EXP. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK by the day or hour. Serving and miatt- ing table, wii>dow washlng, dlean walls, and celllnks. Drive car or anfl other odd Jobs. Cali Wlnnetka 1397. 42LTN*31-luc( SINGLE MAX WILLING "lO .1)0 ANy kinid of wôrk arounid.the bouse i n ex- ehange for room and'board. . ait mo(ru- ing!ý between 7 and 9. Ph. Wilinette 985. 42LTN3 1-1nc WANT'ED: - CIIAUFFEUR WORK steady or by the hour. Washing, Win- .dows or house eleaning oi- any odd jobs. Refer. Ph. Wilrnette 189. 42LTN31-liiw HOUSM~WORK,. GARDENING AND chauffeuring.> Also window washlng, and odd Jobs by experioniced and re- liable mîan. Pli. Willnette,2345. 42L31-lnc YOUNG. EXP. SWEDISH MAN wants general hoýusecleanilng. Can also whltewash basemnents and simo- niz cars.Ph.,Wllmretto 316e6.ý 42L3l-lnc CAPABLE- MAN WANTS ODD) JOBS% raklng leaves., *aàflng spouts, base- Ements, or any work about the house. 42LN1-ltp WHII.IABLE.WHITE M N. WANTS window washing, sertvens, storni Win- dows or any odd job.S. Phi... Wllnîettc 3254., 42LTN31-1ne. EXPERÉ. GARDENER AND -HOUSE- man, understands ail flowers and lawn. looklng for steady employment. Good ref. Phone Glencoe 1396. 42L3]-îtp YOUNG 1 MAN WANTS HOUSEWORK or gener-at eleaning, 50e per hour. Ph. Witrnette 8627. 11 42L31 -1tpl 43 U it. WTP.-MAR»F AND FE.MAIE COUPLES l'aIt ýus for high <asv,îl' i rtf-rn(~.sOn file jil Ibis offlue. Wliinetka 26Q2, I A JLNESAGENCIES .1 North Sho're offices 43LTN31-1Wv KXPERIENCEDE COU PLIE, COLORED, private famity, good cook, houserman, tutler. E xcellent N. S. vefs. Cannot drive. Agene G. Scott, Atlantic 3422. MAID FOR GENEPE4L MUST HAVEI long working references. 3 ln familly, smali homte. No laundry. $15 week. Pauli ne's, 748 Elm St., Wlnnetka 2662. 44LTN31-1t(- WANTD-MIDWHITE FOR ( EIN-ý erai hioUseork. Must'ho good cook. 2 ln famiiy. Cati Glencoe 16-69 sait- urday afternooný or.Suiiday. ý WANT COMPETENT MAID, FOR GE- erai muât be good >eooki' . 4lnfanilly. No an-y $20 a week. Pauline's, 7ý48 44LTX31-lte 10 OPENINOS FOR GENERAL M~AIDS $10--$12- week. Rot. req. Paulln&'s, 7V? El,» St., Winnetka '2662. 44LTN:41-Itt WHITE WOMAN FOR }IOUSEWORK il11oW5 daily except.Sunday. Ph. Ken- ilworth .2790. 44L31-Il EXP. 'WHITE MAID FOR OJINERAL hous-,ework, réf. reqijlred. Ph. Glen- coe'171. 44LT31-ltp. COUPLES WANTED Want.experlenced white couple. Man do butter and driving. Wife cook and gen- eral. 2 ln famnlly-small homi-e.'Wýages $140 nio. White couple, experiëeed'onl3m. Faiiil%* of 4, new home. No laundry $110 moii. Want hlgh celass white couple. A-1 But-* ler and cook, under 45 yr. M-Nua-t have excellent Nol*th Shore ref. $175 mo.ý PAULI?\ES AGEINCIES 748 Elm Winnetka 2662, 46LTN31-1t, 49 FOR 'SALE-AUTOS 14,31 Ford tvoupe. . .$0 1931 Chevrolet, 4 ýdoor.......435- 192 Chevrolet, 1 ton truet......200 1929 Ford, dump-truck.........450, 1932 Nash, 4 ýdr., sedan, 6 w .1,300 1930 DeSot o rodster .... .. .385 1931 Fo'rd T~own sedan,, driveîî 300 >mites, 1ke now............... . .500 STANDARD MOTOR SE CURITIES COR P. (>PFN EVENINGS TILL 10- O'CLOCIK 1119 Chicago Ave. UNlerit .0057 199Stude Pres. sedan........... 675 1929 Graham, side inounts Htr .... 675 1929 Nash, 7 pas. ke new....... 695 1928 Peerless coupe, rum. seat .... l"5 1928 Pontiac L~andau........ ........175' 1928 Hudson Brgh. new tires ....... 2. 25 MORE TO CIHOOSE ]FROM 1735 Be'nson Ave Cor Clark St. 48LTN31l-l1W. FOR SALE ENTIRE STOCK 0OF 18 new and used.. cars at sacrifice prices. ilere is one! A brand new Grahanm, niodel 820, Ôrlginal list price $1.465, Qui, price $990. If Yom. need a car corne and se these wonderful bargainm. HANSON' MvOTOR .CO.' Dodge. and Plymouth dealer4 Winneka, ~ 48LTN31 -1 t B A R G A I N. 1927 NASH J)EL.IXE Coulpe, Ph. Wlnnetka 902. no AUTO aummvicg SImoNzE OR RAIN PROOF YOUR car. CWùis caited foi, and dtivJered.* $4 $, td., 6 CallKeffilworth 1156. 501,V%31 -1Iv FOR RENT-ROONS 2 RMS.. AND, BATH, NZWLY DECOn- ated, sultable a" a suite, fo*r students or people employed. AIl tranM.ý Alsn front room with runnlng water. Ph. .Wilmette 1497. 61L'IN31-1tc LARGE NICELY FURNISHED SUN- ny room wlth private bath ln east side home. Near trans. Wlnnetka 2010, 51LTN27-tf4c 2 ROOIMS AND BATH, OR 4 ROOMS and 2 bathe, furished or unfurnished. 54.5 Providènt ave. Phone Wlnihètk.t 3844. 51LTN31-1tj BRIGHT WAM, PIEASANT ROObI for one or two, private residence neai' trans. Phonie Winnetka 415. SlLTN31-Itte PLEASAMT LARGE FRONT. ROOM,. east mide, kitchenette and garage op- tlial. Ph. Wllmette 965-R, or Kenil- Worth 86., 51L3-ltpý LARGE.. LIGHT, AIRY ROOM,, TWIN, beds with slttlng room ncluded; also 1 single rQoon. Very reasonable.. Ph. Wilmette 1633. 51LT13-ltc BIEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOM FOR lady. Near transportation. Reasonable. Excellent 'nelghborhood. Phone Win- netka 2431. . 51L31-1tin f t LMA UUI L. Hfoc OL72 Ej liif St. Wlnrnetka. ph. Wlunetkm 24»0. SILTN31-ltp NICEL'Y FURN. RI& IN QUITE PRI- vate home. 2 iii farMly. a blktz. to electrie and steam tran.. Ph.Wllmette 4254. . 51L31-ltp 2. LARGE -SINGLE R00388 IN PjR!-ý vate famlly. close to transportation. 420 Park AePh. Wilmette293. IZOOM FOR RENT. WITHI GARAGEP. Gentlemen preferred. :1204 Gregory Ave. Ph. Wllftette 335&. 51LTN3-îte PLEASANT: FRONT ROOMf IN PRI- ,vate home near sehools and trans- portation. Wlnnetka 466. 51LTN31-lte FINE ROOMS, 5 AND 6 DOLLARS, IN private famuly. Nea.r tranap. Phone f-lenCoe -1020. 51L31ltp 2 'OM1FOR'PABLFI FURNISHEb R'MS. roi, roent:,alffo 2-car garage. Reason- ;tble.-Ph. WlImette 1696. 51LI'N30-3te sa WAVdTED TO RENT-*OoNlS ';INGLE WORKING MAN WANTS UN!- furnlshed or partly fuh~ished light housekeeping rooni. Phone atter 6:30 p. mi. Greenleaf 3435. 52L31-ltp un-^ FOR UENT-LTr. HSICPG. UNS. FOR RENT-TO ADULTS ONLY, FUR- nlshed or unfurnished extra good 2 rooin kitchenette apt. Exclusive front entrance, $40 with béat. 1008 Oak- wood Ave., Wilmette. 55A-1,.TN31-tfe LARGE1100OM FURNISHED FOR llght houQekeeplng. Stqam heat. Neal- trans. Ph. Wllrette 1913. ne FOR ENT-APARUEMNT» 3 ROOMS UPSTAIRS OR 5 ROOMS. downstairs, both wtth bath. Newty dec. Partly furnlshed If wanted. Gar- age. Near transportation. Rent ver>- reas. CaI Glencoe 1521 a&ýer 7 pi.. 56LT11-ltP MOR RENT. TWO ROOM KITCHîE-- ette apartmfent-near transàportation steani heat, 'electrical refrigeration. Cail Willmette 1800. 56LT.N31-tfe :RM. KITCHENETTE APT. NICE outlook. Quiet. Goed ventilation. Furn. $90, unfurn. $80. Winn. 944 or 165. WILMETTR LIFE id.for more than 20 yeara the HOME PAPER of the communit" $ 'PHOINE WJLMETTE ý4300Ç . 1