Mut hematics Glass T'l fOd ayWo jPu or Parable? WelI, , Visit A rt Instittute; Studying Taxation Is Thankful for 2 Teeth It's a Toothache Story SuyArcietr 1,11c ighth grades oi Howard , I.a.t \edniesday, November 25, the, Mvniother is, good to Ie. She On Tudy ov rh 4teu A scholhca%ý beuntatake up) taxa- chidren 4of the Hôffward school sxhh does ail sorts of tlîings for me. And Onevent srdeass Nof Se Zthl ent2A f ~ oo av egn ier, onminister o h ir Wlplay toethr.We. have lctO iý e m l. rnatuea tics lass. T axdat on ve tl nde igih r de, her*Js d e y d d y W e t o the Art institute. W e left froin i li- somtlîng o ad aHiidîe,~the Firbtc, eige'mette 'o11the' North Shore 'train. at tht' start docs not seem difficuit. Mrs Congrega tional çhurcli, tl but, fun. My' nûther and'dadd3' work hard 12:45 'o'clock. ý When w got to, tir jons s or iatcmtic .Thanksgiving. Hie told us about' an 1 ike them The ternis we areto become fami- <>4 d '~h vstaku ht~e This is a toohce sov r isiue iss Ut lirwt aea olos iet aelad t'o teeth and 111 ort- akfî0ht ne theré was a. littie girl and showed us a'co py of part of.thle st. paid direct to. the governuient; ýi. 1 e %as ahovc the other. He also told a litiel bird. This little.girl was good. Gie hr.Set 'hen showed us a * direct taxes. paid onýt goods andi dif - us al Saine of thec, rnn things, we'One da'y this iittie girl "was playig copy ofadoryoflcNte feeir nedinis: ssssr . wo'hietobe thialk-ftl about.. Iarn sureloutdoors, and she saw a pretty bird Daine church.ý We then sa , son-w uns ~lc tetucvle fbiligthat we ail liked bis talk verv much. and the pretty.bird flew into the gar- .Romanesque and Gothic architecture. antias~ese<ivalutionand end is -Howard Joie., 8B Howard school. den and, sawv the littie girl. The bird'Nx esi ag îg f> hndng toth cont hordot s-flew on bier head aidtsng prtt chturch doorway. She then brougi i %eésors: -truc value,. %,Iat flic prop* rtr.o song. This is a_ toothache story. u ltite other end of the building ert~43fthebuidin orproert isE-Iward A !-~Ruth Meichior, 2nld grade Centa heew aw frnitre ta Vrs. hoollie'Missig oCarpery ondôYsrox. .I w d hav 1e inour living rom 1f e rel~nrh;asscssed value, fgured i urel! Make E viabsidRdcodnsahcastiMe. Wertheni 'sft tni; front hotu truce value on building ai i The- 8A class of Howard. school hasili ate ete etfi givcti va1îue: tax rate. a rate figurerl had quite a good record -for writing H w r Sho Arvn rt institute, and arrived home abourt :15 o'ciSt* c adl,2 tl r easesed- valuatii,'n.11 1Helen iJuNIOR Lire articles.' For, October -22.! to Aid Wilmette FarniliesAschool. Iil(srnHoward. 8A. we had 94 percent; for November to. j __________ICS chol. Tbanksgiving ~~ 100 percent;, for November 12, niety- T e ow ardSch o sryn o gt- Is Featured by Poemsveier 18, eighty'-.two and seven j of ilmette. Wr lhave (uite a eWRahFrtSedn e\ dnes(1a' alternoon. November to get 100 percent each iveek. We arecfthc day ta take tlic thîngs do,.ni to Saturday morning, Novemiber 21, \l, is,~ Higgini's roomi,hiad a Thanks- trying to have everyone write an the storerooin. The %\ay we wvil I do is Mr. Gathercoal took the sixth grade giviuug prograni.- Lorraine Beccherý article.-Virginia Oison, Howard K-A. to app)oinit soineonc >froili cadi class boyson a bicycle hike to Fort Sher- yead a pnem hyithe naine ni 'Thanks- ____ta hrirug tlheecliothes andi food ta the idan. XVe re;iched there about 10:10 giviug.Fablti." Martha Hartmah read1 storer<joiiiî. W are, going t(e]lave the'clock. First wle went to -the polo Ipotin. li the .inne of ,"T'lîainksv Stolp n o'vr i coie oihugers and the food on field.* At 1,1 o'clock we ate. - After in )a. Vc aiso lbeard a Thanks- forSpedal enat h1elves '\vherv itIs es> o et.- lunch we siddw ag iit Sneedbgall ow aagehil.t g9iviîîg storv . Lorraine Pecler read znnnLI.Hh;ahn, s loard sdîoo(l. thi- beach. Then we went to thic bar- Par I ~huePigrms etSal."Bo- his year 8A lias a very good speed-- racks an'i visied ýthe 'stables whcre i>y Slicarer rtadl Part Il. "New Homes! hail teani., The scores Or tlic gaine, 1 * raewe saw the general's hors *. At about Plymouth." MXatIl artînanl read) are as followb: 8B, 2 to 1 iin our favor: LPuS 'lckw tre om n ece Part 111., -The Pilgnims Giùe St. Josephi, 7 to 0 in our favor; -( Make Reading~ Chartsi Wilmette at 5 o'ciock. The utile- Thanks." If was very initeresting.-- StolP, forfeit; St. Francis, forfeit: \isHgii'ffl rdronla, g edaottit n n-il L.orraine Beecher, 5C, Howard schoolj. 8C, 6 to 1in uouir.favor; lB' tl,7 MssHgi&ffh r<ero ias. ge eadaotiil hirty aN d s onaif:_' imadeqieafwèlatý hre is îl.-lalLn.Ms oaisis to 0 ini our favor. Ouîr uîcxt gaine wi od erquite a ew clar. IIaiat Sesion laAudtorum be with 2C Stolp for ftue champion-, h inte rlesnine Jri taebokr~Ii ship, Thev bhave ;iot îost aliN, gaie. eaof Ilie b H wadooketsSe Regarded as Suècessful n"17 1!;îI\,. \\'îWd.~ ~ ec.pplras B ac ui' ow r tdnsSe For file last two or tlbree wceks au;'ît'.lanetîeed botokoo.Ii a eFct butEeret -- oo.there, is a ulainc of soi ebook F - bot-lmet there have been several sessions 1, e lias rcad latcly-. Soine chiîdren - Tuesday, N oveinber 17, ýMiss ýSteVenls, en. in the auditorium. One vas. on PUPILS HEAR ORCHESTRA ,l.ave quite a4 few, booklets ,after their tord SA WC, were to look up the nucan-,ý book week given by, Miss H-u ghles.] iThe thrce fifth grades, thvt: tWo jnamcs.-Beatrice - erriafi. ;C. How- iîîgs ofthe, thirty-tlîtec important e- the librariami.There vas a play given, fotîrth grades aîîd two sixth uvrades aàr(,j n'ol- ents, that weein flice-bIne scicence by 8B1 for btiok welck, -which va listcnied to Mr. Daffirosch's orchies.tra - books,. for Novenîber 24. We werc all Dickens' "Clbnistmia,-,Carol.". 'lli Friday. XVc lheard five .I)iec(cs. [t UISLK RM uywith our diluries iooig 111 8A class gave a play cntithed, "King was ftbe tîrst ftie ftle ,ixtIv ý,gae FiayatcuooNoebe10.nethe meanings of the cements. When Alfred the Sheplherd." Then 8B gave hiad conue to1 listeur.. It wvas aIl ver.Nîtî,svetî.a rae f wc went up to science, the first thuuîg another p)lay- w'icli wvas ratiier like itîteiresitng aiid alnîo.t .evér-\Iod(l\ adshol , la ienb iss Stevens did was to chieck ni) on ihe A pay.The Il erever> lied t.--arca Adersn, 13Illte eiglîth grade of Miss Flaskered' 1aI who had them Iooked up anîd fle. sucesfu.These %vere given- inIitlie. ard scllooI. - rooni. T'he nuaine of the playv was "A ones wlîo didn't. The majorîty- of thie llmvoard u<toîu1.Kt'MCi- - Christmas Caroi" by Dickenls. It 'wa class liad looked themn up.-Frances nohie, 8A, Iloward scliool. ENTER NEW ADDITION -very interestin- and F'insure every Bebas. -8A Howard school. WILMETTE BEATS GLENVIEW Wdesa.ooneîcr2. ~enjoyed iti aIthough the players, The Wilmcette Pewees played Glc i- started nxloviuîg it0 fliciewv addituouu, werre flot iii costu nie.-Virginiià Dai-- THIS PRESENT BITES view Saturday, November 21, aýt Our roonu us upstaris aiid '.c e\l)cL-t srin, 6A How~ard school. I was walking ini the hall last Wasbinîgt on park. At the ialf; flice to havee new chairs. MNrs.Jones s u.d __________ Christmas Eve and. soxnething >uip]ed -- score was 19 to 0 in favor of Wil h aglta-oe tignîrs01 EAIZH ONE lIAS -STATE flot know hti a » to hr fli fl esk setO 0.1d !\Vu-gis'tofhOrat, atmiswme atif asked nîy dadfHerei mette. At thic end of flic gamre Wil ten-i ek h oî \Iiss Higgis'ffh-gaerom1 om itewhlI o~e ite. It mette had woe3 vy0. ropi.'erbae loo K\ uxIlci r iW'Jnxking a mar -f the United States. hegan to chase nie. I lookedaround wights beat GIenview Ileavies, 31 t o i-(eadSîuîe AHwnu ach ptspil lias one -state.. We h ave a tadi i ylg ev obd 0. The lightweights vouldn"'î pli»ay o____ to have pictures, to show,ý' wat the in the murning I found out, that- it G1enview, beçause Glenview didn t people do iii that-s-tate~- to maiçe a was iw, o-g hre Gro havye a . ightweig1it team.--7Evan 1Me- HORSES1 FOR-HilTlvi ung. 1 el joy.ed naking un-y state. 5C Howard seho. Ilraitli, 2A, Stlp shool.. l'lie bho» ni the' tth grade tiru Mf ,t<tei> "Sheçtreu'4 ______Slieà_rer,,__ tnxai<g horses for àa bstor pchctj C {l. WIN EVERY SOQGR GAME wInwnial ltraining. \11 we have toi L cbF«il.OER y-------oward 5-lias won' eer oir do now iv bo paillatJicin. ill IIods- ïEE~T eie t4igu u yhn 1 so f 1 Wd foarefSWe EEENSARE STUDfED' Vasco da Gamna andDias. A boy in gRile s ar. We b a e d orkis içllfiorefil-ani\V are dig 1j !daýy, Žovlnber 23, 9A startc4ilour roni mad-aI gaule, wo wntueWashingon hir --and"-v'rrè--8 -oss s su'din- andr teCil'o. hrlesMandl Afiha4A n4iMïSQUERADE PARTY t., -mae liy, te a at and. Bt tSim- we w Ys 1-soo oavcce skprétn-ay loseheaîyM ~&îy ifthobfTe 8AoardsA sstdga the rdhsntoQd Up and es triedlito pAi - c' hoewe inothea eterspforh GoTe.Ip S OlS' aZî ast.Sdirl apatctiosnyuigt eratin.;O ucdywfde 5.obd amisDewy-Harod P 5B.. 8 r-Glayflicne Gl Sc o wda! quneradepacrt.-rald SpiJnjoria, SA, bu u itr.-vneieOsn Howand S Cluool.bzar svmer21 \eia ot> H -oward su'hool. ART Howard schoçi.