FOUR DELIVER IES I EVERY DAY TUEU., W!.,SAT. n MK PEIL DIb oast lb29 Rativ elb.te190e .xanabume? f resh dressed for . Ibo 310 f rylamg trf%h groand ýbeet ire Ulà Umai fm4eb andi Pooe £~EWK'888tender -cou II 2ls 9 lbo 450 3 ls 9 orooetY Spe iI Butter ?q «trRi, lb. 330, Mône' Il bo. 330 Ana Vanhly Flakes'.. large pkg. 39c0- RUINZ ler bUle200 ToUMato Judo@ of 1$225 crimOoq b Cao i~hpi an, 230 3-lb ca . witiL Tt' Tue 84e CentvIIa SoupS seIb Ipa ('iek -5 43 A'ýSOtmt f Tt u tTouit. Veactâi.rN*b e t r ,etàal>Ieec. Ba. euS nmédium sis 3 cans for 356 P« IL. 190 SIX TELEPHONES Kinir Oscar. tre"SiÈati wIeal pekL 19e 2,m. .294 EI.ey, BI&,c and 1139 Central Ave., Wiluaette 4370 R. A. M. ANDERS ON Tolep *uO WILMmn« 689" chaââter wvere to bc elected Tuestav 'important event of the year on the of tîxis week. Chamnber's calendar, will be held 'Mon- Theie ew officers. are: Freelandl G. day night. December 7, at 8 o'cloci, Stecker, excellent high priest; Roy î,n the Wilmnette Masonic temfple, 1010 A :Hopkins, king; Clifford E. Ives, Central avenue. 1 scribe; Lorin A. Bower, treasurer; Bjesides electing officers and <ir-c- George R. Harbaugkh,l secretaryý; tors, the oarganization will hear a talk Scott Sidney -Smiith, -captain of hast- by. I-oward P. Jones a memnber af thé i Jaln es ;L. Milis, principal,,sojoutrier. staff of Governor E'mmerson's Tax John L. Robertson,, Royal Arch cap- con férence, .who' has1 an intiînau tain; Arthur P. His, master third kniowledgc of the, presenit reveniue veil;,Frederick ,C. Broughton, master probleri. He will speak-on "Chiçagt)s second veil: Henry P. Burbach. nias- and Cook County's Revenu:e. and ter first Výeil; Dl. Sterling Vhei- easre for Meeting the Problen 1.» uright, organiist; Rýoyal A. Hoaglanid. 1Expert on Taxes sentne!.Mr. Joncsformeriy was on the staff ____________________of the Citizens' Relief committtu, af 1which Sulas Strawn is chairman. ',He Chamber of. Commerce as vsaseilwie o Cî Thanks- Show Helpers jag dailyon the'subject of taxationi. Ail alnounicenient expressing te. t h e s uoentar. es beonth appreciation- of the Wilnxiette Chain- lfakingfrqet adse o th ber of Commerce ta Villagers who st-ibject. participated in -any way in the pr-e- Preceding Mr. Jones' talk thc n- sentation of "The College Girl" wvas minating, conunittee, appointed' several, Irade this week by. B3. T. Clark,, weeks aÉo to select a siate. of candi- secretarv of the Chamber. Thè pro- dtsfrtevriu hnbra ducti.ôn . given twvo eeks ago at'the îConirnerce offices and directorial po- Wilmnette Woman's club for tre: sitions becorning vacant at the end of betiefit oi fthe unemiployed, svas a (le- thsya,1llmk t epr.E.G cidd scces. -r Clrk tate& hePetrv is chairman of this committet. Chaiiiber of Commenirce is grateftil ta 1 J. E. \Vorthen, who has served the ever\-Olue Who helped nmake it a jý.l Chamber as president for the pact cess.iew-,ai(,. ;twvo years, has been nominated for- re- ________________élection. A. S. VanDeusen, Jr.. Nit Alfred E. Viol of 114 Tljird tree 1president, aiso is named by the coin- ~~sgone to Lafavette, hîid.. tco spend Imittee as à candidate for reelectioi.. î 1nh ihhi -inl adduh- F. D, Anderson has been noniinated i mnthwt !,is onin-aw nd a i ýta succeed, W. D. Leary as trecasuirer.. te.r. Dr. atid Mrs. James L. Cottel . Nominate Directors ich officers are elected for terui- ot one year -ônly,--but the ten direc- tors serve two years each. Fivc oni ithe directors' ternis expire at the end This of this year, and A. C. Pearson. .1John C. Cazelad Carl Renneckar. havr. AIT1d .~. been nonîinated ta fill these .vacancrç. John K., Hughes, Ralph, G. Blalin. Consder- E. G. Petry, R. M. Joôhnstoni aud Le Niickelare thre 1-l directors' who 5till for yur gft [have ane year of their two-vear- terni> to ser*ve. Thé directors %%ho-se terin- -c\o f spire this month are John Schniel- Patil Reiiscli and A. S. Vncs7I e 6* P-to- rn-E