Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1931, p. 64

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i n seoolno.rd <> Lae. ticon lectures being. delivered ini the othier for those teji and cleve,î years oldi. y R. L. P. Page and Cookc cotinties ]lave decidcd \Wýinnietka Cornmunity flouse ufider and a third for those twvelve. thirtrcli h'Éie Blue Bird" gave ixorti shore that the renxedy 'for the presemit fi- the auspices of the~ North ';hore Art and fourteen cvars old. îîatrns of te rtistRia s neresai nancial situation as far as. the sçl(Ools league.. Mr. Watsou was to have Boys ini the two uipper classes vvnngo xoihiainsetrtix are concertied iist cornee Iroin the. conflned bis talk solely to N r%-m ent last Monday at New Trier 1 ligh ora%. curupete for ait ail-rouind gynînastic e lol legisiature at Springfield1. 'Thi reas- but in answer to a request of thç m iedal. Ain achievement cbart bas 1,îi sessment, conîing as; il did at a timfl Art league be "threw in" pictures if worked out, and the boy tvho excecs' Never; have we seen a north shore whien taxpayers .Werc liard ;Ires.sedl to Sweden, Denmark, 'and Finlalid. in' gymnsin apparatus work as welI audience give isf pacomplelcly meet* their taxes. letui xnany schotols Paintings by our own v i il Zoir i.t as in 1ariéipa1tion ini the various sports to ai entertiner as it did to the sly. in difficuit and- trVing S>ituiationis.. Wilmette, Charles Ha ag of Winnlet-,wilIlr ceive -the mdl.Al fth lischievously conceited Yascha Yushii,. A: special conittee ofie tlb uer- -ka, and Mrs. Van Wagencn Allin.. classes are organized. into team .S <> ho introdueed each fbsse.e intendents and schocil boards ini die of. Lake Forest were showx. Boili titat tliev w~ill bc ready for.tlie.plî- iths abud innundosadhner school districts oîitsidc Chicago lias Mr. Zoir and' Mr. 1 Haag !lave ain ig of the North Shore Granar! ous, renîarks that be sent everyhody off seriouslyý studied th<' situnationad ings in' the Stockholm Art iuseuin. Sch(ool leagiiehaSketball schedule.. 1 intoglso agtrbfr h ir bhas gathered information f ront ail the Mrs. Allinig had done a super b Ian<1- Leaders, assistant leaders and alte,- tain îulled back. The revue wvill untti- schools." As a. rsuit <of. ntmxiierous sc ape,. a scene among. the Fjords. flates have becn choseu to assist Robert; dotlbtedlY, be a'.bit wben it starts a ti C<)Itii 1itt<tor a se liChcago ruîî at the Studebaker thîcatcr meetings thec Toits of City Hait 'ti.TTenulof, athleal dietor at p i -Fehruary. lated legisiation whicli is a prograluMr Watson discse i;osie-cars, ini conductiiig the tree cas>: to .get the scbools out <if die presen a e deai t e e .ic i ha l 0f Narnes of these boys are: .D epic t ssan Life fi nancial. difficuit ieS. Stockholm, wbicbi is one of tuemot CIasý., No. Il--Leaders. John Deaconl. i WIqv ani describe. the, delightfully- beàtlùlbuildings oforilxi, .1Bob, Osterirani, Charles de i- .r %wdy nonsense and f resh liveliness (if Th omie aîcîne hyte 9ti~ 1oe~ Chappelle. Ràlph Starrctt, Wenttell thie revuie! It -was lîke: making a round: school boards consists of the ftîllow- civîlization. 'rbere were scles oaîionCne;asitn edo usa sresadbue n in mebesC.Aliait. cartrchaira- Ptine RyaE alceje .ok oîî:ers, George, Rotherniel, David Dale. catching a glimpse of the f ree, vildly maî: ugncC.Hal.~ie-harnan Pine ugne, youtnger lîrotiier o1 Rohert. Herman,. Knnth Crcer, va lifepf the1 Russians in their 1happîy Howel W:' Murra%. trteastrer: îBert KngOca, ite nxost i lented David Sanders and Edward Claffey:- moments wben tbey sing and dance for M. Kohler, secretarv: E I. C. Breu- royal pcrsonage in. the world, and alternates, ' i'n rgtaiRbrshejoadametesle vtx haus. 'William Hl. Jopp, Ir.; W. F. isa patron of ailt te arts in -Swedell. Montanaro. 1their own (troll sense of the conîically * Dntean ,jme J.Gave3; ofr rier wre icure soWnhilliby ClasNo.,dl-L.eaders ,,Johli Deacont.:grotesquie. Their good spirits buhh: Reardon, F. S. Rushunre: G. A. litii 31and hy Ilipr tege. Mr.Jn-JiîyOin on iWlla i'v vr nomsic and dancing, and wv *Stevenson and Fraàk .1. Petru,' sn vo r Vtondsr1d slr iedn ece n td Stil-! the% get together soon there is no seri- illesico. Mau Secretary a coming paînter. Mlany clitircl,,s tman; assistant leaders, David I.ockett !ousniess,. notbing but a whirl of colihr Ber M.Kolle, aîneter ~ of tnusuial architecture.,l>or<lring <'Il Norman Betuis, Melvini Hawley. Danîxanam song and dance, ail mnixcd lit)sti ;Glence e clohol har<i. i- .«creta ri, i .the nodernistic, are sprnigiiig upl Morrison, Tom-Ket and Dick O'Coni- iclxarmiigly and artistically that 011- tS specia omm Tte.1"ee uuic-troughiout Scaii ia;. Thvý . are nor; alternates, Walter Swanis4onlWar l00 sac ams vrhemd~ih spi*té-l»ll re oi cverytliiig]oali., sliiiî structures. some .of whiclî ren Knauier, Andy Kuby, Victor Faut ian impettuous desire to join ini. Tle, spiite mcx ae oin evryting~look alnos'.4t flke (Chicago qkscrapers, stick,, Ralph Starr and Carl Buchler. rvei rtybado x uincec-- their powur to sec that the prograxli.111 ,1 eu ý rtyhr nteaii of education is lioit crippied and tixat tofcrsnt li.'Fcsn- Class No. III - Leaders, Johnîw I atdt ac n iî,to onily those bIs arc passed xývhieli wiîî plicily, the coidness, and grandeur Sprenger, Art Carlson, Paul Cornell. but bad to content ourselves witiî burst%, defiiiitlr lther thn of the modern Scandinavian art are Richard Holmes and Val Silith; assist- of applause and shouts of Iaughier. :cefl(itel readiere titans . otstandin g, and these characteristics ant leaders. Huzh Peterson. Doni, qt-l- Vushny did give uls a chance to si~; place them lm a 'iiiIlfxiqo-I sng; atio, i ispoined nt. , were weil brought out in the land- inan, Bert Sniîth, Bill Stebbinis.and bsimle Ruissian song ending with a scape scenles as well as in those rep Art Cruttendexi; alternates. Dick Lee, loud and vigorous '*Da!" which is the The bilts whiclxhave en .1)01W resenting the architecture. A picture Arenld Knoop, jack Fyfe, Art Bonnet, Rulssan for "ves"-biit when one per- sored by this special coninittec pro- was shown of the iiew rajiwa\ sta- DIeWitt Jones and I Benjamin MacKini- 1 '01 discovered the meaning of the song vide ini general for the folkm'wiig leg- tion ini Helsingfors, Finland, wýîichx non.. slue ga\e a horrified gasp and ,xcarly- islation. (I ) A bilte hpermlit short a designed by the archictect ýwho cohapsed-v=_xcept. that she hlecamec tod terni bonds to bc îssued for teacliers' wonI thie second prize in the couitcst, Give 268 Persons Lodging î u-v lauighiug about it. saar wrrns ndotu utsan-sponsored by the. Chicago !rribihue * Knows Human Nature ing buils. This seenîs to bv, the only whien that paper was lookiing for le-, in Jail Here 'Last Montht Vshn's conipany pokes fun at it- solution whe tax anticip"ation var-sis for its niew uldn.Two hundred and'sixty-eight destitute- self,- the audience. and nearly everytbodv, rants'flnd no sale ou the narket., (2). VItto jrs persons were given a night's lodging il, and it is done with. the delicate. finle A bill whicli pernuts schlool d(Iistrictb There wcre glorjoius scelles, of 11r. the Wimette Village jail. duriîg' the, baud <if.ant artist ý and connoisseur of to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r inra1ter emt.Iodn asnstael hog h jrsîonth of No ebe, records at the Wil- humilail nature. There are la vish colors powver froni 2½% <ifthe assessecid toH mefs nnrtr, mette Police. departtuient'show.,In nor- and swift, bold strokes in! the nonsense, valuation Io 5%. ls 15 thxe ('ly Norway, end wlîich is .350 mtiles nortîx "'ai tumes thiýý would be considered anlaand a keen intellect back of itail. Thîe ineasure whlicl i ïIiuake It possible of tlîe arctic circle. There were unuisulaly large number. Widespread un-.' revue is irresistible, an-d the eye and for somne school istrict te reuxain paintings by the Swý%edish artists ei. * et as caused a simihar situia-! the ear -are conipletely intoxicated hy open after Januiary 1. (3> '[his sPecial Anxders Zorii and Carl Larson. - tion ini neighboring villages and cities, t aae evl a, i other parts of the colin- OnQe renieiniers the barrel-organ aict, comnittce, is also fesieriug a bill cre-. The Scatidinavian cities ae* as îvelt ass iiis, ttrl fnn rpei ating a separate tax rate for schxool ope to progress, and toe%%e- ideas iti fs nessndte raly nny ri- building purposes. Under the present in the arts and inventions. The IVIE. tIIIITiions ofa*in : and the c raiymanhe situation such a bill is the oiily incas-. development of the Swedish art, Mr, \rt loyers are invited to an exhibit thxe girl and the drumnmer went thronglx tire which wilI unake it possible for* Watson pointed out, is akin to. that of- the etchings of Grant Re3inard tbeir routine. Then there was the Ruis- sonie school districts . to providt. of the United States, an*d it iîs as. Wednesday afternoon and eveni , sian , coniic chorus of "nobléineti.» so buildings i wbicb to bouse the chul-' odaýteato u onr, uigDcme ,fon4utl9oc dren cof the comninnùty. . the. she art of souecofthetry. urm e cemb 58 ine A rot4bu-ti9 olck nnuch tike H7altshanxnmer woodcuts; and the howng omeof i pctue~.at ~28Fin Ats bilding, Chicago. thce'"corkeý,.'t garisluly madie Up faces anelctoI a YedGig'..'¶e Mamtvof .the etchings were donc -ataboive liquor bo vô crIs, sfiging. Ger-~ Htnr E.Cuter.,preidet tf tic Gynt" suitei "The Briiial-Procession '" the viavDoweil . e'iony in. ?erbor-'- inau and Englis1l and' Russian drinking Wimette board. of education. lias by Grieg, and a groul) of \Norwegai1 ougi, Ni:Il. Rouiller Gallferies. are snseciy 1h ttr nebegv beeh workiig vith the specialtcoin-, folk soteg. --COOpelina ts >i tn-g.pcr f co w iy Te ni nbl an .mittee -in t he preîpuration of -tlw >Mr. Watn's next lectue, n the 1 r*h>, lythmic gypsy tiles; tbieré foeoigbll.sbect of- Vnieth~ e erlofic iw- . wsE ýas a "Souvenir <of 8witzerain."- -The school: pa'r d> O-f tlic t.re rixati,» wifl b b 44: el» onav ve- - Mrs. Francis 1.-,aker, 131 Fliit a ife sze tmusic box s- geine that \Vas countieIs are ekpecting tÙ tlacet col-n m*g, Decenbe 7, at WWinnetk cin- %-od avnue, nd lie laug-ht4er, Mî,;s thoog~~amhg w lo~ lu siderabie opposMVmon at 'Sprintgfield il] ' nhy bouse. Peggy Walker, are conutgclse sketches shoWing li- 'of St.- Pttcr - mtbe.efboard s o haeductin. aoringinMrt. a Mrs. Bruce PAatrtos o b0 ightenjh'Il -t asen it.udapyt fast grcing andy Mrs. G. W. Ea wiandbtheir1 -.Trandgiving day1)bisnree, issdmirenetka, a nis tw he lr.sent nrcommit hik iasilosette. daugher erray wloîx, of Milwa he Mta reg o e eniîfor thirn Thakgvn tM. laatro

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