j f 1' ofyour markt A QUALITY AUDIENCE'WITH MONE Y TO SPEN'D AND WILLING TOPEDL "We invest our -adv;ertising dollars whe re they will do'the P E N most good," recently said an, Advertising Manager. "We have to .. the tinies demand it." Ail right, Mr. National Advertiser, in the territory served 'by the Chicago Suburban Quality Group ismoney.. lots -of it . ready to be spent on. quality merchandise. On your merchandise if you dlaim the field. Here is a quality mnarket untouched byý coneeintrated effort. - A territory where your advertisà ing dollar .will go to work' for you NOW, resultfully when so0 Many advertising dollars, are seattered on barren- ground. Let us advanice just one argument to ProNre:our SOME "EE OPENING" FIGURES,'Mr. NationalAdvertiser THEIR SIGNIFICANCE CANNOT BE OVERLOOKED Table showing quality car ownership Suburban Quality Group.territory and in thr oughouùt t1eçuntry for 1931. An Territ.ory $ervedý by Chicago ,Suburban' dla Quality Group. .1,565 Buffalo, N. Y.......9%3 Cincinnati, Ohio ..554 Hartford, Conn. ..422 La Sall e 1,192 448 300 Lincoln 853 294 57 Packard 3,495 19233 1 e455 in 'Chicago greater cieties Pierce Arrow 315 981 240 Total 7,420 3,883 2,843 Y.... What do these figures reveai?- Startling fact s, you'll agree., Follow us. 1. There are nearly twice asý many qual.ty cars in titis territory ýas in -the: great City of Buffalo, N. Y. 2. There are threc tioles.as meny qualîty cars in SMis territory as in ,the metropolis of Gin. einnati, 0. 3. her ar moe.q0Ity cars in tAis territor thon in. Buffalo alnd> Cincmnnati combined, representing a city with a population more than ive tintes that of this territory. 4. There arc more thon tour ti*nes as many quality cars in this torritory es in ap cusy of comparazble size. LTALK. » GLENCOE NEWS HIGHLAND PARK LAKE FORESTER* MAYWOOD HERALD 'Chicég Office 1016-17-18 Willoug.hby TowerPhneC tri36 Phon.,el ýÇentral 3365