isL3 annu4ai UaqI4çtIam i metrinlg, nei ini the Illinois Wornen's Afliletic club) Friday evenirig, Novembler 27. and at the same time received hier national -A" umipire rating. Miss Amti Town- send of Philadeiphia, was re-elëe-I president. t' *The banquet camne at a climaàctic tinhe in the four-day national and in- ternational tournanient at the'New Trier.High School field. the mueeting.the members ofthte AIlý Atnerican Field Hockey teanu as chosen by -the. seléctinuu cOmùimýe. vvcre. announced. The banquet, arranged hy the Chii- cago Field Hockey association, wvas unusual for two reasons, the pres-. ident aiinounced. It was the largest evýer held and, it.had as its gtiests#, ini addition to its, aflliated c'qYbN frotu ail over the ýcountry, the menil>ers of, the Sco ttîsh Touring teani. a number of diom belong to the AUl-Scotchi tcaim. Guests of Speaker'a Table (uests at the speaker's table iiui_ cluded Ms Townsend; M rs. Morriî I .. Greeley, Jr., of Winnetka, chair- :ian of the bostess comimittee for the tournamient; Miss Mkary Morrison, captain of the Scotch Touring teanm, ý-ýMiss U. D. Scougal, its manager; * Miss: Bessie Rudd of Providence, R. J.,. second vice-president, of the U., S.* F., H. A. and a memnber of the selection conimittee; Miss Gertrude Hooper of Boston, of the selection cOnuittee and treasurer of the U'. S. F. H. A., and Miss Margaret Hayes, .îresident of the Chicago association. Hockey-stick pins, initialed with the ,names of the players, were given thei inembers of the Scottish Tour-* eing teanh as a token of remnembrance f rom the UnitedStates Field Hockey, * association. Interest in hockey and ini the out- of-town visitors, for ail of the visit- ing teanms were -guests in north shore hoines, mounted . high during thc * Thanksgiving holiday gaines 1whicl came to a climax- with the 0-01 tic hetween the Scottish Touring teani * and the Ali-American team., Noveni- bel>r 28. It was a hard-fought strug- gle. with its fast and clever MIaying. Gilchrist, urhose home is in Wil- mette, has been awarded the Harvard college scholarship for 1931-32. Hie was graduated from New Trier in 1928 no w a senior at Harvard. .Vail, a Kenilworth boy, also a sen- ior at. Harvard this vear, hbas been given the Price Greenileatf scholarship for 1931-32. He finisbed at New~ Trier i n 1928. Philbrick, a member of last year's, graduaâting class at New Triýer and winner of ,the Harvard Club of Chi-, cago scholarship, is, makcing an ex- cellent. scbolastic record in bis fresgh-' ian year at, the eastern college, Dean Hanford reports., Philbrick's homne is in Winnetka. ElIeanor'Williams Wins Declamation Coniteet Miss Eleanor Williams was an- nounced -winner of the ."Prince of Peace". Declamation contest held re- cently in the Wilmette Baptist church athe Y'oung People's bour.,The Rev. Gzeorge D. Allison, pastor, pre- sented lier with the bronze medal award given by the Illinois Council of Churches at Springfield, under whose auspices the contest was held. The -declamation Miss Williams tised, was entîtled "Why 1 Hate War," and was written by the Rev. Aaron S. Watkins, pastôr of the Wes- ley Methodist Episcopal church at Lima, Ohio. Second and third awards were given to Miss Helen Orvis and. Miss Ruth Phelps. Miss Williamos iili represent the Wilmette Baptist church 1i11 the coun- ty contest wbichi is to be bekI early in December, aiter ivhicli thiere will be a state contest, the aw-ards to be.-: college scholarsbips. Judges for theý contest were C. V. Clark of Evanston, S. C. Bennett, and Mrs. G. N. Lamb of Wilmette. S. A. j. TO MEET MONDAY. Sigma Alpha Iota sorority ill hold a luncheo .n and meeting *at the. Homestead on Monday, December 7. The sorority held its Founider's Dayl. Plorentiner Strubc- of 216 Golf: terracer, Uil play, "Piece li ciéni StyW' by CÇkmnnade.aite Lyon and Healy series of Prograins in Chicago ai 3:30 o'clock Sat u- day, Decemiber .5. Site is a p~upil -of Mme. Ela Goedecke. Ping.Pong Stars Wili HoId Matches Sunday Sunday morning, December 6, at 10 xo'clock two picked ail-star ping-pong teams, one bearing the colors of High- land Park, the other those of Winnetka and Glencoe combincd; will stage singles and doubles matches in the new and very complete court of. the Northmoor Country club, at Highland Park .The Highland Park aggrcgatioîî wil be reçresented by: Albert L. Arenberg, sponsor of the exhibition; D. A. Kit- terrnaster, Allan M. Loeb, George E. Kuh, J. E. Snobble, R. Hamrnond Robert E. Clark, James. Weber,. Iana: Gutman. Glen-Etka's team .will have: Coleman Clark, G. W. FarÉgo,. R. J. Foley, R. B. Anthony, A. S. Morpbett, R. W. McKisson, R. WV. Clark., and E. Hankins. A return match bwetee the sanie tearns will be held at.a ,later date at j ueiver -ounistmasLAK Ireuimm eaCras and. liter.s by Christmas day, shop and' mail early. Do your 1 mallng aet leaut ten daye before Christmas, acoordlng. to distance. Tht. wlll flot only make it certian that Chrlstmas. mail la zreceived- on or before Christmnaà daY, but lt wtlI b. a great aid to your postal, *.rvie and to postal employé«a and .enable themn to spend -Cri nias day wlth their. familles. "Alparcels nmust ho securely wrapped or. packed. UYse strong paper.and heavy twlne. *Al -articles easily 'broken >or damaged mugt be plalnly marked "tfra- ie." Parcels contalnlntg pertshable articles sihal be marked. "perishbabIe."' "'Addresses should ho complete, With house number and name of street, pont- office box or rural route number, and typed or. plalnily wrttten ln ink. A re- turn'card should be placed ln the up- per left hand corner of eývery pbece of mail. A copyof the addre.s should bo lnclosed Inside the parceéL. i -Postage must ho fuiiy prepald o l mai. No parcol may ho more titan one hunlred incités i iogth and irth eombinà nor exeed .eventy poun'd. ln wetght. "Written matter ln thie nature of lier- sýonaI correspondenoe eati ,not lb. in- closed ln parcels.'Aletterplaced lnaua envelope addressed teo correspond wlth the address on:tie parcel and fuliy pre- pald at the first clams rate may ho' tied or otlierwlse securely attached to the outside of the parcotl l such mnanner. as to prevent qeparation therefroni and not obscure the address on the parce!.. "Insu re or register valuable mail. "Valuable thîrd or fourth cia.. mail s4houtd be ,insured. Coln, curreacy, Jewo- Alry and artIcles of considerable value should ho sent as SEALED IRST CÇLAS8 REGISTERED MAIL. Indeni- îity up to flot exceeding~ $1.000 t. nom- pald ln connoction wtth domeistie reg- istered mail and registered .C~ .. D *nall. Parcels are insured of à value np to anld tncluding $200. "The use of a speclal delivery stamp- wIll assure delivery on Christmas day. if nialled at the. proper tinte. Special. delivery is for, speed, not for uatetr.. *Valuable mail should b.. regl,-tered. or iniured." 1Por the 0convenleace: ofthe. public the Wimette postoflice wil hoe openi .eveningk! from December 15 to 19 until 9 pan. 1The .postoffie wili flot ho opon Christmas day and no delivýerle« will be maàde, oxcept spetlal delivery mail1. Give Lecture-Recital on Songe of Christmnas *ment, considering them remarkable 1e26s lmwr. avenur. iaur ju and of great possibility, and the U. 12 lwo vne s. F. H. A. expressed its appreciation to the board of directors of the Michig~an and Iowa were each rep- scolfor the hospitality and ac- resented, among the spectators at, comdtonafredte.the tournament by about thirty stu- The Universiies of.icnsi. dents majoring. iii physical.Ieducation. 0-. Mrs. Mary Canada of Crawfords- ville, Imd. and bier sons, Lawrence and Carl Canada of Indian~apolis were the guests over the Thanksgiv- ing holidays. of M rs. Canada'sdaugh- ter', the, Samuiel W. Shipps, 1226 Maple avenue. Wendell Fritzell, who is a student at Iowa State. college, Ames, apent last wee.k-end with his uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Fernando W. .Fuermiann, 8M5 Greenwood avenue. He had with him a achool friend and classmate, Franktin Fay.