Attention was. called by -NIr. Nlark- lbain to the employment oi over 350,000 men in building roads 031 the * state highway systems, iii 1931. re- mnarking that *althôugwh Federal Aid vxxbraces Ônly about one tentli of thée inoney actually: spent in st4te road hetterment the effect of this Federal: aissistance was to stimulate the states to rmuclhgreater activity than if littie or no1.ederal Aid had been gra. ted.> -The îîeéd for improved highwkays ini the, United States is 'so acute that evcroti.i should bé in favor of the nethod. that wiIl bring >the Most roadst" said Mr. Markhai. "-ro, those Who have studied road building it is (jtité app)arent that there is nio better way than through Pederal: goverli- nment guidance as pronounced through Federal Aid. Federal Aid. therefore, is doubly valuable at.,a tiîne lik hs when men necd work. . 4. I is. indeed fortuniate that Fed- cral inonies will, be extended on -a, fairly large scàle during coining r years Th9iisands and thousands of year would have been out of jobs if. these funds had been curtailed. Tbe ~350,000 road nmen at work in 1931 rep- resented, considering their faniilies, soilie 1,500,000 individuals. Fede rai piarticipation was responsible for the %vell being of at least a third of these People. "On the other hand it would bc dii,- tinctly unfortunate if Federal cooper- ation were to be reduced in an vde- gree, for the history of state road building shows that not only lias Fed- eral Aid led the states to tlîink in progressive terns but also to throw more eniergy and devote more rnoney to. road building than they would otlierwise have done. Business con- ditions are such that public construc- tion as a bulwark against unem-. ploymient is vividly revealed. To re- duce Federal funds would, be to add- riateriall to the nation's jobless." Keep Garage'Door Open When Motor Is Running! * With the arrivai of cold weather, Ille Chicago Motor club calis the at- teo.~~n o ar mv n.ota t*Limnesra Main St. et Linden Ave. tribution for 1931. a new devi ce has been developed that iprovides power for positively operating the wind- shield wiper udtr ail driving condi- tions. The device is a vacrunm pump, built iii--with the fueçl.pumb. Aethe fuel )UmP* ôperates in supplving' the re- (Iuired amount. of gaSolieý to the carburetor, so does the vacuum pump operate in supplying vacuum to oper- ate the windshield'wipèr. Development of.the. new pump e iiý- ables thewindshield Wiper to rmv snow, rain or mist when quickly ac- celerating or overtaking and passing a, c ar at, higher speed.. It does not stalil when climbing his or opîerat'ing at high speeds. Engineers say the new windshield %viper device,'which was devýeloped> by AC Spark Plug company, is oùf far-reaching impovntnce as' it flot only meets a: present day need but provides a means forpositive wind- .sIield wiper action for any future type of engine. The present tend- ency to constantly increase the power output of an engine necessarily re- sîtits iv~ a lower nanifold vacuum Nlîicll ithiouî a ptiixpi, wotild affect- the operation of the wiper. . DIevelopment of the vacutnni puip overcomes failure of the windshield wiper, to operate wvhen the necessary vacuum power in the manifold drops as speeds.and loads of the engine in- creast. With the Prospect of winter weath- er i» the offhng, the. Chicago Motor club cites, for the benefit of those who plan a tour to the sunfly soutb- West, the preferred route to Cali- fornia'. It is US-66 froni Chicago to Okia- hoînia City.. US-77 to' Denton, Texas; Tex-JO to Fort Worth; US-80 to Et Centro, California, and US-99 to Los Angeles. The distance is approxi- niately 2,699 miles. Lncluded ini this Bob " Mac Phone. Wimette 3334 eN use Wihoette 2I CuRbe. Rate$ by MX9rHeur or Trip 24-HOUR SERVICE MOTORS SRVICiE 721 MAIN ST. WiLmErTE Phone Wai. 2M002601 e