Winnetka Scouts Have Impressive Progress Record R. B.' Brown ,,Shermùan Aldrich, J. Heath Davis and Herbert Siecknmade up* a Board of Review conxmiittee to, pass a large nutmber of- Witnnetka' Scouts in the various advancemn't tests. November's ýresUIt5 show >e îniarked improvement over, the ýpast. Troop .14, Christ Church Parnsh House -Tenderfoot: Warren Mecrs; Fflrit Class: .Jack Metcalf; Menit badges: Jack Metcalf, music: Troop 15, Christ Chtzrch Parish, Houxe - Tenderfoqi:t Stanley Rlich. Bud Riley and :Henry Rieh; Second Classm: Miller Ulimant, Schuyler. Watroua: 1?rst Class: ('harles McNlalr; Star: joh î Muhike; Merit badges: PY'ed Krfebe(, public health and first aid;* Charles McNalr, life s3aVing and swlrmmIng: 'John Muhlke, public health. * TIOop 82 OShows Progresm Troop 82, North Shore CoutUry ÙUy sehool-Tendeirfoot: Thomas Nathan, John Alsehuler, Henry Zels Bari Ree- ie; F-Irat CIass: Luther Barber, ]Rob- ert 'Wallace; Mëýt badges: Bob Wallatùe, handcraft. Troop 16, Wlnnetka, Com- munlty House - Second Class: Bob Brown, Bill Wright, Martin Wolden- berg, Edwin Sullivan, Harry Wolden- berg, Allen Eckart and Tom 'Goodmnan: First Clans: Ted Antderson,; Merit bad- ges: Ted Anderson, carpentry (ieorge, Anderson, carpentry and flrenishIp. Troop 18, Winnetka Commnunjty H-ouso -Tenderfoot: D. Sharp; Segond Class: Jack E-asterberg, James Newton, George SmIth, Charles Elden, Cjartence Line- berger. David Early and* Frank Wyle: First Class: Charles Balleùger;- Merit badges: Frank Borovika, leat herc râ ft IBoards of Review I Honor Troo». TROOP le E. Colegrove, chairmni of tlw C timiist club, TrooplOannotunces ti their Scoutspassed the followinga vanceient ata board of rieview cc dutdb1v the Troop coiiinittee Tuesday, Deceniber 1 : lenderfooi Robert Lonergan, Howard ReinW- Murray Triplett; Second Class-jo' Speredes, Harlow Triplett, John Wq ter; Merit. badges-edwvin Colegroi woodworking;-, Clarke.Kirwini, leathi, craft, and jerome Pli'7e. 'sWiIn.11 aüd life saving. TROOP 23' Col. Louis Waefelaer, George Fi a nd H. Frye of Trroop 23 committ at the -St.-E.iza beth's -Eipiscop church nmade ~up a T-roop board review that . passed' the followii Scouts iii théir advaàcennt test Tenderfoot - Teddv Bushinell aï Fletcher Wyman; Second Class' Leéwis Chamberlin, John Gaibrail anid Fred Kiaber; First 'Clas s-E Sager; Menit badges-Bob Nevie first'aid;, BilIy Rotherinel,' pottery.. TROOP 24 Jamnes McNulty, chairnian of tl Troop 24 committee at the Sacrt Heart chiurch, Hubbard Woods, ai nounices the following Scouits passi the Troop board of review conductE ~iCouncil Registers Scouts in Berlin I Many New Scouts Haunt Museums Sf Many "ne%%-Sécots *and. Sceufers. and Planetarium (Scout Leaders), have registercd ini the past week 'at the' North. Shore Wh\ýletlier 'or not lie had nightmares. i Area council in Highland Te. after %vi.sitiiig Berlin's famoôus Hv- lat continûous' increase in ii enii>ersluip gienic museuni, iW fot recorded by ad has brought. a record inenmbersKl' p Eagie S cout P aul Gilbert of Kenil- c)n vegr in the council. Here arefi theiia nersig etr-n f onlatest' additions:-%'ýri n'nitrsiý'ett"-teo STroop 61, Northbrook-ROger Kicst a series bringing new glini ses o0 ait transferrinig'froi Trôop 71,. Liberty%- France 'and Gerniany back home to )hn ville; Tro'op 24, Hubbard N\Voods- h oIhsoe re- Paul Skinner transferriing fr onue Cno lrth shacorpe. ý i1 ,a ,ve Troop 4, Quincy; Troop 5, W'ilmette GibracnIaidbhiEgl er -Herbert Lang; Shijp 26,eXinnetkaSctcosnWatrHFosrr. îîg -Renrv .Hu.t; Ship .2l'. Glenice- of Philadeiphia, is spending a. year Jolii Btakresgnin asMat tOabroad in~ travel and s tudy. Vst beconie Skipper; Pack 00,- Kenil-1 Wotlh ,James 'Bay,, Edward Claffey, to *'iuseums, the zoo and th 'e plane-. nk John Conner, Lawrence Doid and a,n'-some highlights of Beni x ee Hugli Petersen;, Liber tyville., 'rroop Ieîences-are recorded, in the follow- pal 72-Pan!l Gaugelman; Arden Shore, 1 mg letterwhich is prnted- through of -Troop 44-Anthonv Augustyn, LeRov h courtes3- of the Eagle Scout's ýng Heseltine, Earl1 Stratford, Frank i mother,, M rs- lise F. Gilbert of Ken s: WôAod; Highland Pairk, Troj 34-- * dt: Vnn, oebr 5 ih nid W7arren Bonson: Edwvard Nechirilie: *S- dY eeig oene 6 ih after breakfast we went over to the Kenilworth, Troop 13-Bruce Resseû- Tanten and took along our accumuiated ith quie; Wilmette. Troop 8-Carl Fred- wash, even to the soeks, as their'wash- ilI igke transferred from Troop 17. Cv- .wOrnan is good and very cheap. She is, anston;, Troop 5-Roy Scheibel. only charges one cent a Pair for socks!', ________________(The boys haVe been dolng thelir 'ownl socks and handkerchîefs). 1"Pull Him Over" Is Explore zoo and Planetarluan "'After dinner we walked to the zoo, heGame of Boy Scouts about 3% kllomnete!rs. it is a very fine ed "li metin ofTrop 1 opnedone' wlth pialy of the animais in out-' ,dn- meigofTop14oee side cages wlthout wires or fences, just ed with a little inspection. After inspec- ditches, 1k. the Paris zoo. We stayed tion Iwe went out to the gym anc w-e there tI dark, and thon went to the, played a game. The name of the gaine a rt ak Troop 17 Advattee%. Trofop 17, 'Wlnnetka Commutitnity Iloust' --Star : lenneth Rahn ; Me rit badges : Ham ilton Daughaday, frmnspa nd pathfinding; Hobard Ogden, 'firernatishit and leathercraft ; DonadRahn. pion- eenlng and pathfindIne; Kenneth Rahix. Personal, health. Trocip 19, Winfietka Commniity Houqe - Tehderfoot:: Wil- lani 13utler, Alan Felsettal4, Clillord Enault, -Jullus Cabin, John Lawrence, Stanley Augdahl, 'Jerry Meckl(enburiger and John Iverson; Second Class. Jack< Vennema, Ju lius Cahn, Stanley. Atder.- workinig, Phil 1H persoflal healti. waro n.ratixs. wou- oza, i.athifindlitg anid A TROOP 2 ATroop board of revie,%w coînposed 04 Janmes Donahute aud H. C. Toeppen passed'several Troop ! Scouts On adà. vanceinent 'tests at their receit TroOlp nmeeting: Star-Bill Crawford; Lufe -Donald Toeppen; Mèn'it badges- Bill Craw ford. readiiîg anid wood-. working-. Jini Donahue, swinming. Hrinet iionarcis teani won the' final ganie while Fred Hinkcl's teaini ivon the first garne. We were ini the gym for about~ one hou r. Then w-e came the Scout rooni and we had patrol meeting. Bill Barnunmw-as in charge of the -First Aid Scouts for the- night, because Tomi Larson. o ur Assistant:, Scoutmaster, w-as; helping Jolux Rice and a few other bovs ith the artificial respiration. When the meeting was called to order, 'the Pa- trol' Leaders took, the roi!, ' and also *ý- 141 'Ll k9opaniri ouiy *Lhere Isno nioon. There w-ere only about ten o r fifteen peorle' there! It was quite easy to follow the lecturet', and I learn- ed a nunther of astronomlical ternis.. 'Nov.ember 16. This mornlng we go >t uearly, for we were golng to the Hy- glenie museuni. Everybody had raved about it, and we were ianxlous téo sef, It. We were ln It, over four hours, and scarcely saw haift The fimst iroorn Der Mensch, *wasthe most- fasciniating. I, can't begin té reinember everything; it %vas of the 'utmost interest, but 1i am sure that Peter (the younger 'brother> would have had nlghtrnares for week> and a fit- beside.%, "Themusunicon py jack rotter. We nad more play- ers than the winning side. Thie'meet- iug was closed with the Cub Promn- UCe and Law. The pack was dis- misscd and we ail went out to collect eoat hangers.-.Randôonh MCandilisl, reporer, Wibette. Is f-rning%-i .. i s y us 01 ieaney ot Troop 46, Presbyterian coMplete akeletons of great ostrich-like a Patrol Leader and bis Patroi caMp.cuc, aeFrst pn as a-irds, fo"ssilof algae posbly three- Th pay athuh t asaCeions curayfLaeoe st, r 5 t at. the fourths of a billion years old, the 'ekul The lay alhouh i lis aserousurdy, eceber5, orkng t. he0f a wooly rhinoceros, a ti'ee st'unp plot to it, is very comical and the Scout headquarters addressing letters. out of the carbonlferous age, footprintF' Scouts a re. ail perfect!y suited for The North Shore Area council thanks of a Dinothenlum, thUaga fln their parts.-Ernest Schaper, Troop: these Scouts frterceru animais lde 0a niiti.W 3. Wimte sevc. Jmt gotten baek,,among -the mnrl Wilm~tte sericewhen the museum elosed."