:WA FAVOR PROJECT, Give Dec*sive Majo>rityàn Favori of Village Board $600,OOO Water Bond Plan MVinmette cîtizetîs last Stra voted decisively ini favor of the estial-- lislînient ofa muinicipial water.work. for the village, giving unquestioned 'appraval ta the, Village board's plani for an independett ater systcinî. AIl butý three of the twclvc prç- cincts in the village gave- a -miajority for 'thiewaterworks proposition, tuec total vote was as follows: For the. issuance of $600,000) water revenue bonds té provîde f(or, the establishl- muent of a iiunicipal ý%vtcr plant 214 5; against,. 1,426. The thirec pcits wlîjclî gave ;a majority. against. the water proposi- tion were Precinct 3, with, pollimîg place in. the St0lp scho 1; Precinct 4. *witlî polhing place in, Stolp sclîobol. and Precinct 5 witlî polling place at' ' 421 Fourth street. In striking contrast Wvas tlhe votv cast, in the near and far west, sections of the village. Ail of tliese precitîcti gave conîfortable majorities -for tlic p)roposition, while Precinct 9 (Logani school) voted more thil 2 to 1 for the waterworks, and precincts Il and 12, both west of Ridge road, showed only a scattering of opposition to tlîe proposed municipal plant. East side. precincts as :a whole showed a negative vote on- the propo- sitionl by a scatt majority oéf 24 votes. 1-owevver, the' large* vote for*, the proposition on the west ýside cartied, the issue conclusiveîy., It,,is iinteresting ta -note that the vote., on the waterworks proposition, a year ago was: For the proposition. 1,726, againist 3,187. Total votes cast, 4,913. Cornplete utiQffcial returuis of the referendumii will bc fomid mn page 4 of this issue-. GIVE -LIGHT RULES Wilmette Business Establishmçnts to Compete for, Awards« in Christinas Lightlng Conteat Rules for tl'e outdoor Chistmas dis- play. cûitest -wlich the Chamber of Commerce îs sponsolriîîlg in the business districts of flthe Vjllage werc announced tiris. week hy 'ai. T Clark, secýretary of Thel'lîees arc as follows: I. AUl business. lâlces ifin e rn- mlcrciaî d'(istricts.ai Wilmlettc are elig- ible: ta o iple'e in, the contest ..1 2.No coniîhipe<l (isl)lays shaîl be eli.,ible 'for con'ipctitiomî. 3., Iisplays Shall bc installed and on exhlihit ýf rani Decenber 12 to Deem-l lier 28. inclusive. 4. I)isplays shahll'e j udged by the CIarnher of Comffmerce lightirig contest cn'unîlittee. _5.. Tlle points ta bc takien into account ii lic judging o>f the displays shall be artisýtic menit,. siniplicity1 and night- t nie etTectivenes.s. Window decora- tions visible f rom the exterior will bc considered part of the display effect. Attractive prizes are to be awarded ta the winners of the contest. The first prize wilI be a large silver loving cup and the second prize a black ebony plaque with a silver shield.L With the cooperation of businless utenl in the tliree commercial districts of the Village the Chamber of -Coni- meroelîopes taoniake the 1931- Christ- mas. season rnore brilliant than any previauis anc for tlîe shoppers who patranlize Wilmiette stores, as . well as for the passerby. Village "Yule Lights GI w- First Time on Saturday The Christmas Decoratiomîs around tlîe Village h&ll are heing installed this week. and the liglîts will be turned on , DECEMBER~ 10, 1931 Relief Workers Plan' ,.Big Intensive Drive \An intensive drive to achieve Wilmette's quota. of $50,000 in *the Joint Emergency Relief f und of Cook counitv will be conducted in the rernaining. days of tule local can îpaigui, according to, leader s in the, enterprise. .Wilniette. it is iointed oùt, lias to dîme subscribed cmilv ab)out once- lI-iîf of the quota indicated at the ýOutset of - the canupaign.. Returtis have heen laggfng in i dscouraging fasliion witli workers rcceiving'flat refulsais i lhundreds of instances *where tle persanis solicited are said to be. wellt ahle to contribute generous amoiunts. Thelî final drive. decidcd upon.at- a mecetingz this week, coniteniplates' the fortiation i).f six or s e v e ni crews of threc solicitors each, who %viIl conicenitrate ulian persons who thuls far have remiained obdurate. Lt is hoped thai the efforts of this group, will be crowned with Suc- cesand that \\ilmiette will take her rightful place alontg with other north shore canîmunitjes in sub- scrihiing the quota. Headquarters of the canîpaign are in thîe Village' hall. w-here i ,i- formation cati be obtained. IlThe final date of the campaign- is Tulesdav. Decemnber 15. NEW C. OF C. MEM8ERS Tivo applications for nibership were approved by the *Wilmette Cianîber pf Commerce at its meet- ing Nloiiday, niglit ini the Wilmette Ia.soniic temple, 1010 Central avenue. Thie.ie niemebers arc Charles Mintz', jeiveler. 1165 W'ilmnette avenue, and thîe Boulevard Drug store, 1101 Ceni- tral avenue. N "OUTS BO( RELIEF, 'UND Make First' Collection of 01l.d Papers Throughout Village This. Saturïdey B1oy Scouts of, Wilmette and Kenil- worth are ready to makre a bouse-to-. Itouse cativas for their- first monthîy col- lectioni of old newspapers and magazines Saturday'nmoriiing, December 12. The campaign is coniducted by the scouts ini order to have a part in lbelp- ing thîe local emergency 'relief funids. The papers collected in Wilmette and. Kenilworth:w»Illb sold and the money turmîed over 100ý percent to tbe local relief fumîds of each of .these tow ns'. Saturday nîî.mrning at 8 o'clock the Wiinette Scotits will meet at' tbe Vil- lage hall and the-Kenilworth Scouti at the Sears school for final instructions. The Scouts will caver their assignied tcrritory house by house. 'Ibere are thrce- important steps in collection of the paper that the community should be familiar w;tli. Here they are:' Ask Co<oeation 1. The Scouts wiîl corne to each bolise to collect the paper. If the people would, %vhere possible, tie the paper and mag- azines in separate bundies flot to ex- ceed 50 pounds each, it would help the Scouts a great deal in. this large task they have so willingly undertaken. lu case the hornc owner cannot tie the bundles, the Scouts will take care of that job. -2, After bei.ng bundîed the papers will be carried ta the curb for truck collection starting at 1 o'clock. When tii and boys are abouit the bouse tbey, cauld assist greatlyr by helpi ng the scouts ta carry the, buudles ta* the park- way. 3. lu case -eople. are'lot at home Miîen Scouts call, the paper wil stilî he coîîected if they get it ont ta tbe parkýway by 1 o'clock. List District& Fuar the convenience of those wish- eral ouler caes VS ui UVV sanC ie i still active. Nineteemi ahi cases'oi wl ing cougli and ten of chickcn pox reported. .........3 values. f orter. Dr. H-ierb>ert iý. Willett, j iinister ' o the Union church, wiIl r preacli the sermon. Thtis is t() be one of the Union services lîeld sentii- annualîy by the two churches. Bay Scouts Will G:ali audyto Golleét,:you lPp