The firat semester of the North Shore Lutheran Sunday School Teacherà' in- stitute closes It.s fist smeéster néat Fr1- day evening. The. second semester wil! begin the followlng Frday evening so. that the sessions may go on witheut In- terruption. A sPeclai servie la to lbe leld on Supday evening, December là at, St. John's, WIlmette, at ýwhlch time ail those who have ý satlsfactorily compýleted the firet. semesteYsM workwil be gven certi- ficates. The entire course la one of four semesters on the satisfactory coinple- tien of- whlch the student will receive a teaehers diplomna. The confirmation of a class of adults wh9Q have beenpYfpaing for>memiber- ship ln- our church by a study of -the Bible and the Lutheran Catechism :wiII takre place the second week ln December when the prescribed course of study wiIl1 have been, completed. St. John's èxtends te everyone, espe- cially te those who have no, church af- filiation at ýail a very cordial 'Invitation te attend its services and to avail them- selves of the o»riortunity of ghivng their children a thorough training in the Word of God. Kenilwort/z Union Keniilworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. H*erbert L. Willett, minister IWr Willett's subJect for next Sunday, December 6, 'will be, "~Bibles, Old and New."1 There wiii be a. small exhibit of various editions of the Bible including the recently published translation by An Ilotelo! 6200 Keun.e a- GiaiJle Places a B e SM80 seryca for fifty cents at 12:30. Dr. and lirs. Wiliett are spending this' week' in Washington and Philadeiphia. They are visiting their son, Herbert L., Jr. and his family, and during the lat- ter part of the' week Dr. Wiliett Io, at- tending the executive conmittéee meet- lng %of the Federal Council of' the Churches of CWrigt in America which Ili being held ln.Philadeiphia. Next summer Dr. Herbert L. Willett lplanng to takiea partyof friendsa, tuet, ministera and others, both men and womnen on -a journeyý throuÉfi central Do Yoga Entertain Fer, home-made calke, 4oma Md edosel saailehes, cookies &ad other iefle. MtS. GEORGE MBcLEAN: ?bOu Wlmette Ie 1?EXil I a -'g Heat wit1 111$wintejr! in. Most case$, your present furnace or boller can b. convertd to gas slmply by ha.ving a gas*bumner Installed ln the. firebox. Titis eau b. done in the middle of the. heating season without serlous inconvenience to you. And JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager H. C. REYNOLDS, District Superintendent 1 141 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 5150I