Vote Saturday on Water Plant for- Wilmette- MOVE TO CURB WimtePr Sot LA ONRSOECLLCT NS "PRA KSTE S"of Its Relief Quota Nlember of Frst Presbyterian Church T RE R NDUM \\7ilîn1ette is. far too short of its Ateno PaetTl.N w re(toa f$50,000 in the Join ar tsTl Ne TrrStu- Il . Relief Nigbtly Mass'*Meetings Mark 1 l-iier-ei-c. eIifFunid drive, re- dents Damage Railroad Prop- prt Îo te ouetohos An i#lprtant step ini the erectioti of i ]Final. Weeko Capin erty; Face Expulsion solcitors indicated this, week,- and te'eveiie o teFrtPehtr: Men's Club Endor*es Plan efforts are being mnade to briîg 4a1 cilinrch at Nîntlî street anîd Greeiileaî __i_ the drive t conclusion with, a àYuve ill lx, beoserved Suniday after-. i llie bardl of educatitii:of Nuw o Wimîette citizens will niarCli to 'the Trier 1 fîgli ,hou la%(eiddtotke wiirliwiind finish that ili reach .or tnoon, l)ecenîhber,,6, when the corneirstone nu audy ecme ,1>st schof-iàsdecded totak. approxiniate the quota. of the- structure %vill l)e laid amid imf- P1$ audy cebr,5 o-st <rastic action, if necessarv. b p lre- 1lîtroraevi definitely the question, of cestab- %viît high school boVs fro,îî iracrftr- W\itli this-ili iiiiiid the .1liittc pe,ýssve cereinonylie >.am l lisbinýg a.$600,OOO municipal water ing %vitli the Safctv (levices on 11we special glitsconliinittec, co:iposvî hegin 'at 3 :30) o1clock. "hicao ot hr n llai~ of betWeen six,ýty and&v4î Presidiiig at the observances lvill be plant ini the, village. railroad tra .ins.andI to 1rve. îi promninent residents of the vil-,IDr. Roy H. Brovi, nioderator ofthe ..Fr an weeks the proposition tio Iroi aiugiw tîu prurety fhie aewoaetkigteiiitv Chicago Presbytery and listor of thî crect such a plant on the lake front rairoal. i tyin tomak th drve ~- Irvng ark~rshytcrian church. bas, heen a. sObject of discuision ïn ~tît.Maîhc P.(~ffîey byorer cess. met Monday 1niiglit at, the Dr. Asa J. Ferry of ýthe Edgewater the village. So tlyatrteVl Nt dîtlad feduc P. ioî,. is I Vlagoal ndst esdy D- Presh)vterian ..chturch, t'hicago,.* iî give lage board formally approved plans re tct d oarentof uatilias (lv r ie llagmerhall anst dateswlien tîî* the priicpal address. for a municipal vaterworks, foliow-' . i The tooraernts e aill be lTritr'nto place ing failure to reach a satisfactory thjs ette camaigu~vil cloe. h the Rev. Jàiies T. Veiiekiaseni, pas- agreenient with Evanstouinf-il bthsi , thektutia n rnîng hile ineighboring villages. 1 ,il at tuie sclit )l \will if necssar,' go \ iiiiitài particular, have "gone ,n tr. of< the Wilmnette chiurch.. concerniflg water supply coiitract so far as b epel studentswho fail OVOthe-tp n aeovru- Ohrninîisters assisting iii the cere- rates, the proposed proposition was to conduci theiiîsclvvs prol)erlv ,vhîk scribe«. their quiotas5,- Wihniette bas nionies will be Dr. Selden L. Haines, placcd before the 'public both at pub- riding o)n the North 'Shorc-trains.. been lggn belhid., and, the secretary of, the Preshyterian Board 'lic îieetings and in pamphilet form. Leter o Prets ous-t-hose oliitrs ave ~ of Petisioîs,- ho Will give the praNer, A petition calling for a referendumi Lr afe' etter b theParents soie 1 instances, been refused fat- and the Rev. Robert L. Sa\v3*ier, presi- on the question was circulated and . lws: lv _ familiesterlIoathetopcrntrs- dent of the .Presbyterian College of rapidly filled with far more than the 1 hvebun ,îtrutv lv he bt t the fiiiid. Christian M~ucation, \who \\7111 give the required percentage of 'voters. Thé F~adof Edlucatioii to %vrite yoiu and - scripturc readirig. Village board set Deceniber 5 as the l)est.t o 'oua1rhC îa Represeîxtatives 4,f variotns organiza- date for the referendum. prosntos unr aclol itat well betions in the cliurch \vilI deposit article Drnbba EzpwaiuaPlan tlît or u shé o y nol.I elvei Award Garbage Contract and documents ini the stonie. The: plan of. the board %vas tiot buit ' aor n viin tnte pareinvsofalv to Resident of Wilrnette Edwlard Otis iwilil Iad the singin 1g placed before the villagers untit after butv 1 atii, vurtatthe attofail athe services. painstaking investigation, carefful ienînpr ptîbhcitv andI in ailkdetad f. Meier of\Wiliettc was \Vork of conistriuctinig the îîelw' Gothic istudy and repeated conferences witlî fort to.eilist tîtie cooperation of everY ;\r, hecnrc frtî oleto edifice wvas startcd -several wveeks ago. experts. The first public meeting at iather ini our :toWnship) to correct an of, ga'rtbag i<cobutlevat 'l'lie oh) churchi was conipfletelY which the matter was brought before ex t renîeély < angerops situation.,\Vilm ette for the calenidar ycar 11)32 a: wreckcd .by flames two years ago and the citizens was at a regular session 'lt lias lecoine iticreasiiigl%" appar: lerga etn f îeVlaetC{urgation bas silice held its tof the Chamber of. Commerce, ad- ent ~ ~ ~ ~ h tla oii cy rsicsesmut-hard jsrie iiteloaî' lbhilig.-! dressed by Village President Dübbsï italken to prevent highi schoôol boys ]Tuestlay iglit.- NMeier's'lhid for ihc job -- Subse quent meetings were, hed for fromii iîtrfering With 'the safety de- wa,, $10.500.. WHIIST CLUB MEETS the purpse of acquainting the voters vices~ In thte North Shore. hue. aud ho 1'ritr eeiîc tlrhdcs hi lh Men's WVhist club met Moud a, with the many details inivolvediii the i .inûre %vuettheedestruction of railroadTh uli>r:ope thut desutiof ai .coad;iid-, Nvure ais fç ollows: Tîîeodore Cuoi, eveniing of last Nveek at the honie -of board's program. tepooe ae properpt th. E ~FH. Colegrove, 1227 Ashlamîd avenue. Opposition tô h rpoe ae tradîtîon'tl iiiong s oine groups ofou rad ot Nîles Center, $10,OOO0; josephllnia is vie tapbi Llaiir iý \Vleelig, $1,290 andK A.meeting called by the Village fi Face ~rosecutionRugen of Glenview, $11 ,390. The 1i-_otiudo Pg 1 Aa onference betweeia the offi~ tract lvýàs awvardcdl to Meier because uof resei ivaS e j'>17 'The 1-ighcrest Parent-TIeacner a.i- sociation Will mieet on 'Tuesday eve- ining, Decenmber 8, at 8 o'clock in the Highcrest school at Illinois road. Fol- lowinig the business meeting and pro-. gram, there will he gaines of 1îuinc.-- for members of the parent-teacher. association. Recr.atioui Page ......--- --50I Society Pages ....38-39I Wilmctte Sehools ......i.9 the Chrstma advertisements citii Tig. -Mrs. I-Henry Cutler, chairman. Note: Econorny Shop is conducte« by the Woman'a club of Wilrnetteà. Proceeds are directed to. charity.'