Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1931, p. 38

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Dec. H. BY JEAN TEN eROFCK I* food sbower whichi will benefit thle pbilanthropy department and the rx-serv!ce conu'ttec -is to bce given at the nexi regular meceting of the Wornan's club of WVilinette WVednes- day, Decermber 10. This "pound shower," as it is designated, is . to consist of the donations of inembers of the. club, their gifts 10 be, pounds of. non-perishable foodstu.ffs.- Fami- lies of war* veterans to whorn the ex-. service commîittee givies its support, and -the iieeds of . locai faiies,. with wlion th p'lanîhropy .depaàrtiment is in îouch, will receive tiies-e food gifts. The music and' art. dépaÉinients of the . club are collaborating ini pre- senting - the ail-day, prograni. l'ie, music chairman, - Mrs., Charles N. Evanis. anniounces- that Mrs'. Herbert Wàrfel, director of the Wonen's Club J»prten for Advancenient of Music, of Lyon anld Iealy, %vill give the morning lecture at 10 :30 o'clock, on "An Approacb to Musical Appre- ciation." Lunlcheon will be sre at the, usual hour. Thiç art, deparinient, whIose chair- muan is. Mrs. Ralpli Huif, lias ar- rangcd the aftcrnioon progran, wbiclb will open at 2. -Recent Impressions of Italiau Art" will bc discussed bv Mliss Eliz.abeth Wilder. who Nvill illustraté bier talk with pictures. lli last of the prograini -ili :be given by the A Cappella choir of Nortlhvest - Miss NWilder, tliedaughîver 4À Toni -Wilder, Ravinia artist, w~a5 gracluated irom Sinh coliege ini the ciass of 1928. For two years she bias studied abroad, doing :researcb work, nostly college art departinent'. H.er interest turned* for a 'great part 1tohte life and w(rk- of'thîe SCulptor. Verrocchio, -Upon which shx wrote a thesis. Vhile in Italy a uique itexperience was biers. In lier browvsing ainong old art treasures she camee upon a statue bid- den under its coating of grime. Slie sensed that it was a t îling oi reai J ripicess 1Tsluii. 4w C ll occ t 1Àk ini >~.~-o,~nwT e'>tc,'fain eîi:mbers of t/w Jig>:ior iiiliuv ofthe IWomii>'s club of H ilinciti' of their imelin q lîursday i'CIUJfcceinber 17, bj' t<'Iii lldiion Stories and Ieqends. TPsiani,îa. pronounce1d b-e-N, tranislated imb Fnglish imeans ."\\ild Flo\\er." She Nvas born in Oklahomua an<l reccive liber early education in goverii- nient schools and colleges, wblere it \vas (liscovered she possessed minustal lmsi- cal talent. . Per musical education, whbich lilwcd as been wvittli e fore- niost teachiers in Anîêrica a.s \cll as abroad. .Tsianiliha>s sang vittîteîcdu success ini opera and concert ini everv state in Amecrica alin iii ime. foreigi i :ounîiiries. She fuirnisbied the thieile of the story of flic opera f rou)li incidents iii lier ovni lile. TIhe Inidianî 1ah .s or wboni the Juai- it>r auxiiary' Las Ilel en scwîng are thos- i l Nvboum Pri'îcess '.rsiatii,a is îicetd Rev. J. A. Magner Next '% .4-11 if C day evening, Lieceniner 10,, when thet Xiinette Business and Professio.nal \VOmIen'S chl) bioids its nionthil \ diii - ner meeting at 6:15 o'clock,. at tht', WVilniette Congregational ciircbi. .Miss Vesela Kassaboqva, pres *idtei; of thle International club,,wilI appear in ber'charining Bulgarian costunie ,as she introduces Miss Rosario Re-. galado in b ler Philippine cos tume~, Who ill sing Cbristmnas carols -and will tel -of holiday customs in t1w Islands. . Miss Kassabova wvi1l aiso present Miss Lillian Ilieva, *ho will give a spirited Russian dance in co',- turne. Miss Miriam Lungren, an Amnerican! sister of the International club,wiilil)ec the acconipanist. The evening's program .will1 also îimI- clude Christmias stories told by Miss Mary Wiuncir Hughes, cbildren's b- brarian of the Wilmette Public 1j- brary, wio also ill review ."Tbc Christ Child" lw ithe Petershiams. Eacli .iiuenîber of the B usiness Wornien's clubl is .asked to bring a doil or a toy %vitli her to -the mieet- ing. Miss L'illian 1.eaf. president of t1ie \Vinette Businiess and Professiona I Women's club, will preside at, the dinner .and for the prograni whicii follows. fllustrated Talk Takes Garden Club to En gland Froni Land's End to the hieathier covered Highlanîds of Scotland the Wilmiet Garden club toured' a quaint anid friendiv England Friday eveming, Deceniber 4. M Niss. Ethel Nlilis.ivas the speaker of the cveningi %vlose informial i, bumorous chat as suie clianged bier many slides carried lier listeners into. tinfrequented by- wvays and slioved gardens w here. .flowers grow s0 v.goroiusly that tÏhey uxnust be clipped and controll1ed l]est tlîey becoine too rank. The slides werc % made iroin photo- graphs taken- by 'Miss Milis. on.lier iviiieros isiý n Eglndand were >0 lliisal lit leraudience was qltite carried aNvay by their. beaut.y. Sorne jealous. pangs Nverc doubtless Staff Capt. P.* LeRoy De Bevoise to Speak at Philanthropy Day Meeting Tuesday *FhvXeighibors of Kenilworth %wilI hicar Staff Captain P. LeRoy 1)c Bevoisle, editor of the "War 'Cry, speak Tuesday alternoon, Deceniber 15. Thle meeting is Philanthropy day, with Mrs., John .C. Carpenter the chairman. In addition, to thù talk,' there wili be Christmas car'ols., àf r s. H4arry. D. Briggs is. hostess for thec a f tertnoon. The Kenilworth Neighbors %verle <elightfully .entertained at a iiuisical* tea Tuesday afternoon. Deenîbcr- L MIiss Isabel Cline, as' the soprano soloist, sang several charming, groups of songs. She was accompaucd by ber inother, Mrs J. S. Clime. The pianist. of the afiternoon was Miss- Mfary Margaret McAuliffe. who im- ..pressed liher audience as britig a vounitg arti.st of rar e ability and prom- MisCiinie's prog.ram c*rn'.îited 4-)f thiree groups: Who 15 Sylvia?........4hbr solvJieg's SongGle The Ru.s4ian Nightingale . Aaif Lie. Awake Song .Hd~ Ift1 Pour Ducks on a Pond Needham The Winds ln the South i~ct 0 Zxtti êtNlit (2nd aria, Qut.vn (of the Xight, froin -Thée'Magie PFlute-) ..mozart, UhtN uit ..Bcee Ouvrv ýTes Yeux Bleus . asee Bon J(aw-, Suzon Pessard r;heurc- I elieuse........Staub. Vision..................Ir1en.s M\iýss McAuliffe .aiso liresented tlireegroups of compositions. Iler selections were: I.-reludein P1' Major (oi N;octurne in V Sharp) . . hoPin floliogsCake Walk . .)ebusy Flight of the Buruble Bee .......... .....RimskY7-;wrsakoV Wil........eWisp .. ....MacDoX1ell Dance ýof theý Gnomes Iiszt, The Shadow Dance Meo'I Seguidilla...........lni May Nlght .............Pai-gren The Decenmber meeting (À îthe Northridge Womian's club -LÀ \Vi 1- mette will take, place %,oiida,,D ember 14, at the frime of Mrs. WVil- liam Edmnonds, 1925 Asbland avenue. The speaker wil be the Rev..Geo.. D. Allison, -pastor. of the MVilnetté MIr. and Mr invited to a, 1Evening Ga December8 this district- cliairman of ri. . j.LU5ingersoit ad ingw uv egvc n onsix. conseutï,ýe rilliam Edmotids were Mondays, january 11, 18, 25 aànd Fei) - d the meeting of the ruary 1, 8 and 15, at 10, o'clock inth îe iclub' which met morning at the Wonian's club. MNrs. repre5sentat ives, froni J. Robert McClure is chairman of the s. Ingersoll is gçirden comamitee putting on- t he course NorhîbrIdge club. which is cald"Hm eriel its next meeting 14, at thîe reside Holmes, 622 Ce ommttee oi th e ilmette is holding onday, December of Mrs. William avenue. Cory" Arrangemienfts.în a y be made. Nitlh lier for the ýcourse.

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