gaepaesiira on the b)ulletin board and g.1 an, Marjorie WVood; Barbara', on another bulletin board<ive: have joe u is lyo h er-iaîsateat by gÈiving the pl;ay. Helena Mfickey; Katrinia, \irgînia our 7C bank clart and gaine sclied- Joehn alwnl tl col King Alfred and the Shepherd," oui Fiske; TflicGood St. Nicholas, Bige- tls and also otîr kickball peiiiant Mna' ovibr3.low.Haley; announcer, Frances Rapp. wlîich the girls W~on. We ope. toa STORIES ARE GROWING -Maric-rie Staubitz, 8.A Howard have iaiiy other thMs.ytt inle NMiss Pcrring, orcomposition! Howard 8C gave the play,'*Kinîg school. tif the school çxhibit iMa or Julie, teacher, lias been absent for the past Robert of Sicily, Wedniesday, De- -7 Marjorie Hill, 17C2.*Holtarl school. wveek and Mrs. Watts -lias been ourleeiîber 2 fiathercoal Trains Boys substitute. We are,%vritïng stories. ifo as!bai o et Populàr 'Songs Featur Ms Wts1a gc\\'godbe e stili have otîr banking ~ Hp ahrol u oci a * Practice of Glee Club ,sl the story. c We miay write any b1 1 -the three fiftb grades meetat the \ý'ednes(day', Soi ciner 25, the kîîîd oi a story we ish. I arn suri.grnasrurrecetly. e hadchose Stolp girls lhad (;jlet chlb rt- e c i'll: ave son (""uy in etti hir sîored Ouîîî foryrlief rk 'four cightlî grade boys ta show ils lyT had somet exercîses and tîîeî we ors-Mrae rrs, w gtim flldpeerFra. the ules of. the gamie. This uvill be pacticed Scbubert's "Serenad(e." Stolf) sChool.. the first ycar ýof baskcthall for uis. After v ct thmotgh that.a 'l Ilie sixth-graders get brand nim "l-Iap" 'took the ae fteby tulmes We sang another song whicli j SND IHE RIG.Oi lockers with sýet-i locker combina-, w1h6. !had coule, and found out that was "Gentle Water Lily." Tie. last lTlle children of thc ByroliîC., Sto' j ios.te oldbcoghfrixta. te mnuesofth pridMr. lak cholhave been bringing two sand- H 1e thén said that we could cach have said Nve iglit sing- popular wichcs cvcry Wedniesday and hiave i There are brand àc eas Ilh a gaine. uc took tbree of',the Helen Conclit played for us. E%,cry beeîî sending. thîeîn downi to the 8A\ and 8Bj rootis. ,teanlis anîd'.,aid thcy could play uith Gîce club practice we shall have the1 colii school in Chicago. They are «WNel, 1h guess 1. wll hv to be i t tilîe r three tcarns. AIl the bovys last ten minutes for popular. songs. being made of peanut butter. and; going. l'Il be seeing you agaiii. are -lad that baskctball season lias Wc enjoyed the period very muçh.-- meat. We have received many letters Your reporter, started.-Edward Jobnstoîi, 5C2Uw Eleanori-lerboti, IC Stolp school. ýof thankcs. These sandwiches are fedBl)bNlac,\Iorrai), 8A Howard sclhool ard scliool. to the uîîdernourished children.--Bill Cetrl pes eaonWarren. CITIZENSHIP CLUBHo ad7 Tke Ai Central Opens S-asonlice8A class lhas decided, to haveHo ad-7 ke Al With Close ýCage Game MAKING HOOK RUGS Tuesday .morning reniedial peiod for Its Games Except On'e Ïhîsa.Dcîie.tWo- Central Durinlg art period ini Mrs. Joncs' their Citizenship club mieeting. In- Howard 7C hias Won al[, hs gaies l)asketbal teais. E-4 ýiand. rooin the girls are ulaking 'lîook these meietings we discuss imlportant but one, and that onle we tied was opefied the season . vith a clash inug. he nust draw their olvn cde- topicsý aroudtesbo.Teofc il AHwr.W àela w uvil E3ciîvotvitron ihsigiis and choose their own colors.. crs during this 'meetintg are sitting gaies called off.' One Ias with 7B a score of 5 to 4. Tl'le plavers for The, boys are drawing designs..for at the front table. Last week wc dis- :Howard. -The, other was, with St ,E,-3 werc: ILouis Mciîor,. Cliarle s their. pewter plates, which tbcly are cussed the relief plan and conditions Francis. The players are -as, follovs: Milihalser,. Axrt Brretont andl Patil m:aking ii manual traininîg. We ail in tile halls.-Jerrine Fromm, 8A' forwards, Fred Baker, Don* Scharff, lIaakc. The players for F-4 %vere eîjoý that .period *vcrv mutcl.--Ileýletn Hoiard sehool. Bihl Grahiam, Dick Roth',' Murray lack Randaîl, .1111enîît B,1ci Stilez, Stolp 1B. Triplett, and Frank Brychta; -back- Blarrett, Jiiîn (ravfordl and 'Clîck 7 HERE'S CORRECTION field, Bill Wilcox, Bob Gordon; lialf- Gregory. It uvas a finle gaine andl e* FAIL TO APPEAR This is an article for a Mistake backs, Howvard Reinwaldt and Bobbie. hope t-o win - othecrs idr li>3,.-IPaîîl \When school began Nkonday \o.- Clark Kirwan, made a few weeks ago Winers; goal guard, Martin Kresge. i uesday, 58B Howard voteci fom new iHoward scflool. class offilcers. The new president i si Iiilene Weakly the vice-presicient, "'WHY RISK YOUR LIFE?" Bigelow IUaley; the secre'tary, *Eiza- This month's poster is a very good beth Benson, and the treasurer, Bob one. Its headline is, "Wby, 'Risk Brumbaugh. XVe hôpe that the ncwvý Your:Life?" A boy 'is chasing a bal oficers are good, ones.- 1Bigelo,, w and aà car is very ne ar bim.-Heiena Hialey, 8B Howard 'sclooi. Mickey, 8C 2 oward* school.' HOWARD 7C WINS TITLE Tuesday, December 1, Howard 7C played speedball agàinst 7A. The game was 'played at the Village Green. Howard 7C won the cham- pionship witb a Score o0f 10 to 6.- Frank Brycbta, 7C'Howard scbool. siamcLi iiiin mel AL yU. s. u..toa blinded hini and b e had to go to the doctor several times. Luckily, it didln't affect, bis sigbt but ivas sore for almost a week. It isn't welI- yet, and- it, bas been more than ten days since beý was burt. --.Helen Born, 7A Howard sçhbool.