Rates-16 conte a lin la one paver. 25 conte a lino In any, t je cents a lino papers. In &11 throo PO»er& MINIMUM CIRAwltooz ONE DOLLAIL Average or ilve words to the lino. No blâck face type ugod. le% mo»umt 03 *il eash with order advertisements wben brongat te Our 91111oe at »MI. Ce.atrai Ave.1, WUMOUOP or 641 lameoin Ave.,, winge.ïikà6 b 0 bl be-dlamigled, advertisemen will be. ac- CePted vp to TuÇsdaY 9 P. Mi for Deadliise for lusertiole.. ýPU V to Tumdar 9 P. M P 9 P. M. for WU.METérP, LIPE. or ail thre,ý,e pýapers,; Wed ÜesdyeU Tolephônew- Wilmette 430o, Winn tka 200& Grèenjear 0 aboi ýfiod am te WINNEIUA TALK and ý Thuraday. à P. M., for GLÈNCOE NICWS. 4»0 or Sholdralce 66811 Aye_ Winnet xen" wben n"m R LOMT AND FrOUND LOST-BLUE CHANGE PIIRSE CON- taining currency. Between INt NatVl llank anid 600' Lake. Re*ard. Plh. WiI- mette 1621. I3-t LOST-YOUNG WIRE IIAIREI) FOX terrier, 2, black spots on, body aïnd tan ears. brown collar. 1tt-wajrd. -Caî Wilmnette 1484. 2.T1-ite ftEWARD q'OilR ETURN 0F BLACK c'at, male, ot vlcinity Woodland ave- nue, Winnetka 267L,, 2L31-l.ýti LOST-'À W!RE MItAfl-D TRRIER,r black and white, male, rupturod. Re- ward. Ph. Wilmette 2421. 2L31-ltp lýOST-WEDDING RING ENGRAVED *"Je t Kate." Reward. Phone Gien- s ANTriQIJE Antique lamps VASES AND FIGURES WIRED- AN[) relaired by experts. We have a thorough knowledge of antiques and perlods and design lamp shades that -ire appropriate and in good taste. Prices reasonable. GOODRICH STUDIOS 1522 Sherman Ave., Cor. Grove St. * ANTIQUES FOR OIUSTMAS -1 large collection of Antiques. Pewter, Silver, glass, furniture, etc. Antiques înakt. distinctive Christnais gjits. '%ioderate prices. MARY ANNE DICKE $0~8 Washington St., 1 blk. S. <ofMan. È% bîke.,, west of Ridge EvantonUlliveysity ,,4611 5LTNSI-lte TuE UNUSUAL CRSMS(I~' Antiques-inc. furniture, gla, china. 1priis, silver, Jewelry. etc. Many sniall articles from $1.00 up. Mrs. Grover, ,03 Michigan Ave., Evansêton. Tel. DI.av PEIRSONAL HELP WITH YOýUi SEW- ing - cuttlng, fitring. style inlning, and remodeiing. Shopper. Sugge >tions ln selecting house .ftîrnishlngs, -niak- Ing draperies. 50 'Cents an hour. 1I1igh- land Park 3718. IILT3I-lip ST'YLE SHOP -APTERNOON E, VE- ning and Street dresses. Remodeling and alterations. Reasonable pries. Ph. Wilniette 4051. 1524 Highland Ave. 11LTN28-tfc 1SMAItT 'LIMES IVE WEXE flerafd 1ys9naker; rîndeîn1 speci*aity4)My home or. your. $5 per t1ay., 305 lSth St. Wilimette 822. IILTN31-lte FOR SALE Perennils 5-10-15 cents each. Shruhoq for hait price. J. OSTROWSKY 2343 West Park Ave. Highland Park Phone Highland Park 49 ___________________ 4LTNl8-tfe 15 INSTRUCTION ha 3 RIDGE LESSONS z al dozen lessons wil start you right to Play good b'rldge, or, if good, show You how to beconie an expert. Les- sons evenings in your homne. Table of 4 at $3.00 per evening. R~. M. ROGERS A.U. S. champion at duplicate whist- A bridge expert- I 333 Washington Ave. Wllmette 1728. l5LTN31-4tc li0W ARE YOUR GRADES INj French and Engllsh? Hligh school, studenits tutored.1n thesje subJeetsat your home. N. U. references. Earlyý proftciency guaranteed; rates reason- able. Telephone eveninga, WII. 253. 15L31-1té* PIANO_ LESSÜN- FoR PWEGTM1N.1,1 W.0-WJNlrCi'IPWREL YOUNG >MAN'S TUXEDO. SIZE 34. ExcelIent candition. worn three timles. Rteasouabie. Ph. Wilniette 2170. 33LT. -ltp 13OY'S. TUXEDO, $.GIRL'S ALPA fur coat, tam .andrmuiff tWMatch. X aiV tux'edo, $7. Winnetka 1255. 33LTN31-ltp FOR SALE - EVF_1INC.DRICSSES, mizes 16-19,. 84fitaitie for young girl. Phone.OGleieoe 10,50. 33LTN31-1te LOANS TO> PROPERtTY OWNERS. Make and buy lust ~d Znd mortgages. EVANSTON Do D & MTG. Co. 618 Grove St. Greenileaf 56100 CALL PAULINEs- - WINNETKA 2662 We place onlY experienced domestit help. References investigated. Ovei tive thnnsayne' No. Shor~e'homes se- cured help from A ece 748 Elm St. Whanetka 4 No. Shore offices. FIRST GLASS, LAUNDRY WORK done at homle. Rough dry or finished. Any fancy Ironing, buttons and mend- ing taken care of. Experienced laun- dres's ln charge. Reasonable. WiiI eall and dellver. Ph. Wilmette 5099. 41LTN31-lnce COMPETENT NURSE, NORWEGIAN, .35 years of age, Lutheran falth. Spe- clalizlng ln care of infant. Some hospital training. First ciase North Shore refe rences. Çônnected ivith pr<>mlnent doctor several years. Tel. WInneika 2411. 41LTN31-ltp CENERAL IfAID, WHITE, UNDER 35 yrsg., wants general or co&king. Excellent references. il yrs. with former employer. 7 mos with 1;resent employer. Caîl Paullne's, Winin. 2662. 41LTN31-lte GERIMN. REFINED.1, CULTUiRErD practical nurse and domestic science, grad. 'would like position as nurse, companion, or housekeepe r, goveineý,s Takre full charge. Good ref. Keystone 7434. 41LTN3-ltp wasnlng, cilaxing or Iroing T e day's and Thuradays. Good references. Ph. W imette 2220. 41L31-îné EXP-ERn WHITE WOMAN WANTS generai, housework by the dàay or hour, 3 cents per hour. Phone Win- netka M9. 41LTN31-itp. WHITE CO OK A-1, M IDDLE AGEI> woman. Refeèkences.,Laura ]Bradley, 384 Provident St., Ph. Winnetka 3668. SITUATION WANTED - CHII.DIS nurse, experienced, dependable, capa- ble full charge. $12. Ph. WiIWiette 3096. 411.31-ine EXPER. WHITE WOMAN Wà%NT.ç laïundry or general, hsewk. . M, day or. hour. Reas. ýRef. Ph. Inde- pendence 2157. 4L NI11 NURSERY --GOVERNESS - FRENCV and Germanspeaking. welI educate.d. 32 yrs. old, excellent CitY references. Ph. Mansfleld 2612. 4T3-t GERMAN GIRL, -EXPERIENCED r general housework, gond coook. good north shore referenoes. Cal Winnet- ka 1066. 4LZ-t GERMAN GIRL. WITH BEST NORTH Shore references wants position p. nurse or lady's mgid. Cali F.rieda. LakevieN..'6330.. 41LT31-itp EXPERIENCED GOVERNESS. GER- man. Protestant. Pract. nurse. Wide exp., training. Care of chlidren, A-I refs. Keystone 1930. 41LýTN31-11tp COMPETENT NORWEGIAN WOMAN, housekeeper or general mald. Good cook. Best references. Ph. ColumnbuS 0313. 41LTN31-1ti, WOMAN WANTS LAIN.DRY WORK, Washing, cleaning or ironing Tues - days and Thursday. . ood referencesl. Ph. 'Wlmette 3220. 411LTN31-ln<' FOR 0001<5, MAIDs, NURSES ANDI couples. Cali Pauline's, Winîletka 2662.. We place experjeniced help only., RFEFINED AMýIERICAN, 35 YEARS, Ca thollc, comPanion olr. care of chldà. Write A-61, Box 40, Wîlmnette, 111. 41LTN3Itp, COOK, ç,SE RVrE, LU'NCHEONS, DIN- ners, prie-epe.ene aitress. Also care of ehlildren Wiînetka 1920. 41LTNel-Iti) PLAIN SEWING, Ri coata relined. Mc IVilmtte,1175. ODELIJNG AND Ete rce.Ph. * 1IelTN-l 1hej; werei Tel. Lake rick. evw. .sUUL Of K meut 410, Warr ___________________________ aIke wa.,nlhng home.'Also day work 41L31-lnc reas. Ph. Wilmiette 1703. 41LTN31-l ne REFINED GIRL WANTS PART TIMEEX WHT OA WNT orcae4f7.:drn Ph. Wllmnette eleanîng. or washîng by the day. Ph. 277..4lL31-ltp Wilniette 1890. 41LTN31-lne FRECHoolgOuaeR wnSSWISS HIGH EPRECD WHITE WOMAN% uchol radate wats situation. Ref.' wants enrl sewk. and cooking. N. Phone Glencoe 248. 41L31-itp S. ref. P. iiete486.4LT1-n 1