it was announced this week by R. S. Amis, general passenger agent. This niakes a total of four air transport lines operating from the Chicago Municipal airport with whicli the North Shore fne bas servic~e arrangements to points throughout Undeër the new - hook-up the trip to New, York from Milwaukee is mnade iu 11 hours- and 23 minutes, f rom, Racine ini 10 hours and 51 minutes, from Kenioshla in 10 hours and 42 minutes, and f rom Waukegan ini 10 hours and 24 minutes. Other eastern, cii1es served enroute' ythe "Lindbergh Lne"asý Tlraitscontinental and Western Air is knoffl, are Fort Wayne, Inl.: Day- ton. Springfield, Columbus, Ohio; Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and Philadel- Phia. Pa. Boarding the North Shore Li ne iitdleaving Milwaukee at 6 a. m, Rai-ine at 6:-32 a. m., Kenosha at 6:41 ;1. U.r'd Waukegan at 6 :59 a. m., the traveler' journeys to the Chicago.loop, wlience. lie is whiskedto the Municipal ;irport hy taxi\cah f rom the airliines ticket office in theJPalmer House. The plane leaves the airport at 9,:30 a. 'M.,' inaking intermediate stops and arriving in New York, ai 6.23 ýp. m., easterni t'tme, (5-:23 central time) . Arrange- flilents for the rail-air trip .caau aso bei raef rom tîer points on the North. Shoreline, said 11r. Amis,>. viemibers of the group are: John Davidson, president, E.Wing Johansen, vicc-president, John Kirby, secretary- treasurer; Heibert Savage, jane Craw- ford. MNazie Mouat, Virginia Green, Eleanorj Mayer' Robert Schilbach, Gto-ge Maxwell, Richard Samway,. Gerard, Schilba :h, Alie ,Dernehi, 'jean Jacobs. Carol Cak Stephen Brooks. iGeol-rge Evereti, Dan Logan, Mary Jane Curtis. Ray Balmes, Ed. Meier; Don Cardy, Gog Yeoman, Margerie Truesdale, Esther Bcen and Mar- garet B'ind. The club takes a numbher oftrips each year to study bird lîfe.. In the fail one .bi g tnip s. made to the sand dunes. .h1i the spring there are' trips to. the forest preserves, the WVaukegan flats, and otlîer' Points wvhere birds may be seen in their jnatural habitats. .The, club hois its meetings ini the, biology roomn at the bigh school, wh(>rc there are 180 mounted birds of a widc variety' of specimens.- Miss Nan Ross ie. of Strominess, Orkey, Scot1and, and Miss 'MàcFar- lane of Edinburgh spent a few days last week at the Kenilworth Inn dur- igthe national tournament of the United States Field Hockey associa- tion and the matches with the Scot-, tish Touring tearn, on which Miss Rossie is a reserve.> throut oxford for etreot Wea .wlth thlm of two Contrestlog Ieathers. DontY be an old. woman at 36 .. O WATCH YOUR STEPI Millitons of women have *covereci the. -secret of Ico.plng young ... by Ing their. stop! Thoy lnow oa go Is often causodl by shooa 1hat torture the feet until protesttng bones end nerves are mirrored, inti tred, g,.ltned faces ... They've ieorped the lif- feronce Arch 9f.servers can maice ln their health and appea.arnce ...,how .they sootho the nerves, Iry o a pir of Arch Preservers ...At their loIw, SHOE 626 Church St.,, Evanston Greenleaf 9719 Un heard of Valu es bFine Photog-raphs, 4 Fine 36x8 Photoôgrephs Portraits In Folder S 1ite IxIS ln Folder S4ise Sut2 la 10141er S4itee 1X14 $5.00 $5.00 $8.00 Best Value la Foider Sixe iili Wilmetfe 2526 lis- 1 h.e Mark of Excellence~