Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1931, p. 5

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'l'ite Christmas season i Wiliiitte will be proclaimed with a new spli- dor. this year. Thousands o.f brilliant. colored liits, on trees, doorvays and shrubs, and in the windows of scores of homes wili extend a greeting chieery and warm to friend and strangcr alike,' if the plan., of _thée Wilrnette Playground and, RecrealtionIl board are. successful. A vilage-wide Outdoor Clîristinas Display conitest ,is to be cofl(llctC( frmDecember 24 to January 1. .asý atinotinced in last week's issuec of \Vuîi~'n~LiFE. A total:of. thrèe val- tiable awards wilI be made to the homes judged to be most attractiveby > an(l.al)propriately decorat-ed. accord i.1g to the Recreation board commit- tee coriprised. of Mrs. . J. L.each, chairmian; Dr.-George D. Upson. Mrs. lErtist Freemnan,, Daniel M. l)aVJ.. and illiam Taylor.. grings Joy to Ail "Thei comparatively newv cîstou of arranging decorative Cliristniaý displays on the outside of the home P leinwmi strates the true Christ{mas spirit Mi its most generous formi," reakt a comnmittee statement. "WNhile * the traditional tinseled. tree in ftic living, roomi1 is a sincere and beauti - fi, gesture, its cheerful niessage reaclies only one family atild, a few personal f riends. It nieans. littie - to the stranger in the village. It doe:; * mothing to. lighten the heart of the 1ael),or quicken the spirit of the 11afless uinfortunate wliom ad "crsity. la., rol>bed of a Christmnas 'of bis ownI. -'Christmas is a celebration of uni- vvrsal love that allows us to sl1areý witlm the whole world the jov an(: liappîncess that are ours. 13\-making (>tr lhones visibly portray the hap- * ~~~ that is in our hearts welilý otlerstobe happy in this greaiest oi ait holidays. What, a d1eligh.tfiil fevelinig of satisfaction we experienct- w inwe know that we have prof- feéred a real,, unselfish'wish of 1 e r r * Christmlas' to everyone 'Who passes our hou se 1" 1-laborate and expensive(lispIays wIl not bc at ail necessar* vt o as- sure a home a place oit the prizte lisi. -sa\-s the committee. Ail Have Equai Chance ..I isnotourintention,"'continues testatemnent, "to reconiniend ttiatý everv household. in Wilmnette spend be eligibie for coinpetition., .Dispiays miust be installed and. on exhibit from December 24, 1931 1to * Januat'y 1, 1932, Inclusive. 4. .Displays sliall be judged by a coni- mlittee appointed by the Recreatioli *board's Outdoor Christmas Dispiay Contest committee. * 5 Te oit ,tùat Wiil be talcen ln t o * acout, n udgilg the displftys shai be artlstic menit, simlpllctty, and] seil the seais unti the close of school for the Christmas vacation at the end of thie followbg week. 'l'le seals aie issued by the Chicago Tuberculosis institute, which this year is making a special appeal for the pur- chase of the seals because of ýthe ini- creased danger of tuberculosis ýdevelop- iog in f amilies- of* the utiemployed.. Il' 'Kenil worth pupils of ýthe joseph Sears school bave been busy selling the seals since Thanksgiving. The Kenil- w.orth childrer. in past years have 'won numerous prizes -for the large number. of seals'they.have sold, and.this.year, they hope to maintain their good record. At the Highcrest and Avoca schools, the, two countyý grammar schools within the Village lir its of Wilmette, tbe sale ()f the. Christmas seals. also is under way. Invite Merchants to Particéipate in Lighting Coüntest The ilmette Chamber of Comn- mferce will sponsor an outdoor Christmas display contest in the'busi- niess sectionsý of the Village, B. 'r. Clark, secretary of the Chamber, an- nonnced this week. Rules of, the contest are to be an- noutnc'ed next %veek. Later the judges ivill be chosemi and their names made known. ýA large silver lo%-ing cup will be awarded the business bîouse wbich the judges believe to be the most at*- tractively and appropriately decor- ate(l. The second prize probably will, bc a black ebony plaque with a silver shield, -.\r. Clark announced. The Chamber of Commerce is. seÇking the cooperation of all mer- chants of the village in this project. It is planned to lnake the coming Christmnas period the w ost brilliant and cheery ever seen iti the business sections of Wilmette. Iu making the announcement that. sucli a contest would, bc held, Mr. Clark eniphasized tlîat the displays îednot bc elaborate or expensive., They will be judged on the basis of origiaity as well as beauty, lie said. win i UV. UUKigUV*U a patIor t. LLispia effect. ti. Ail entries must mail naine and ad- dress to Recreation board Outdoor Christmas Display Contest commit- tee on or before Deceàmber 24, 1931. A coupon 1 pro viding forregistration will. be found on Page .4 of this issue of WltmýM mLIrE. Dr. George E. -V.incenit, recmit lzcad of the Rockefeller Founda- fion, imember of the board of direc- tors of, the. Boys' Chtb Pederatioit of4Anerica, and one of the best kkio7îi, educ'ators and social zvel- fread;niistratàrs iii Ainerica, will sl'euk at' the Wilmette Sutiday 1 Ali, 1 q;i club D eceiiber- 6. H is sub- Dr. Vincent lias beei a -deaii at flie Un iversity of Chicago and president of. the University of Minnesota. He re- tired f romn his active cIluties several years ago and lias puhlicly announced that lie will give inuch o-f his tume and tlioughit to the Boys' Club mnovemnent to wvhich lie is uncompromisingly coin- nitted. This Saturday afternoon Dr, Vincent epeaks at the Union League club of Chicago on, the. suhject. "In- terinationial Relations." *LICENSE PLATES READY Kenilworth Village vehicle tags for 1932 are on sale at the Village office., Blanks have beeni sent to household- ers of the village who, own, cars so t hat they miay make applications -for their village licenses. Application blankls for the state vehicle licenses also are available at the Village office. Cati Wilmette 4300 A skfor A d-taker, lage' l-residgnt C. P. Dubbs and- the Wilmretté Village board "for their con- scientious and. able public leadership as manifested ini their handling of the Water Works question."P This fact. becanie icnow this week- when resolutions adopted at the No-ý vember meeting of the Legion post were made public. Tlhe. resolutioms are a wbole-hearted endorsement of the manner in which President. Dubbs and the Village board have put the Water Works question be- f ore the. voters of the village. Partc- ularly do they commend the distribu- tion. to ail homes of'the village of'the pamphlet setting forth the Water Works propésition under the title, "Facts and Figures About the- Water Works, as Contained ln theý Repo rt. of the Wil- mette Board Covering Its Inivestiga- tion and Recommendations. The R..oIntbim 'The resolutions read as follows: "Wherecs, the members of Wilmette Post No.- 46, Departmnent of 'llinois,, The Anierican Legion, are interested ini and ,are appreciative. of good govern- trent in community, state and nation, and Wmrathey bellieve it helps to in- sure .good governmnent, to publicly:ex-,. press, as indivriduals and as a. civic organization, appreciation, for- excep- tional service rendered by .scrupulous. public officiais, and Connnend Board Meth<>ds "W'herea.s, the members of Wilmette Post (as well as ail voters in thie vil- lage) have severaliy received at their homes copies of '1'acts and Figures About the Wa'«ter Works, as Contained iii the Report of the Wilmette Board Covering Its Investigations and Re- coininendations'; have noted the pains- taking and tborough manner in Pvhicli the President and Trustees of the Vil- lag- of WVilmette have placed the. Wa- tee, Works situation before, the voters of the Village; hôw unsparingly tbey have contributed their 'time. and energy in meeting after meeting, to.,acquaint the voters with aIl facts in the matter so that lie voters might intelligenitly pass upon bis important Village niatter, *"l'le above and foregoilng resolution **was- regularly introduced, put to a vote and passed by Wilmette Post 'No. 46, Department of Illinois, The Americani Legion, at its regular November ineet- ing, .beld at St. Augtistine's Club House, Wilnette, IIL. November 10, 1931.- Chartes P. Daihinke,. Ad jutant."

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